The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I can't wait until I wake up and find out that Emma Stone and Seth Macfarlane announced how The Dark Knight Rises has been nominated for an Academy Award in every category!:yess:
Maybe if it were found Vader was secretly in love with the Emporer the whole time? :dunno

Interesting comparison though. Unlike Vader, this is one-shot appearance for Bane and unfortunately Bane's inner teddy bear(ewok?) is thrown out at exactly the wrong time when we all want to see Bane pay for all the **** he pulled in the movie... and then Catwoman comes in an knocks him out which would have felt like Leia coming in last second to shoot Vader's hand off before Luke goes full circle on his ***.

His name was "Annie;" he was a total vajay.
For whatever reason, whether Talia was the mastermind or not, once you find out that Bane wasn't the child in the pit that escaped and he starts to cry, he looks like a *****. Mastermind or not, he is essentially a guard dog, or "protectah". He has the muzzle and everything and Talia's relationship with him goes way back. The plot twist butchers and kills Bane as a character. Not only that, he has one of the worst villain death scenes I have ever seen.

And yeah, she hated her father because of what he did for Bane. The "revenge" plot doesn't make sense, like Sachiel stated. How would Talia's plan come to fruition if Bruce had never escaped the pit? He would have never known that Tate was Talia, nor that he slept with the enemy, nor that she was responsible for the death of Gotham. She didn't even reveal herself to the city before Bruce came back.

I was thinking about it and I guess the only explanation is that Talia gets out of Gotham and visits Bruce, but that is just more speculation of something that didn't happen.

It's funny too, because during your first viewing you don't notice Bane outright say he wasn't the kid who climbed out during the sewer battle.

"I didn't see the light until I was merely a man......."

I guess most people don't make the connection lol.
Maybe if it were found Vader was secretly in love with the Emporer the whole time? :dunno

Interesting comparison though. Unlike Vader, this is one-shot appearance for Bane and unfortunately Bane's inner teddy bear(ewok?) is thrown out at exactly the wrong time when we all want to see Bane pay for all the **** he pulled in the movie... and then Catwoman comes in an knocks him out which would have felt like Leia coming in last second to shoot Vader's hand off before Luke goes full circle on his ***.

picturing everything you just said is just bizarre :medic
Every person that played BATMAN morphed together.

It didnt matter to Talia how Bruce died...the plan was that Bane would destroy his soul, then he would kill him in the pit once Gotham was destroyed and Bruce saw everyone in his city die. That was Talia's revenge. I dont think she cared if Bruce knew who she was. She only cared that he suffered. Bane was the one person who could make Bruce suffer physically.

And at the end, she got to stick a knife in him. That wasnt her plan, but since she had the chance now to face him and tell him it was all her plan, she saw a beauty in it that he would now die this way.

but why sleep with Bruce? to make him suffer the loss of a woman that got close again?
I can't wait until I wake up and find out that Emma Stone and Seth Macfarlane announced how The Dark Knight Rises has been nominated for an Academy Award in every category!:yess:

Yeah... :lol If the Globes are any sign of what's to come, you'll have to keep sleeping to see that. :lol
This thread gives me a headache.

If the willfully ignorant and the ignorant by intelligent design could please separate themselves into clearly marked groups, I'd take it as a courtesy.
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He didn't trust her if you remember in the beginning. Fox & Alfred did, but Bruce didnt...She wanted access to his Renewable Energy project. She slept with him to win him over. Once he fell for her, he gave her access to the Energy project.

She tricked him into thinking she had feelings for him. He fell for it. All she wanted was the Energy project to make it into a nuclear bomb.

Problem with that is she has sex with him AFTER acquiring the bomb and Wayne Enterprises.
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