The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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That's a half-truth. It's generally harder to brainwash someone past a certain age. Children are highly subjective to the technique though.

Still, I'd imagine you would have to like something well enough to sit through it over and over again, assuming someone isn't holding a gun to your head. :lol

Even as a kid, I would have made my decision the first time around, and the rest would have reinforced it. If I harbored mild dislike for it, by the last time, I would despise it.

Holding a gun to my head would only make it worse. There is nothing in my character that would permit me to genuinely appreciate it, simply because my life was threatened.

So, yeah. What you said.
That's a half-truth. It's generally harder to brainwash someone past a certain age. Children are highly subjective to the technique though.

Still, I'd imagine you would have to like something well enough to sit through it over and over again, assuming someone isn't holding a gun to your head. :lol

HUH?? Do you have kids? :rotfl

I need statistics to back up this outlandish suggestion..and reasons why after 9 years of bribing, punishments, jedi mind tricks and time outs, my daughter's room remains a daily mess.

On topic...yea...TDKR was good.
I've watched movies I hated, gave it a second go, and it was incredibly better.

Depends on the mood. I thought John Carter was the most boring pile of **** I saw this year. Then I saw it again a few days later, and ended up not being so bad. It just took some getting used to what it was.

But then again, if I HATE a movie, like i'm pissed as hell when I come out of the theater, i'll never watch it again. No matter what fanboys tell me.
I've watched movies I hated, gave it a second go, and it was incredibly better.

Depends on the mood. I thought John Carter was the most boring pile of **** I saw this year. Then I saw it again a few days later, and ended up not being so bad. It just took some getting used to what it was.

But then again, if I HATE a movie, like i'm pissed as hell when I come out of the theater, i'll never watch it again. No matter what fanboys tell me.

I watched TDK on 3 different occasions and still didn't like it. actually the 3rd time, I didn't finish watching it
Even as a kid, I would have made my decision the first time around, and the rest would have reinforced it. If I harbored mild dislike for it, by the last time, I would despise it.

Holding a gun to my head would only make it worse. There is nothing in my character that would permit me to genuinely appreciate it, simply because my life was threatened.

So, yeah. What you said.

Yeah, I'm the same - my first impressions are pretty much always just accentuated on further viewings
HUH?? Do you have kids? :rotfl

I need statistics to back up this outlandish suggestion..and reasons why after 9 years of bribing, punishments, jedi mind tricks and time outs, my daughter's room remains a daily mess.

On topic...yea...TDKR was good.
Children are extremely impressionable. If you don't think brainwashing goes on in children, well... then you are brainwashed. :lol

When being presenting with something over and over and over untill you love it, is called brainwashing.

Who brainwashed me? No one forced me to like it or to even see it again. Perhaps the word "hate" was a bit strong. There are many movies I was excited to see I felt "wrong" about after leaving. TDKR, Indy IV, and Spidey 3 are all good examples. I knew I'd need to see them again to get an accurate idea of my true feelings.

When I rewatched Spidey 3, I realized I hated it. I have never watched it a third time. When I rewatched Indy IV, I realized its not horrible but nothing nearly as special as the first three. There are moments i love and moments i hate. I have seen it half a dozen times since it came out. When I rewatched TDKR, I understood the direction Nolan went with the films and realized that both of Bruce's retirements fit the context of his film series despite going against the character I expected to see from the comics.

I think it's possible to see a movie and think you love it only to realize it doesn't hold up after repeated viewings. Then there are movies you can't get through, they bore you out of your mind, and then when you see them again with an open mind you realize how amazing of a film it is.
Sadly, due to scheduling conflicts, I was not able to experience it in IMAX this time around. :monkey2 Do you folks think there'll be a re-release at some point?
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