The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I said Darth Vader. As in all of ROTJ and most of ANH. Versus two minutes for Bane, who subsequently un-neutered himself by immediately defying Talia's last order.
I said Darth Vader. As in all of ROTJ and most of ANH. Versus two minutes for Bane, who subsequenly un-neutered himself by immediately defying Talia's last order.

Last I checked Bane's story wasn't a father-son story. It was a pedo-child story and his badass origin was actually the child's. Not sure what point you're trying to make. :lol
I haven't seen you complaining about Darth Vader being a total ***** in any SW threads.

Vader is kind of a ***** in Star Wars. He's on Tarkin's leash after all.

He's a beast in Empire Strikes Back.

In ROTJ he's not too bad. Yeah, the Emperor orders him around, but Vader's desire and dream is to rule the galaxy with his son at his side (until Luke keeps disappointing him). And in the end, he picks up Emperor and tosses him in his last, heroic act.

But are we really going to compare Bane to Vader (despite purposefully done similarities)? Vader, well, classic 70s, 80s Vader is in a different league. He's classic, iconic villainy, you know that Khev.

Bane is well, not. One flick, memorable for his lolz, ehhh.
Last I checked Bane's story wasn't a father-son story. It was a pedo-child story and his badass origin was actually the child's. Not sure what point you're trying to make. :lol

Of course you aren't. ANH wasn't a father/son story either. Imagine if Bane was choking someone with his fist and Talia shouted "Release him, this bickering is pointless!" And then Bane obediently relented. But funny how a more subservient Vader is touted as one of the greatest villains of all time and Bane is just a *****. :rolleyes:
Apparently he agreed with their ideology and methods even if he was shunned by the previous leader. Imagine if Vader had somehow escaped the DSII alive after Luke converted to the Dark Side and became the new Emperor right hand man. He'd still want to rule the Empire even if he despised his current situation.

I would help if we knew more about Bane I suppose. His whole motivation becomes suspect once he's revealed as Talia's....male friend. :dunno

I'm not complaining, BTW. I'm on the record liking this movie a lot. I do think your enjoyment of it depends greatly on your ability to suspend disbelief/ignore the plot holes and funky logic. I haven't been as distracted by a movie's internal logic since Transformers 3.

Also, I've only seen the movie 3 times so I'm not crazy-person familiar with every aspect.
Of course you aren't. ANH wasn't a father/son story either. Imagine if Bane was choking someone with his fist and Talia shouted "Release him, this bickering is pointless!" And then Bane obediently relented. But funny how a more subservient Vader is touted as one of the greatest villains of all time and Bane is just a *****. :rolleyes:

You're assuming I pedistal Vader. You hold Star Wars 1000x more sacred than I do. :lol Tell you what, if you can find a post from me where I say Vader's the most badass Sithlord, you'll have something to work with. :wink1:

Though, honestly, except for maybe a small handfull of members here, I'm certain Vader > Nolan's Bane. I'm sure you even agree with that and believe it yourself. :lol
And how does that change Bane being a total *****? It doesn't. :nono

Bane as a villain is completely neutered by Nolan's wannabe M. Night Shyamalamadingdong moment.

I have to say I really enjoyed the plot twist. Completely caught me by surprise...and realizing that it was Talia who was the young child in the pit..and not Bane. Didn't make me think any less of Bane...he was also very smart and had the brawn to complete certain tasks that Talia would not have been able to. They made quite a team.
You're assuming I pedistal Vader. You hold Star Wars 1000x more sacred than I do. :lol Tell you what, if you can find a post from me where I say Vader's the most badass Sithlord, you'll have something to work with. :wink1:

See that's the thing, if you're going to dismiss Bane in the same motion as Darth Vader then I'd say Nolan/Hardy did their part in creating an iconic villain that will stand the test of time. Maybe not as strongly as if he'd gotten to be the antagonist of all three films in the trilogy like Vader but even if Bane *at the minimum* is instead a Clubber Lang or a Drago then hey, those are still bad guys we love to hate over a quarter century later.

Though, honestly, except for maybe a small handfull of members here, I'm certain Vader > Nolan's Bane. I'm sure you even agree with that and believe it yourself. :lol

I'd say ANH Vader and TDKR Bane are neck and neck, with maybe Vader scraping by with just the time in history he arrived and overall importance of SW.

ESB Vader > Bane
Bane > ROTJ Vader
I have to say I really enjoyed the plot twist. Completely caught me by surprise...and realizing that it was Talia who was the young child in the pit..and not Bane. Didn't make me think any less of Bane...he was also very smart and had the brawn to complete certain tasks that Talia would not have been able to. They made quite a team.

Yeah I don't really see her taking the stock exchange with quite the same results. ;)
I have to say I really enjoyed the plot twist. Completely caught me by surprise...and realizing that it was Talia who was the young child in the pit..and not Bane. Didn't make me think any less of Bane...he was also very smart and had the brawn to complete certain tasks that Talia would not have been able to. They made quite a team.

To me, that demoted Bane to the level of B&R's Bane. He wasn't this brilliant strategist with this rich history anymore, he was a dumb, pussywhipped, crybaby meathead who'd been cockblocked to the friendzone and used for his muscles. It's part of what made that Badman skit so funny. Here you have these two that supposedly love each other and she's banging the hell out of Wayne and used her "love" to do it. :lol
Well, she probably could have just paid someone to do the stock exchange stuff quietly. Like Bane should have.
I have to say I really enjoyed the plot twist. Completely caught me by surprise...and realizing that it was Talia who was the young child in the pit..and not Bane. Didn't make me think any less of Bane...he was also very smart and had the brawn to complete certain tasks that Talia would not have been able to. They made quite a team.

It's funny too, because during your first viewing you don't notice Bane outright say he wasn't the kid who climbed out during the sewer battle.

"I didn't see the light until I was merely a man......."
Well yeah, and they could have quietly blown up Gotham without announcing that they had a nuke to the world but where's the fun in that? ;)

Totally. The stock exchange chase leads to my favorite image in the movie - Batman on the Batpod driving towards a wall of police lights. :rock

That's why I can forgive the shortcomings - the movie pays off (IMO).
What I don't get is if Talia hated her father, why not just use Bruce/Batman to kill him or be happy he did and live the rest of her life with Bane? That makes more sense than the nonsensical plot of destroying Gotham with a bomb that could've been rendered useless by Batman's EMP gun because she wanted revenge against a man who killed a man she hated. :lol
What I don't get is if Talia hated her father, why not just use Bruce/Batman to kill him or be happy he did and live the rest of her life with Bane? That makes more sense than the nonsensical plot of destroying Gotham with a bomb that could've been rendered useless by Batman's EMP gun. :lol

Bane is the leader of the LOS. He want's Gotham destroyed.

Talia, hates bruce, she didn't relize how much Ra's meant to her until after Bruce killed him. She want's to destroy Bruce's world.

Also, I doubt the EMP gun would work since the Bomb wasn't going to explode electronically, but by a chemical reaction.
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