The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the only rule about cussing not insulting another member and not bypassing the language filter?

Those are two yes. You were cussing at Difabio and that is also not allowed. Hence the warning. You can word your argument without that part of it.
sorry for your loss.

Mourn for France! You ever think about the effect all that guano is gonna have on the Eiffel Tower? Look what it's done to this thread! What... you thought Batman was gonna settle under Notre Dame or something? Rookie! This is nu-expatriot Wayne, lover of structural expressionist architecture.:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

But thank you for your concern.

Speaking of Kingdom. Aren't we supposed to be getting a movie(animated)?

:lol< France

Hmmm... I don't know what to think about that. Could only be really bad or really good. I'd definitely watch it though.
How could even a "retired" Batman allow this to happen?
Reported. :wave

Good for you. Im sure you have nothing better in your life to report people for saying your signature explains yourself perfectly. If its offensive to you, then why put it in a signature aimed at everyone you disagree with? Exactly. Captain hypocrit at his finest!

Published. But no doubt decided upon. You're smart enough to know that main plots are done and being completed in an order, whereas elseworld stories don't have to be postponed until story arcs finish. :wink1:

Wrong. Public vote was held to determine the end of Jason todd couple of weeks before the end of ADITF. Thats why they had a panel ready where Bats says 'He lives!'. Apparently, the public did vote for Todd to live, and someone fixed the results by constantly revoting No.
Apparently, the public did vote for Todd to live, and someone fixed the results by constantly revoting No.

It was the Joker!

Very interesting read for comicbook fans and for those who like the Bat in the Sun's outstanding fan films, like Patient J, City of Scars, Seeds of Arkham.

Also it is from the interview and because of the topic it can be interesting:

FFF: I think that would be great. I would definitely like to check out footage from it. We talked Batman films previously. Batman Begins. What did you think?

fffinterviewaaronschoenke_004AS: I’ve only read maybe one or two reviews that I thought were really accurate. This movie, like the original 89 Batman, both have great style but where each one lacked is where the other had strength. I feel the best movie would be somewhere in the middle of the two. I love them both, but I have such personal feelings when it comes to the Batman that I’m a tough critic.

I have to agree with him.
After some new discussion among the moderators, it has been decided to reopen this thread.

However this is a FINAL WARNING - anyone trolling, insulting, bypassing the language filter, etc will get an infraction. No more warnings...this is it.

I hope that those who both love and dislike the film can have civil discussions and be respectful towards those with opposing views.
Wow - the thread didn't even last for a few posts without getting derailed and trolled. :( As I stated no more warnings would be given...infractions have been issued. If you don't have anything constructive to add to the movie discussion, then it would be best to leave the thread alone.

Thank you.
To hopefully help get this thread back on track, I have a question.

Talia was smart and rich. It seems odd to me that she would be so willing to throw her life away to destroy Gotham. Sure, I could see her sticking around if her plan went it did when Bruce returned as Batman after escaping the Pit...but was it always her intention to die in the blast? Was there ever any talk of her and/or Bane leaving Gotham before the bomb went off? It seems she would be cutting it close to the wire...running around pretending like she was trying to help locate the bomb.

And I know some people were upset with how Bane died...but to be didn't really bother me. In my opinion, Batman did defeat Bane. He was down for the count before Talia stepped in, stabbed Batman and fixed Bane's mask. Batman would have won that fight...he had figured out Bane's weakness and technically won that battle.
To hopefully help get this thread back on track, I have a question.

Talia was smart and rich. It seems odd to me that she would be so willing to throw her life away to destroy Gotham. Sure, I could see her sticking around if her plan went it did when Bruce returned as Batman after escaping the Pit...but was it always her intention to die in the blast? Was there ever any talk of her and/or Bane leaving Gotham before the bomb went off? It seems she would be cutting it close to the wire...running around pretending like she was trying to help locate the bomb.

And I know some people were upset with how Bane died...but to be didn't really bother me. In my opinion, Batman did defeat Bane. He was down for the count before Talia stepped in, stabbed Batman and fixed Bane's mask. Batman would have won that fight...he had figured out Bane's weakness and technically won that battle.

I'll just copy my post in the MMS bane thread:

What people get mixed up about Talia, is that she's NOT taking down Gotham for the LOS. She's doing it for revenge. She even outright states she could never forgive her father, until Bruce killed him. Talia is in it for personal reasons. Bane is in it to actually fulfill Ra's plan. He actually believes in the motives, and actions of the LOS. Where Talia, doesn't.

Bane is the leader of the LOS.

Talia uses the LOS for her personal vendetta.
Unless Talia planned to go see Bruce in the pit, he would have never known she was behind it. There was nothing showing that they planned to escape before the bomb went off.

The twist came way too late in the movie and plot points dealing with Miranda were pretty messy in the third act. She should have revealed herself to him at the pit.
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