I too have seen the latest Batman flick, and I agree with 90% of this thread. The part I have a problem with is all that comparison crap. Is this one better that that one stuff. Am I the only one that was delighted to see the original Batman movie? I think it's unfair to compare one persons take on Batman to another. Tim Burton had his ideas about Batman as does Chris Nolan. I think Bats 1 had a better Gotham City then BB and TDK. BB and TDK are grounded in reality, while Bats 1 had a more fantasy feel about it. Please don't get me wrong, I love TDK and BB, but I think there's room out there for more then one interpertation of Batman.
In the comic world there are several artists that have drawn Batman over the years, and put there own spin on it. You cann't say Jim Lee is a better artist that Neal Adams or Alex Ross. They are all great, but in there own way. You can have a favorite, but that doesn't mean the others are not good. The same holds true of the Batman movies. I don't think Tim Burton or even Joel Schumacher set out to make a poor movie. There's to much money at stake. And remember that with out Burton's Batman and that movie's huge box office there wouldn't have been enough interest to allow for a Batman franchise at all.
Just don't be to quick to point a finger and judge another artists presentation just because it dosen't please you. We will all have our favorites and thats how it should be.
Grandpa always know best