"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Someone on the SHH forum posted a picture of the cake you can pick up. On the outside is a phone number and inside the cake is a package with what looks like a cell phone, a card and a charger.

"The note says "Wow, you really took the cake! Now, put the icing on it: call (phone number) immediately from this phone and THIS PHONE ONLY. Do NOT give this phone number to anyone else.

Let's hope your fellow goons come through as well as you. Once all the layers are in place, you'll all get your just desserts. I'm a man of my word"

UPDATE: Upon calling the number you get a voicemail that says "Thank you for calling clowns for hire! Now we know who you are!"

You then get a text message from human resources saying "Good work, clown! Keep this phone charged and with you at all times. Don't call me, I'll call you...eventually."

This link goes to that forum board if you want to see the pictures. Credit goes to BatSean at SHH forum!
I really wish they would have stuck a cake in Northern California, I'd leave work and pick it up!
1 more to go.

Damn, for a minute there I thought the last location was in "St. Louis", I was about to toss the kids in the car and go for a little trip downtown. :monkey5

I'm loving the marketing for this film. Can you imagine being one of the folks who found a cake and cell phone for this task? Talk about a cool collectible.
Damn it. Someone got San Francisco before I could. I saw it on there, mapquested the address but right when I checked it was already gone. :monkey2
So MN is the new Alberque huh? Honestly, isn't Salt Lake a bigger known city than some of those others? If there was a SLC cake, I would have claimed in already. :rolleyes:

I really don't think this task was very fair because there wasn't even one per state! The closest to me were Denver, Phoenix, and Las Vegas. I have relatives in Phoenix and Vegas, but by the time I would have been able to get them up to speed, they would have been gone and think I'm crazy(ier).
Well, suposedly they will be having a regular trailer for The Dark Knight with I Am Legend in the regular theaters and then the 7-minute preview at IAL screenings in IMAX theaters.

Plus select theaters with free showings of the Prolouge.

Captures the spirit of the film, don't ya think? The Joker is clearly out of his mind, what is playful to him is in direct opposition to what is rational to the normal person.

WB is doing a superb marketing job here...
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Man, if I were still living in Chicago I'd so get the free tickets to the Navy Pier IMAX!
That poster looks awesome, I am really excited for this movie!
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