The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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What the heck is your problem Maglor? I just gave you what you wanted, evidence that the time frame is short and you get all upset?


That still makes little sense. Why try to be scary to someone who literally busted your ass and has proven the parlor tricks are ineffective? :lol

As for the Badman vid, yeah, that was 1000x better than what we got. And Badman didn't even quit! :lol

Because it's a different story when the guy's in excruciating pain and just wants someone to plug his tubes back up. Screaming at him just heightens the effect. He doesn't want some guy screaming in his face while he's dying. He just wants the dude to shut up and plug him back in.:lol
What the heck is your problem Maglor? I just gave you what you wanted, evidence that the time frame is short and you get all upset?


Sorry, for the confusion. Yes, you did do that. And you may be right. I have no response to that post, as I'm not sure it's totally accurate. I will be watching TDK again this week, so I will have a better sense of time then.

Anyway that's not the post I "quoted". (You can click the little green diamond to be taken to the quote...)

I was referring to this one:

And I just pulled up "Do I look like a Cop" from Begins. No way in hell is that as bad as his performance in TDKR.

You watch Begins, hear his voice, especially when he's talking about "rattling the cages" to Rachel and it's BATMAN. With TDKR it's like Bale, trying to be Batman, like a parody of himself.

That's not just a bias
, the difference between Begins and TDKR in terms of Batman performance is like night and day. He's bad in TDK, especially his final exchange with the Joker, but TDKR surpasses it in silliness, not just with "WHERE IZ DA TRIGGER". Anybody that turns a blind eye to it and defends it, despite the countless parodies and posts, is biased.

If that's pure rage and anger, well damn, I'll be. Yelling is all fine and good, but I think we all learned, you don't yell and scream to get what you want. Bale as Batman gets progressively worse as the series continues. Definitely not saying he's the worst or bad, just saying his TDKR Batman is crap.

In other words, when you have an opinion it's not biased, but if someone else has a different opinion, that is biased.
Sorry, for the confusion. Yes, you did do that. And you may be right. I have no response to that post, as I'm not sure it's totally accurate. I will be watching TDK again this week, so I will have a better sense of time then.

Anyway that's not the post I "quoted". (You can click the little green diamond to be taken to the quote...)

I was referring to this one:

In other words, when you have an opinion it's not biased, but if someone else has a different opinion, that is biased.

He has a point though. I see some people here using the same methods they used to condemn Burton's Batman to defend Nolan's. :lol
Sorry, for the confusion. Yes, you did do that. And you may be right. I have no response to that post, as I'm not sure it's totally accurate. I will be watching TDK again this week, so I will have a better sense of time then.

Anyway that's not the post I "quoted". (You can click the little green diamond to be taken to the quote...)

Alright I got you, I thought you meant my first reply.

I do think it's true though, I don't see how anyone could take his performance, as Batman in TDKR, 100% serious. What conviction is there? Outside the Batsuit, yes, I can see it. Even though I don't agree with the writing or what Nolan and Co. did, Bale sold a hurt Bruce Wayne as a cripple, a weak man and then climbing out of the pit. That's not bad, not bad at all. In no way am I implying that "Bale is teh suck". I love his Batman/Bruce Wayne (in the first two films anyway).

In the suit though? Yeah, I don't think he was in it. I can't possibly see how anyone could sit there and say that was good, especially when you look at previous films. He looks and sounds silly in the thing. Didn't Bale even say he felt silly when he was shooting this last one? I'm sure he did. Gotta remember he's playing the character for a third time, I don't see how anyone's heart could truly be in it again it must be hard to do. In interviews Keaton had that problem with Batman but overcame it. Ian McKellen has mentioned that problem for his roles as Gandalf.

It's just like I couldn't see anyone defending Cotillard's horrible performance as Talia. Is it biased to say, "man, her acting sucked in it" or "man, that death scene is awful". Is that opinion? I mean it's truly bad. We see countless, countless parodies of these things and other people responding to them in a humorous way, are these performances good? When I see comments in defense to them, I don't know, it doesn't seem like anyone wants to call a spade a spade.
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Yeah, that's all opinion. And just because someone does a parody, doesn't change that.

[edit] just saw wofford's post. :lol
Okay, so, Maglor, Void, Wofford, etc. you know, the usual suspects.

You guys actually buy and believe in Batman as he appears in TDKR? Actually, I know Void does but I just want to make sure. You guys never chuckled, nothing? You really saw a strong, serious, threatening and intimidating character that you could believe in?

Wofford, I seem to have a grasp on your tastes, you were totally invested in Bale's performance as Batman, in the suit? You never once thought, "what the **** is this"?

I just can't wrap my mind around it. From the awkward, back head tilted shots (never really once utilizing the fact that he can turn his head), to the "I can't breath through my nose" mouth, to the grating, over the top cancer voice, I don't see how anyone could possibly take that Batman seriously. Yeah, that's why there's parodies of it all across the board and people ripping it, IT'S bad.

People have made jokes and countless fun parodies of the nipples and the neon on the bat suits from the Schumacher films for years, are those things good?
I literally never had a problem with his voice from the beginning. I never had a problem making out anything he said in any film. I never had a problem with the delivery of any of his lines. There are millions of parodies about anything you want to search but that doesn't correlate with quality. Surely you're familiar with the quote that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
Alright then, I'll shut up. I guess it is just opinion.

Of course I don't mean that one parody equals, "OH MAN, THIS IS A JOKE", (how many parodies or criticisms are there against Daniel Plainview, other than "drink your milkshake", which is only funny out of context) but it just seems like all across the board (not message board), from person to person, from website to website, people think that this latest Batman performance is a joke. I won't say majority, I can't back that up, and I won't give some lame reasoning like "oh, everyone laughed at my showing when he was on screen", but I definitely feel like Batman became a buffoon by the third film. I wish I did feel what I assume you're supposed to feel, "oh damn, he's gone, no more of that Batman", since this series has ended, I just can't feel that way though. In reality, "that" Batman ended a few years ago. :SOB: :TEAR:

Nah, I jest.

I literally never had a problem with his voice from the beginning. I never had a problem making out anything he said in any film. I never had a problem with the delivery of any of his lines. There are millions of parodies about anything you want to search but that doesn't correlate with quality. Surely you're familiar with the quote that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Same for me except in TDK I found 'I'm not wearing hockey pads' sounded ridiculous especially the first time I heard it.

TDKR voice I never had a problem with, its toned down from TDK. And the 'where is the trigger' part is one of my favourite bits of the film. To me it sold all the anger and pain built up inside Bruce while he was in the pit

I love the parodies I think they're hilarious but I don't think the performance was lacking.
Okay, so, Maglor, Void, Wofford, etc. you know, the usual suspects.

You guys actually buy and believe in Batman as he appears in TDKR? Actually, I know Void does but I just want to make sure. You guys never chuckled, nothing? You really saw a strong, serious, threatening and intimidating character that you could believe in?

Wofford, I seem to have a grasp on your tastes, you were totally invested in Bale's performance as Batman, in the suit? You never once thought, "what the **** is this"?

I just can't wrap my mind around it. From the awkward, back head tilted shots (never really once utilizing the fact that he can turn his head), to the "I can't breath through my nose" mouth, to the grating, over the top cancer voice, I don't see how anyone could possibly take that Batman seriously. Yeah, that's why there's parodies of it all across the board and people ripping it, IT'S bad.

People have made jokes and countless fun parodies of the nipples and the neon on the bat suits from the Schumacher films for years, are those things good?

Just to put things in perspective, you're questioning the taste of people who think this is Oscar-worthy:

Okay, so, Maglor, Void, Wofford, etc. you know, the usual suspects.

You guys actually buy and believe in Batman as he appears in TDKR? Actually, I know Void does but I just want to make sure. You guys never chuckled, nothing? You really saw a strong, serious, threatening and intimidating character that you could believe in?

Yes. 100%. Never chuckled or rolled my eyes once. Never was distracted by any of the things you are picking at. At all.

The movie is moving. Bruce Wayne and Batman are believable.

You can't comprehend that, and I can't comprehend how you can't love this movie. End of.
Fair enough!

I don't believe you that he's actually a good Batman in TDKR. Not calling you a liar. Maybe denial of some kind?
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Same for me except in TDK I found 'I'm not wearing hockey pads' sounded ridiculous especially the first time I heard it.

TDKR voice I never had a problem with, its toned down from TDK. And the 'where is the trigger' part is one of my favourite bits of the film. To me it sold all the anger and pain built up inside Bruce while he was in the pit

I love the parodies I think they're hilarious but I don't think the performance was lacking.

Id like to add exhaustion and desperation to that description.
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