I'll never forget when I got my Batman Tumbler. I live in Canada and bought it from a dude in Hawaii (mint, sealed in shipper box). It was too expensive to ship to Canada so I had him ship it to Buffalo at a Fed Ex store located in a strip mall. I live near Toronto so it was about an hour drive. When it finally arrived, I called in sick the next morning and drove at the break of dawn to cross the border and get to the Fed Ex place just when it opened. This was in the winter, by the way. When I got there, it took about twenty minutes to get the huge box in my two door sports car. I had to cram my driver seat and the passenger seat as far up as possible to get the box to fit in the car. It was so stuffed in there that I couldn't see through the back window. Luckily no cop on the US side pulled me over as I made my way back to the border. When I got to the border, the border guard immediately told me to pull into the inspection area to see what the hell was in the box. I walk in and the place is empty save for the four other guards working there who are having their morning coffees and donuts at the start of their shift. I try to explain to them that I have a huge Batman toy in my car that's a one sixth scale version of the Tumbler from the movie. They couldn't get their minds around what I was describing to them. I tried to explain further, and they told me to shut up and and to get the **** out of there. I asked them what I should say to the guard, and they told me to tell him not to send anyone else over until they finish their morning breakfast routine. So I get back in my car, cross the border back into Canada, and head home. It was a bitch getting the box inside the house and up the stairs to my den, but mission accomplished, odyssey over. Easily one of the best days of my life. Freakin' Hot Toys, man.