The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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To me, that demoted Bane to the level of B&R's Bane. He wasn't this brilliant strategist with this rich history anymore, he was a dumb, pussywhipped, crybaby meathead who'd been cockblocked to the friendzone and used for his muscles. It's part of what made that Badman skit so funny. Here you have these two that supposedly love each other and she's banging the hell out of Wayne. :lol

Oh I think he was very smart. Talia may have been the one in disguise to infiltrate WE...the double agent...but Bane had much tactical knowledge. Down in the sewers you seem him going over plans. I think it was Bane that planned all the tactical movements...blowing the bridges/stadium. Talia's work was more in securing the bomb and deceiving Bruce and Fox to get all the necessary passcodes/security.

Talia could never have succeeded without Bane...though I do think Bane could have succeeded without just may have taken more time and probably required the torture or death of those close to Bruce - like Fox.

I do wish we would have gotten more back story of the Talia/Bane relationship. Just because he was not the child in the pit - doesn't make his history any less rich. Once Talia's mother had been killed - he took it upon himself to be her protector...and I think anyone that thinks he was pedo is nuts. He was her protector in that hell and practically died to save her. He comes across as such an unfeeling brute in much of the movie..killing is just a means to end. I enjoyed learning of this other side to made him more human to me.
Bane is the leader of the LOS. He want's Gotham destroyed.

Talia, hates bruce, she didn't relize how much Ra's meant to her until after Bruce killed him. She want's to destroy Bruce's world.

Also, I doubt the EMP gun would work since the Bomb wasn't going to explode electronically, but by a chemical reaction.

Fusion bomb. That takes power. No power, no fusion. Bomb rendered useless. :wink1:
It's funny too, because during your first viewing you don't notice Bane outright say he wasn't the kid who climbed out during the sewer battle.

"I didn't see the light until I was merely a man......."

Damn...I totally remember him saying that...but it never really sunk in. :lol
Haven't seen it yet. If that's a spoiler, you better get used to smoking your pot rectally. :mad:

WTF. How have you not seen Skyfall yet?

I have to say I really enjoyed the plot twist. Completely caught me by surprise...and realizing that it was Talia who was the young child in the pit..and not Bane. Didn't make me think any less of Bane...he was also very smart and had the brawn to complete certain tasks that Talia would not have been able to. They made quite a team.

Agreed. Eventhough I was 90% sure going into the film that Miranda was Talia, by the end of the film I had almost forgotten about that, so it still caught me by surprise and I think it worked really well. The flashbacks when Talia is talking to Bruce after sticking the knife into him are really well done. I really would love to see more of the backstory one day in some extended edition/deleted scenes.
I think the Talia character got short changed, maybe due to length/editing. But I'd love to see more about Bane. I don't rate him anywhere near OT Vader but frankly I enjoy him more than Ledger Joker. I guess silly voice mileage varies.
See I dont understand how Bane would want to fulfill Ra's al Ghuls destiny.

He excommunicated him. Kicked him out. Talia left LOS obviously to be with Bane.

So, daddy dies and its the old 'Oh noes, I did fallout with him but hes still my dad lets take revenge'
See I dont understand how Bane would want to fulfill Ra's al Ghuls destiny.

He excommunicated him. Kicked him out. Talia left LOS obviously to be with Bane.

So, daddy dies and its the old 'Oh noes, I did fallout with him but hes still my dad lets take revenge'

He's pussywhipped. He wants to chone Talia, so he'll do whatever she says, not knowing or realizing he's been excommunicated to the Friend Zone.
He's pussywhipped. He wants to chone Talia, so he'll do whatever she says, not knowing or realizing he's been excommunicated to the Friend Zone.

See, how old is Bane? Is he like, 12-15 years older than talia? Cant be much more than that. I dont doubt that she and him, well...... he didnt see the light until he was man, and im pretty sure he didnt see alot of other stuff until he was man too.

Otherwise its got to be the most cruel friendzoning in earth. I mean, she let Batman bone her, the arch enemy, the man who killed her father yet the guy who rescued, protected, loved and bowed to her gets chasity-belted!?
See, how old is Bane? Is he like, 12-15 years older than talia? Cant be much more than that. I dont doubt that she and him, well...... he didnt see the light until he was man, and im pretty sure he didnt see alot of other stuff until he was man too.

Otherwise its got to be the most cruel friendzoning in earth. I mean, she let Batman bone her, the arch enemy, the man who killed her father yet the guy who rescued, protected, loved and bowed to her gets chasity-belted!?

I look at it as since Bruce destroyed the LoS in BBegins, after Ra's died, Talia could very well have started it back up again, bringing Bane back into LoS.

I dont think Bane blamed Ras, maybe he understood why he excommunicated him, because Bane reminded him too much of how his wife was brutally killed. Bane respected that, possibly?

again, we dont really know because there is no official texts.

I believe your correct. I actually think the love was forbidden which is why he was excommunicated. Ra's mightve never mentioned his daughter or bane out of pain of her choosing Bane. (though lets be honest, it WILL be retconning and lazy writing!)

But none of the original league of Shadows guys are there (notably, the men in SWAT costumes) So its entirely plausable that really, Bane and talia never left LOS, I think they couldve started one in south africa or wherever they imprisoned Bruce.

I say that, because I know LOS adapt with times, I also know they are on all continents. They created the great fire of london, wall street crashes. Why not the uprising in africa, or the political unrest in Bahrain. Could be that they were exiled and continued the work on a different continent building their own members.

Ra's al ghul never dies. Whats to say Ra's death meant Talia the daughter inherited the throne? Or do they go with the 'Man must lead' like the comics?
Well, she probably could have just paid someone to do the stock exchange stuff quietly. Like Bane should have.

She's at the stock exchange (I bet even Void, Zach and the rest of the gang didn't catch that one). She's in there before Bane ever steps foot inside.

Another example of how Talia could be the leader and Bane is not.
She's at the stock exchange (I bet even Void, Zach and the rest of the gang didn't catch that one). She's in there before Bane ever steps foot inside.

Another example of how Talia could be the leader and Bane is not.

I didn't catch that - but how do you know this? Is she shown there? Or is there any dialogue that tells us this?
Yep, that be her. You caught her morphosis.

She's seen walking in. One of the "evil" self centered businessmen checks her out when he's getting his shoes shined.

She enters right before Bane and his men come in. You see her later in the crowd before "tima to goa mobile".
That's really cool I noticed that woman but never caught her face in the crowd later to see who she was

That's still consistent with my interpretation of her being the spiritual leader and Bane being the general of the army
That's really cool I noticed that woman but never caught her face in the crowd later to see who she was

That's still consistent with my interpretation of her being the spiritual leader and Bane being the general of the army

Uh.... no. :lol More like she's the commanding officer and they're the grunts.
Why the hell would the "spiritual leader" be at the Stock Exchange before **** goes down?

Wouldn't she be better in the sewers "boosting the morale" of their army?

She's there overlooking the plans to get Wayne's dough, that's why she's there. She IS the leader. If Bane messed up, the plan would have still succeeded. She's overlooking everything, hell, Bane is OUT there with their soldiers while she's in the courthouse observing everything . . . LIKE a commander or general would.

Don't you think it's something that, after being at the stock exchange, being in the board room to take over the company she meets up with Wayne at Wayne Manor.

Bane does the dirty work (and he probably killed Dagget because he was pissed at him for bad mouthing Tate) as a "mercenary", it's Talia's plan. She IS the heir of Ra's Al Ghul.
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