"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I don't think these are spoilerish -

Scroll down to middle of page for video - https://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/1574035/story.jhtml

And here - https://www.latinoreview.com/news/exclusive-heath-ledger-on-playing-the-joker-3297

Excerpt from NY Times -

It is a physically and mentally draining role - his Joker is a "psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy" he said cheerfully - and, as often happens when he throws himself into a part, he is not sleeping much.

He carries his interests around with him, and his kitchen table was awash in objects: a chess set, assorted books, various empty glasses, items of clothing. Here too was his Joker diary, which he began compiling four months before filming began. It is filled with images and thoughts helpful to the Joker back story, like a list of things the Joker would find funny. (AIDS is one of them.) Mr. Ledger seemed almost embarrassed that the book had been spotted, as if he had been caught trying to get extra credit in school.


Wow.... Man, if I didn't already know Ledger was playing the part I would never recognize him from these recent photos. He's really transformed himself, I can't wait to see him in motion.
This upcoming Batman movie should be interesting....we'll have to wait and see...:cool:
I sent out the 4 (of the 6) papers to the people who have made me laugh so far. So you remaining two, get cracking. :D
OK, an oldie but a goodie which I have "Jokerized."

The Joker is walking on a beach and comes across a girl with no arms and no legs and she's crying. He asks, "Why are you crying my sweet?" to which the woman replies "I have never been hugged before." The Joker replies "There there my dear" leans over and hugs her and goes about his business.

Upon returning he finds the same limbless woman, once again crying. "Darling" the Joker asks "why are you once again crying?" to which the woman replies "I have never been kissed before." He leans over, kisses her, and goes about his business.

Returning again in the same direction the Joker finds the woman in tears. "Darling we must stop meeting like this. You had never been hugged, I hugged you, you had never been kissed so I kissed you. Why do you still cry?" The woman replies "I have never been *****ed before." The Joker then proceeds to lift the woman into his arms, carries her down to the ocean and throws her in yelling "There - now you're *****ed!!"

Very good Darth Rage, very good. Did you figure out today's Joker tasks because I have no idea what to do?

:lol Joke by the way. There was someone else that wanted a paper and I haven't seen the post since so you can have theirs. PM your address and and PayPal me $1 and The Gotham Times is yours. :D

Pjam, just one more attept and I'll let you have your paper too, but please no more Adam West jokes :lol
:lol Pjam PM me your address and PayPal me $1 for shipping (I'll give it to you in my reply to your PM). I'll get both your's and Darth Rage's out on Monday.
Well, I have to say that I'm starting to warm up to this project a bit more. I still think they are missing the mark with the Joker, but I'm too big of a Bat-fan to pass this movie by.

Maybe I've been spoiled. My vision of the character has always seemed to mesh perfectly with Paul Dini's take on him (both in the animated series and more recently in Detective), but I'm trying to have a more open mind to what we're getting next year.
:lol Pjam PM me your address and PayPal me $1 for shipping (I'll give it to you in my reply to your PM). I'll get both your's and Darth Rage's out on Monday.

Glad you got a chuckle out of this one, Bm. :lol

PM Sent!
I don't care much for the new Batsuit but the only thing I don't like about the Joker's look is the black around the eyes. Less black or none at all would have been better.
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