The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Person who watches Avengers without seeing Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Cap, Hulk and doesn't get the big deal about Coulson - got himself to blame.

Person who watches all of the above and doesn't get the big deal about Coulson - Doesn't got himself to blame.


Back to TDKR - you can actually watch The Dark Knight Reborn NOW if you've preordered through Best Buy. It seems its just an internet streaming add-on... and in fact you can purchase it on its own for $14.99 (ludicrous). I tried, it won't let me since I don't have a US zip code :(:(:(

No comprende, because most people liked Coulson, AND The Avengers.... :lol
See, you're taking it like it's an insult. It's not. It's just being subjective.

Maybe Moonrise Kingdom, for all intensive purposes is the best movie made in the last 5 years. I don't see it. Wes Anderson's style doesn't jive with me.'s my fault the movie doesn't work for me. :lol
Although I think you could definitely give reason to point at TDKR as the weak link of the chain in the trilogy, its not like it went full SM 3 or something. I enjoyed it quite a bit and would've nerdgasm'd if they'd shown ********* in a Nightwing costume after the credits. :lol
See, you're taking it like it's an insult. It's not. It's just being subjective.

Maybe Moonrise Kingdom, for all intensive purposes is the best movie made in the last 5 years. I don't see it. Wes Anderson's style doesn't jive with me.'s my fault the movie doesn't work for me. :lol

I think whatever point that was trying to be made here has been long lost :lol

I'm not taking it as an insult, just stating fact - Coulson's death did nothing for me. :dunno
And I can pinpoint why - to me he came across as a generic character of little importance in the scheme of things. It's not because I disliked the character

For example
As much as I disliked the Rachel character in the Nolan films (the weakest aspect of the trilogy IMO), I felt what Nolan intended the audience to feel upon her death because her importance to Bruce was clear. He saw her as his one hope for a normal life.
And that made his character even more lulz

Who cares that he died? They never built much of an attachment between him and the other Avengers except maybe Cap.

That whole pot point fell flat for me

Not surprised given you don't remember Iron Man 2 and Thor but can tell what Nolan ate the night before with one sniff of his chonies. :lol
Iron Man 2 is forgettable. The only good scene is the Iron Man/War Machine final battle.

Thor I remember just fine, actually I might even rate it above Avengers, slightly
I enjoy all of the Marvel films. I can agree that IM2 was the weakest, but, on the whole, Coulson was awesome. I actually am glad that he'll be returning in S.H.I.E.L.D, and I really hope that it takes place in the present, and not the past. On a side note, I want to PO TDKR from Target (if BB doesn't sell the doc separately, I'll look to eBay; hopefully, though, we get it in the UCE), but I need to know, is the cover a lenticular, or are there two different covers, and, if the latter, can someone provide me with a link to the Batman cover (U.S.)? Suffice it to say, if any of my UK Steelbook collectors would want one from BB (without the doc:lol), I'd be happy to work something out.
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