The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I loved TDKR but in no way does it come close to deserving an Oscar nomination for BP or director. It's always clear that the stuffy judges from the Oscars pick the "artistic" type movies anyways. Les Misérables shouldn't be there either. It's alright but not all that great either. Lincoln was boring as hell and if it does win, it'll be all about flag waving patriotism (no offense intended). DDL deserves the win as best actor though.
And even then, **** the oscars. I haven't cared about them since 2003/2004 when Return of the King won in a clean sweep. That might have been the last time I watched the show in it's entirety. That "Gondor theme" that they played each time the teams went up was epic.

What year was it Halle Berry balled her eyes out on stage? what a horrid performance.
While I expected the Director/BP snub, Wally being snubbed is shocking. TDKR is the best looking film i've EVER seen.

I personally enjoyed the fact that after Pfister chose to slam the work of Seamus McGarvey on Avengers, McGarvey got a nomination this year and Pfister didn't.

I'm not saying Pfister didn't deserve a nomination, just that it was fun for me to see him left out at the Oscars in favor of the guy whose cinematography he called "appalling." I enjoy it when the tables are turned on snobs like that. I wonder if his comments played a part in how his peers voted.
But you're saying TDKR is better than a movie you haven't even seen. That's blatant and shameless hyperbole. :lol

Because TDKR is more my kinda thing that some fake glorification of discovering Osama Bin Laden which no doubt will make the Americans out as the leader of the world.

I keep my fix of this kind of thing restricted to my Unit dvd box sets. How I miss that programme.
I am surprised that TDKR didn't get a nom for BP since it was the last of the Trilogy. I don't think anything is going to beat Lincoln eitherway.
They didn't leave a slot open, a tenth film just didn't garner enough votes to cross the threshold.

Getting back to this post you're right. We tend to look at the nominees as a "Top 10 List" or 9 or whatever of the best films of the year. But it's not that. Its a list of the films that received the most *#1* votes from the Academy. So TDKR could have been ranked in *everybody's* top 5 or even 3 but if Les Mis made fewer lists but topped the lists it did make then it gets the nom over TDKR. So not necessarily a "snub" at all.

In fact based on that criteria I find it perfectly understandable that TDKR or even The Hobbit didn't get a nod. If I was a voter I wouldn't have given TDKR one of its crucial first place votes to make the line-up.
Nolan's biggest snub is still Inception for me. I think that's still his masterpiece. I love BB, TDK & TDKR to death, but Inception was groundbreaking on so many levels. Kings Speech won that year, and while it was a very good movie, Inception to me was on a whole other level.

Jeez I'd certainly have gone for Inception over The King's Speech. I know I'm biased towards sci-fi but then the academy usually discriminates against sci-fi unfairly.
Moonrise Kingdom got snubbed. That was one of my favorites this year.

Nolan's biggest snub is still Inception for me.

:lecture Look at the story Nolan had to keep togeather for Inception vs how simple this one was and TDKR feels way sloppier. When Batman spins his bike around to escape the cops, a whole motorcycle and knocked out criminal appears and dissapears shot from shot several shots in a row back and forth. It's one of the sloppiest, simple and blatant continuity errors I've seen in recent memory and it's a perfect example of how this one was just rushed through with little care.

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