"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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On another note, the trailer shows mostly what they shot in Chicago over the summer. So the next trailer that comes out will most likely feature the Hong Kong footage since they wrapped up filming there a month or two ago. I didn't follow the Hong Kong shoot, so that will be great to see!
Yet another, awesome Why So Serious poster with the Joker!


Reminds me of the Dead. :drool Zombie Joker! :lol
Man, that's about 5 posters in 2 weeks. All those, and the trailers... they're really advertising the crap outta this right now.
The poster with the hand on the shower door isn't real, someone on SHH made it.

EDIT ::: wow, the trailer is so awesome in HQ.
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Those of you with Quicktime and the disk space and net speed, I suggest downloading the high-end download, HD picture, STUNNING!!!
Here are some screen grabs of shots that really stood out to me. I love how the c'mon hit me part is similar to the showdown between Batman and Joker in Burton's film, I wonder if since this is another film of the 2 together, we'll see other nods from Nolan to his predecessor.










The music got a bad rap in the first movie (I loved it). But man in the trailer it's even more better.

Over 7 months. :monkey2

The music got a bad rap in the first movie (I loved it). But man in the trailer it's even more better.

Over 7 months. :monkey2

Love Hans Zimmer. You can't go wrong with him (also did all 3 Pirates soundtracks).

I have that same switchblade Joker uses. Strange.

I'd love to get a hold of that Batpod. So awesome.
I have correct the previous comment above. Han Zimmer did the last two POTC soundtracks but the man who created most of the original and iconic songs from the POTC series as well as craft the entire soundtrack for CofBP was Klaus Badelt. Hans did do the soundtracks for Gladiator and Pearl Harbor though...
I have correct the previous comment above. Han Zimmer did the last two POTC soundtracks but the man who created most of the original and iconic songs from the POTC series as well as craft the entire soundtrack for CofBP was Klaus Badelt. Hans did do the soundtracks for Gladiator and Pearl Harbor though...

Incorrect. Hans was heavily involved with the first. And, yes, Klaus was involved as well, since his name is on the front of the soundtrack. :D
Yup, Zimmer's score really worked well for Begins, I have the full soundtrack it's one of my favorites. Every piece works well for the tone of the scenes and his fight music is great, it's a subtle background element that subliminally draws you in further to what you're watching. There are 3 musical moments I love in Begins; 1) Bruce and Duckard training on the ice with swords, listen carefully next time you watch the movie, it's really good, 2) there's a moody, down melody that's used throughout the film, sort of like Bruce and Rachel's theme, it's very clear when she confronts him at the end at the burnt ashes of his house, and 3) the fight music when Batman takes on Raz on the train, great stuff.

Does anyone know if Zimmer's been confirmed for TDK?
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