The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Damn, didn't even think about THE HOBBIT.

Looks like the Academy wasn't in a hurry to allow PJ and Bigelow to garner to many repeat accolades for familiar subject matter (though ZDT at least got the big nom for Best Picture.)

Now I see that TDKR didn't get any nominations at all. That's kind of harsh, even Avengers and Snow White and the Huntsman picked up one or more. Ouch.

They could have even given Skyfall the last BP slot as a nod to its efforts. I know Moonrise Kingdom and Flight were also looked at as strong contenders, with Anna Karenina and The Master being wildcards. If any year should have filled the full 10 it was this one.
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Some people were wondering if it'd get a BP nod. It obviously wouldn't have won but based on the quality of the film, TDK not getting nominated and the notion that a BP nom would give the film more historical "importance" in the wake of the theater shooting it seemed to have a fair shot at getting recognized.
Hugh Jackman and Bradley Cooper are two names I didn't expect to see in the Best actor list. Interesting. Daniel Day Lewis is a given.

I see Sally Field is back in there. She and Tommy Lee Jones were both very good in Lincoln though I didn't rate the film itself all that high personally.

Oooh I hope Skyfall wins best original song, love that one.
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who cares about the oscars? Its not like it impacts on the enjoyment of the film. We all know it was disapointing in comparison to TDK, we all know that 90% of the soundtrack was just slight changes to TDK's and nothing truly brand new apart from Bane and Catwomans theme. Just adaptions of the previous film whereas The actual theme was built upon from BB to TDK, but there was way more freshly created music.

That and there was only 'Why do we fall', Batman suite, Moody Bruce and the clip from the music on the approach to the fight with Bane with was horribly short.

To be honest, it was a great film, but I dont think it deserved anything. I dont really feel any film bar Skyfall deserved anything simpy because, I dunno. No films felt truly special, though id still say TDK/Avengers/ASM/Skyfall were pretty equal.
Called it, no noms sadly. But what dafuq is Snow White doing there!? This is such a bummer.
Hugh Jackman and Bradley Cooper are two names I didn't expect to see in the Best actor list. Interesting. Daniel Day Lewis is a given.

I see Sally Field is back in there. She and Tommy Lee Jones were both very good in Lincoln though I didn't rate the film itself all that high personally.

Oooh I hope Skyfall wins best original song, love that one.

Cooper did play a pretty good mental person. I had no interest in seeing that movie at all and was drug to it, but I thought it was good and enjoyed it. A jiggly Jennifer Lawrence helped too. Good to see her get a nod.
when is Chris Nolan actually going to get any credit from the academy !!!!??? for that matter Wally Pfister should be in there for cinematography and Lindy Hemming for her fabulous costume designs !!!!
I'm just not going to think about 'Rises' for a while or any award shows, the world has decided that The Dark Knight Rises was just not good enough, and favored films like Skyfall, Avengers, and Snow White instead. Which is both incredibly disappointing and frustrating. Before this film came out I (and many others) were convinced it was going to be incredible, and it was, for me. But the majority of the rest of the film goers disagreed, it is called "a mess" "plot hole filled" "bad" "terrible" and all I can do is try to fathom how the hell this film is apparently so bad. And I really can't find it. It's a given that these three films will mostly only be remembered by The Dark Knight and how bad 'Rises' was, I for one am glad there's three of them. And happily own them all so I can watch them, remember them, and cherish them. OUT.
If Nolan ever gets an Academy Award, it shouldn't be for TDKR.

it is a rarity that the academy give anyone an oscar for the performance or film it is deserved for alot of the time i feel it is down to reputation and once the public and media build somebody up to such a level the academy caves and they win a token gesture for something alot less memorable. Look at Scorsese won an oscar for the departed which is a good film but nowhere near his best !!

I wouldnt have minded if he (Nolan) had won an oscar for the TDKR cos he deserved it for TDK !!!!!!!
I'm just not going to think about 'Rises' for a while or any award shows, the world has decided that The Dark Knight Rises was just not good enough, and favored films like Skyfall, Avengers, and Snow White instead. Which is both incredibly disappointing and frustrating. Before this film came out I (and many others) were convinced it was going to be incredible, and it was, for me. But the majority of the rest of the film goers disagreed, it is called "a mess" "plot hole filled" "bad" "terrible" and all I can do is try to fathom how the hell this film is apparently so bad. And I really can't find it. It's a given that these three films will mostly only be remembered by The Dark Knight and how bad 'Rises' was, I for one am glad there's three of them. And happily own them all so I can watch them, remember them, and cherish them. OUT.


Any public opinion poll proves otherwise.

Academy is just being it's snobbish self. They also snubbed Kubrick and Hitchcock, now the continual snubs of Nolan just prove they still haven't got a clue.
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