THose weer great videos. I loved the "Filming in Chicago" segment (since it brought back memories, and why not?

I had no idea they did a lot there. It's gonna be amazing to see on the screen.
And Munch, if you're jealous that I got to see some filming, imagine how jealous I was that my pharmacy school friend happened to live in the high rise apartment that was blocks away from where they were shooting every night!!
He would call me on school nights saying he saw this, or tell me that he heard an explosion coming home from the coffee shop he studied at. He'd see the helicopters filming over Chicago river. He saw the 18 wheeler flip on La Salle Street(which was 2 streets over from his apartment and is where the building that stands for Wayne Enterprises is).
On the day of the marching scene where he and I went to watch them film, we passed the set of Wanted, and I was like, "Oh, it's just the Angelina Jolie movie". I was more excited about Batman, I guess