The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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To hopefully help get this thread back on track, I have a question.

Talia was smart and rich. It seems odd to me that she would be so willing to throw her life away to destroy Gotham. Sure, I could see her sticking around if her plan went it did when Bruce returned as Batman after escaping the Pit...but was it always her intention to die in the blast? Was there ever any talk of her and/or Bane leaving Gotham before the bomb went off? It seems she would be cutting it close to the wire...running around pretending like she was trying to help locate the bomb.

And I know some people were upset with how Bane died...but to be didn't really bother me. In my opinion, Batman did defeat Bane. He was down for the count before Talia stepped in, stabbed Batman and fixed Bane's mask. Batman would have won that fight...he had figured out Bane's weakness and technically won that battle.

That is something, maybe the one thing that I really really do not get from the movie character wise. Why would she want revenge if she hated her father? that to me makes no sense, not criticizing the movie or anything but her character just made zero sense. Why want revenge if she hated her dad? and revenge about what? his death?
and why die in the process? why not just let Bane blow the place up? made absolutely zero sense really. I even understand sleeping with Bruce only to make him suffer even more. But I never really got why die in Gotham.
I think Nolan should nave never put the line about hating her father in the movie.

She loved her father. That's my guess.

no, sorry mister but she said she hated her father. She had every reason to hate him, it was because of him she ended up there and her mom ended up death, then after that he kicks out Bane the man that saved her. She totally hated her father.
Just like the old saying that goes, "you never know what you got till it's gone."

It was then that she realized her love for her father was there all along :huh

no, sorry mister but she said she hated her father. She had every reason to hate him, it was because of him she ended up there and her mom ended up death, then after that he kicks out Bane the man that saved her. She totally hated her father.

The warlord (Talia's grandfather) put her mom in the prison; not Ra's.
Just like the old saying that goes, "you never know what you got till it's gone."

It was then that she realized her love for her father was there all along :huh

The warlord (Talia's grandfather) put her mom in the prison; not Ra's.

I guess, but that feels like reaching. Specially because she could destroy Gotham and Bruce and not die. That was the part I had trouble with about her character, I understand getting revenge but die?
Like I said either Nolan shouldn't have put the hate line in there, or he should have said Talia was with Bane in completing his plan.

I know it was the warlord but still, :dunno
Have you ever heard of a suicide bomber?

yeah, That would be Bane, so Bane I get but I still don't get why she would die just for revenge.
Specially since she didn't care about the League of Shadows plan, like ZaCHw117 said if "Talia is in it for personal reasons. Bane is in it to actually fulfill Ra's plan. He actually believes in the motives, and actions of the LOS. Where Talia, doesn't." then why die with Bane and the henchmen? I understand Bane dying for the LOS plan, but I never got why Talia would die too.

Unless she didn't want to live anymore after her father died, but then again she hated him so why would she care.
I think Talia and Bane were just the thematic counterpoints to Bruce and Selina. All four could have lived handsomely anywhere else and been anywhere else when the bomb went off but for opposing reasons were willing to instead remain at ground zero to fight for their convictions. Bruce and Bane were hardcore, Selina and Talia probably would have been elsewhere in a perfect world in their minds. I would guess that like Selina, Talia had an escape route or bunker somewhere but had to forego it in lieu of seeing the bomb come to fruition.

That's my take anyway.
I think Talia and Bane were just the thematic counterpoints to Bruce and Selina. All four could have lived handsomely anywhere else and been anywhere else when the bomb went off but for opposing reasons were willing to instead remain at ground zero to fight for their convictions. Bruce and Bane were hardcore, Selina and Talia probably would have been elsewhere in a perfect world in their minds. I would guess that like Selina, Talia had an escape route or bunker somewhere but had to forego it in lieu of seeing the bomb come to fruition.

That's my take anyway.

I like that explanation, and it makes sense, but is more speculation to something that was not clear since we really don't know if she was leaving or not.
When Talia says goodbye to Bane and walks out the door, I had the impression that she did not plan to be there when the bomb went off.
Just like the old saying that goes, "you never know what you got till it's gone."

It was then that she realized her love for her father was there all along :huh

That's what I was thinking too. She hated her father...but now that he is dead..she will never be given the opportunity to make amends. No matter how much she hated him...or thought she hated him...he was her father and like most daughters, she would eventually want his love and approval.
So I rewatched again the other day, and noticed that when Batman kicked the door open to beat up Bane and rescue Tahlia, the trained mercenary couldve just shoot him at a distance. Instead he went over near Batman and try to use his shotgun as if it was a knife. :slap:lol
I got the impression that Bane was just doing it to bust out of the Phantom Friend Zone. Why would he champion an organization that cast him out because he had trench mouth?
For whatever reason, whether Talia was the mastermind or not, once you find out that Bane wasn't the child in the pit that escaped and he starts to cry, he looks like a *****. Mastermind or not, he is essentially a guard dog, or "protectah". He has the muzzle and everything and Talia's relationship with him goes way back. The plot twist butchers and kills Bane as a character. Not only that, he has one of the worst villain death scenes I have ever seen.

And yeah, she hated her father because of what he did for Bane. The "revenge" plot doesn't make sense, like Sachiel stated. How would Talia's plan come to fruition if Bruce had never escaped the pit? He would have never known that Tate was Talia, nor that he slept with the enemy, nor that she was responsible for the death of Gotham. She didn't even reveal herself to the city before Bruce came back.

She ALSO believes that Gotham isn't "innocent" so she has the same warped ideals that Ra's and Bane have, maybe even more so which gives credence to the idea that Talia is the mastermind and Bane is does the dirty work. In order for her plan to work, she has to be hidden behind the scenes. Taking over WE (that's not Bane's doing, that's Talia's), finding the location of the nuclear bomb, taking the nuclear bomb.

It's never stated, but I'm sure Talia, the REAL heir to Ra's Al Ghul is the brains of the organization. Bane is simply the brawn, her second hand man, once the plot twist occurs and he's shot away and forgotten.
So I rewatched again the other day, and noticed that when Batman kicked the door open to beat up Bane and rescue Tahlia, the trained mercenary couldve just shoot him at a distance. Instead he went over near Batman and try to use his shotgun as if it was a knife. :slap:lol

The henchman was in a bit of an awkward predicament. Bane had only given Bruce permission to be beaten with a shotgun at that point and not to die.

I got the impression that Bane was just doing it to bust out of the Phantom Friend Zone. Why would he champion an organization that cast him out because he had trench mouth?

Apparently he agreed with their ideology and methods even if he was shunned by the previous leader. Imagine if Vader had somehow escaped the DSII alive after Luke converted to the Dark Side and became the new Emperor right hand man. He'd still want to rule the Empire even if he despised his current situation.
For whatever reason, whether Talia was the mastermind or not, once you find out that Bane wasn't the child in the pit that escaped and he starts to cry, he looks like a *****. Mastermind or not, he is essentially a guard dog, or "protectah". He has the muzzle and everything and Talia's relationship with him goes way back. The plot twist butchers and kills Bane as a character. Not only that, he has one of the worst villain death scenes I have ever seen.

And yeah, she hated her father because of what he did for Bane. The "revenge" plot doesn't make sense, like Sachiel stated. How would Talia's plan come to fruition if Bruce had never escaped the pit? He would have never known that Tate was Talia, nor that he slept with the enemy, nor that she was responsible for the death of Gotham. She didn't even reveal herself to the city before Bruce came back.

She ALSO believes that Gotham isn't "innocent" so she has the same warped ideals that Ra's and Bane have, maybe even more so which gives credence to the idea that Talia is the mastermind and Bane is does the dirty work. In order for her plan to work, she has to be hidden behind the scenes. Taking over WE (that's not Bane's doing, that's Talia's), finding the location of the nuclear bomb, taking the nuclear bomb.

It's never stated, but I'm sure Talia, the REAL heir to Ra's Al Ghul is the brains of the organization. Bane is simply the brawn, her second hand man, once the plot twist occurs and he's shot away and forgotten.


It doesn't work unless it's the last part like you stated, where Bane is just a meatheadded lacky.
Obviously Bruce was meant to watch the carnage from the pit. Talia and Bane could easily have had an escape route from the blast had Batman not shown up and then they could have appeared at the pit together to both reveal herself as the mastermind and finally give Bruce permission to die.

The reveal that was probably planned for the pit instead had to be done in Gotham itself.
And how does that change Bane being a total *****? It doesn't. :nono

Bane as a villain is completely neutered by Nolan's wannabe M. Night Shyamalamadingdong moment.
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