"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I saw IAL in Imax today. The prologue was amazing. There is a shot of a zipline, and it made me a bit queezy becauase of the massive screen. Loved it! Better than IAL, but I thought IAL wasn't bad either.

Can't wait for tomorrow's High-Def Trailer to be online! :D
I saw IAL in Imax today. The prologue was amazing. There is a shot of a zipline, and it made me a bit queezy becauase of the massive screen. Loved it! Better than IAL, but I thought IAL wasn't bad either.

Can't wait for tomorrow's High-Def Trailer to be online! :D

Watched IAL today too and enjoyed it except for-- well I'll save the spoilers. The Dark Knight trailer was very intriguing and I liked what I saw of Heath Ledger's Joker. Looking forward to '08.:D
I saw IAL in the regular theater tonight and it was ok. Not that great of a movie. I think I may have to sit through it again just to watch the Batman stuff in IMAX(yes, I'm that much of a Bat-freak:lol)

For those of you that have seen it, are you ready for 5/15/2009?????? Did you guys see what movie was coming out that day? The one we've been waiting for! The Batman/Superman movie!!!! It was awesome seeing the Superman 'S' placed over the Bat signal. It gave me more goosebumps than anything else in IAL :)
For those of you that have seen it, are you ready for 5/15/2009?????? Did you guys see what movie was coming out that day? The one we've been waiting for! The Batman/Superman movie!!!! It was awesome seeing the Superman 'S' placed over the Bat signal. It gave me more goosebumps than anything else in IAL :)

You ARE joking right? They are gonna do Justice League AND Batman/Superman? Probably use different actors for B/S too if true.
No, it was an in-joke in the movie. Will Smith is in deserted Times Square and there is a big promotional banner for the upcoming Batman/Superman movie which the world never got to see because of the virus.

The effects used to realize an abandoned NYC were amazing and totally believable. The same can't be said of the effects used for the villains. Killed any potential scariness to have very obviously CGI baddies chasing him around...
Yeah, it was totally made up for the movie. I didn't mean to make my comment sound so serious. Why so serious? :)
No, it was an in-joke in the movie. Will Smith is in deserted Times Square and there is a big promotional banner for the upcoming Batman/Superman movie which the world never got to see because of the virus.

The effects used to realize an abandoned NYC were amazing and totally believable. The same can't be said of the effects used for the villains. Killed any potential scariness to have very obviously CGI baddies chasing him around...

Thank the lord for that one. :lol Never know what studios will do anymore when it comes to movie releases. Anyway.. I think Im more annoyed at the fact that instead of vampires we basically get zombies in the flick. Maybe 30DoN had something to do with it, I dunno. I'll probably catch this after the first of the year in Imax.
Begins was always the best because Nolan knows the number one rule of comic books and comic based movies, you DON'T KILL OFF YOUR VILLAINS! He didn't kill off Scarecrow where as they killed off Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Harry, Venom-maybe. And it's not like in X-Men were Cyclops was off screen, Jean can come back and the Prof has an Identical (non comic based I think) twin. Even then X3 killed their fair share. So for me Begins was always number 1 once I saw it and I can't wait to see if Knight can replace it.

PS- it probably will.

So are you saying you didn't like Spider-Man 2?

I would be with you on the whole killing people but Marvel and DC would disagree. I mean it isn't like any major characters have ever died before like Superman or Captain America.
There really is only one rule for comic books:

No one stays dead except for Bucky, Uncle Ben and Jason Todd.

Wait a minute...
I saw IAL in Imax today. The prologue was amazing. There is a shot of a zipline, and it made me a bit queezy becauase of the massive screen. Loved it! Better than IAL, but I thought IAL wasn't bad either.

Can't wait for tomorrow's High-Def Trailer to be online! :D

:monkey2:monkey2 I was supposed to see this at Imax today, but the projector was broken. Had to see it in a regular theater so we didn't get the short on the Joker.....just the regular trailer. Well I really liked IAL a lot! So I will probably go see it again on Imax when they get things fixed.
omg!! saw I am legend, it was good.. but the highlight of the whole day was the dark knight trailer!! btw saw enchanted too, thought it was better than legend.
So are you saying you didn't like Spider-Man 2?

I would be with you on the whole killing people but Marvel and DC would disagree. I mean it isn't like any major characters have ever died before like Superman or Captain America.
There really is only one rule for comic books:

No one stays dead except for Bucky, Uncle Ben and Jason Todd.

Wait a minute...

Spider Man 2 was probably the best of the 3, but still annoyed me that they killed off Doc Ock. Don't get me wrong, fantastic death, but now how will I get my Sinister Six movie? The deaths in the movie seem to be PERMA-DEATHS unlike in the comics where there's always a chance.
Spider Man 2 was probably the best of the 3, but still annoyed me that they killed off Doc Ock. Don't get me wrong, fantastic death, but now how will I get my Sinister Six movie? The deaths in the movie seem to be PERMA-DEATHS unlike in the comics where there's always a chance.

It's like a Soap Opera, no one stays dead. I think Spider-Man 6 would be great if it was the Sinister Six.
How about Kraven the Hunter and the Scorpion for Spider-Man 4? Gerard Butler could play Sergei Kravenhoff.
Anyone know where I can find the IAL trailer on the net now? I know it'll load tomorrow officially but WB is shutting down every leaked trailer all over the place.
I saw IAL in the regular theater tonight and it was ok. Not that great of a movie. I think I may have to sit through it again just to watch the Batman stuff in IMAX(yes, I'm that much of a Bat-freak:lol)

For those of you that have seen it, are you ready for 5/15/2009?????? Did you guys see what movie was coming out that day? The one we've been waiting for! The Batman/Superman movie!!!! It was awesome seeing the Superman 'S' placed over the Bat signal. It gave me more goosebumps than anything else in IAL :)

There was also a Green Lantern movie poster in the video store. Guess that Green Lantern movie will be out REALLY soon then? :lol Also the gas prices were hilarious because it is so true!
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I'm really looking foward to this. The trailer gets me more pumped with each viewing. I still don't know what to make of Ledger's Joker though. Mr. J is by far my favorite Batman character, and BATMAN '89 is one of my all time favorite films, so I will have to wait until Summer '08 to pass judgement.

I will say his vocal performance and body type seem perfect for the character! The only things really throwing me off are the sloppy make-up and the long hair. Still, I'm glad to see that Nolan kept the classic purple suit.

One thing that is really getting me more excited is the film's bluish-look. I really didn't care for the brown and tan phtography and marketing of BEGINS. To me, Gotham should be painted in shades of gray and blue, like the first two Burton films, which I felt captured Batman's world perfectly. Also, I like how it will also visually set this film apart from BEGINS. I wonder if the third Nolan film's photography will feature a different color tint?

Either way, I'm still praying Hot Toys comes out with a great 12" Joker to go with my Clark Kent and my upcoming Jor-El! Unfortunately, I don't have a Batman, so I'm hoping HT redoes one in the BEGINS suit (I REALLY dislike the new one. It's like a crappy Shumacher design, but without the nipples.) Or I could pay a little more for the Takara one. Or Hot Toys could make a definitive, licensed 12" Keaton figure. THEN, I wouldn't have any need for a Bale-Bats.:chew
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