The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Any public opinion poll proves otherwise.

Academy is just being it's snobbish self. They also snubbed Kubrick and Hitchcock, now the continual snubs of Nolan just prove they still haven't got a clue.

agreed, they did it to Spielberg as well.....shows what they know !!!!
If Nolan ever gets an Academy Award, it shouldn't be for TDKR.

It was never going to be for Begins, TDK maybe though. If he had got one for TDKR I personally would have seen it as more deserved retroactively for Begins and TDK being as I am one of the people that doesn't rate TDKR all that highly.
It was never going to be for Begins, TDK maybe though. If he had got one for TDKR I personally would have seen it as more deserved retroactively for Begins and TDK being as I am one of the people that doesn't rate TDKR all that highly.

I agree with this. I didn't think Return of the King was the best LOTR movie, but I think it won so many Oscars for the whole trilogy.
Should have got it for TDK and for Inception before this year anyway. IMO neither year had better films than those. Should have been nominated at least.
Should have got it for TDK and for Inception before this year anyway. IMO neither year had better films than those. Should have been nominated at least.

history shows the best films always get the snub, he will win one further down the line for something truly average (actually is he capable!)
If Nolan ever gets an Academy Award, it shouldn't be for TDKR.

I think Memento, TDK, and Inception were all more deserving. I love TDKR, but it was more of the same from both BB and TDK. In that sense, it didn't wow me or blow me away the way his other films have. The others were more groundbreaking.

Did this get any nominations though? Because while I can see it not getting best picture, director, or screenplay there a bunch of technical categories I think it not only deserves a nomination for but could even deserve the win for.
Before this film came out I (and many others) were convinced it was going to be incredible, and it was, for me. But the majority of the rest of the film goers disagreed, it is called "a mess" "plot hole filled" "bad" "terrible" and all I can do is try to fathom how the hell this film is apparently so bad.

Nah, its just two or three disgruntled trolls on this board that want you to think that with their full scale threadcrapping. TDKR actually scored much better with critics than Les Mis, which *did* get nominated for Best Picture. Its just a snub, nothing more. Tom Hooper is in, PJ and Kathryn Bigelow (and Dark Knight films linked to real world tragedies) are out.
I don't think that TDKR was a strong enough film to consider it a snub in any major categories, but I was expecting it to at least pick up a few technical nominations (but not wins).
Which of these roles is the most memorable? I'd say they made the right choice. Of the five, Ledger's is the one most likely to still be talked about for years to come.

Josh Brolin, Milk
Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
Robert Downey Jr., Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt
Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road
Apparently Nolancom****s do. They've been rubbing Heath's sympathy Oscar in everybody's face since he won it. I'd say the shutout this year reinforces it being a sympathy Oscar.

Nope. No matter how many times you say it doesn't make it so.

I think Ledger deserved the win and I'm glad he won it. However I'm inclined to agree with Nam that it was a sympathy thing from the academy. I don't think he would have won had he not died and so much attention been brought on it. Not even sure he would have been nominated. I don't know about Nam but I don't mean that as a slight on Ledger, rather the academy itself.
I don't think that TDKR was a strong enough film to consider it a snub in any major categories, but I was expecting it to at least pick up a few technical nominations (but not wins).

I don't know. TDKR: 87% on rottentomatoes vs. Les Mis' 71%. RT isn't the end all/be all by any means but that's quite the disparity.
Which of these roles is the most memorable? I'd say they made the right choice. Of the five, Ledger's is the one most likely to still be talked about for years to come.

Josh Brolin, Milk
Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
Robert Downey Jr., Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt
Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road

Going by the history of the Academy, Brolin in Milk. However, they'd snubbed Heath for Brokeback (blatant snub giving it to Hoffman for Capote) and TDKR was the last opportunity they'd have to award him an Oscar. I'm not saying he's a horrible actor, not by any means. But he'd given far better performances than Joker and should've been awarded for those.
I think all the Batman movies have won what they should have won other than maybe a best picture nod for TDK.

- Ledger as the Joker (TDK)

- Sound editing (TDK)

- Best Art and Design Direction (Batman 1989)

And have been nominated for what they should have been nominated for,

- Best Achievement in Art Direction (TDK)

- Best Achievement in Cinematography (TDK)

- Best Achievement in Film Editing (TDK)

- Best Achievement in Makeup (TDK)

- Best Achievement in Sound Mixing (TDK)

- Best Achievement in Visual Effects (TDK)

- Best Achievement in Cinematography (Batman Begins)

- Best Effects, Visual Effects (Batman Returns)

- Best Makeup (Batman Returns)

No more, no less. I think Ledger deserved to win, whether it was a "sympathy vote" or not. Not that there's any evidence for or against that. Who knows. The Joker was definitely the most memorable thing for me that year.

And even then, **** the oscars. I haven't cared about them since 2003/2004 when Return of the King won in a clean sweep. That might have been the last time I watched the show in it's entirety. That "Gondor theme" that they played each time the teams went up was epic.
I can agree with that DiFabio. Its not like I'm campaigning that TDKR should actually *win* BP this year (no way) but it would have been nice to have seen it or Skyfall or The Hobbit at least nominated as a token gesture of recognition.

I can't imagine there will ever be another opportunity for a Batman (or even possibly superhero movie) or Bond film to ever get a nomination after this year for quite some time, if ever.
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