The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I really enjoyed TDKR. But it didn't leave me with the same sense of wow and wonder that both BB and TDK did. In fact, upon my initial viewing, I thought I might end up hating it. The direction it took threw me off and my expectations were so high. But upon viewing it again and understanding Bruce's mission as established in the first one, everything clicked. I'd say it's on par with RotJ for me as far as fitting in with the trilogy. That's to say it's not the best of the series but far from horrible. Maybe a bit of a let down but a decent conclusion nonetheless as far as I'm concerned.

Best movie of 2012? Not sure. I haven't seen every film released that year. Best I'd seen? Still not sure (Skyfall was so dang cool and may ultimately earn that title). One of the best I'd seen? Definitely.
I would say the most enjoyably film for me this year would be 'Rises'. So for *me* it IS the best film of the year. Pure cinematic bliss, though I won't deny it's faults of course. Every film is faulty, nothing is perfect. But calling it "rehashed, recycled crap" is really stupidity unbound. It's often tempting to come down on other people for liking a terrible movie or TV show, especially after you've struggled to come to grips with your own feelings of disappoint. But the healing process includes letting go of your desire for everyone to agree with you about [insert random movie].

yeah ****in' right

Well, apparently i'm not the only one who feels that way


Highest ranked film of 2012. With over half a million votes.
Well, apparently i'm not the only one who feels that way


Highest ranked film of 2012. With over half a million votes.

All that means is you have over half a million alt email accounts. :huh Honestly, you were touting Oscar and it didn't even get a Golden Globe nom. Now you can run around finding obscure ranks to post (and even troll the LOTR thread with), but in the end that was accurate, not a snub. TDKR is nothing special cinematically. It's not even a good Batman movie. I mean, it works on the premise of a decent action/thriller if isolated from the source material, but that's about it.
All that means is you have over half a million alt email accounts. :huh Honestly, you were touting Oscar and it didn't even get a Golden Globe nom. I think that was accurate. TDKR is nothing special. It's not even a good Batman movie.



Not getting Oscar/GG recognition doesn't mean much. Hitchcock and Kubrick faced similar fates and look at how well they're films are regarded today

Nolan's films are ahead of their time IMO.
Or they're just standard films. :huh You know I agree that Begins is the best Batman film, but TDK is a mess and suffers from an identity crisis and TDKR doesn't even come close to those two.
Do you think Bane had the mask already when he was training in te league of shadows or did he get it later.
I want to make a league of shadows Bane with the ninja outfit but am not sure what would be more true to the movie.
The bold masked head or a bold unmasked head, or maybe more like Tom Hardy in Warrior with the short hair looking younger. Bane seems to be pretty old if you do the math and Talias age.

Was there a clear comment or hint in the movie?

EDIT: Just read the script. He wears a prototype mask when training with the league.
Thanks anyway.

Oh, and I think Begins is the best. Rises is a good movie for an end of a trilogy.
Or is there room for a Dark Knight Returns in 10 years or so? ;)
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Or they're just standard films. :huh You know I agree that Begins is the best Batman film, but TDK is a mess and suffers from an identity crisis and TDKR doesn't even come close to those two.

cmon man...I understand the TDKR mess a little...but freakin TDK...cmon...LOL..youre a tough
cmon man...I understand the TDKR mess a little...but freakin TDK...cmon...LOL..youre a tough

It does. It's clearly a story about the rise and fall of Harvey Dent, yet everybody wanted you to believe it was about Batman and moreso the Joker if you look at all the trailers and merchandising. Hell, the Joker even outshines the film's real antagonist on the screen. I think TDK needed about 30 more minutes (if not more) to tell what Nolan tried to cram into it.
That's exactly what I was saying, If I failed at anything it's my ability to eplain **** :wink1:

Yes, Nolan's version of Batman/Bruce Wayne was indeed about Bruce establishing the symbol and legend of Batman and inspiring other people to rise up and help their city. But the ultimate conclusion to Bruce's arc in Rises was that he got over his parents death and moved on with his life.

"Bruce Wayne would never turn his back on being Batman"

He did, and he handed it over to someone else. :1-1:

someone with no experience or money lol (or help from anyone)
It does. It's clearly a story about the rise and fall of Harvey Dent, yet everybody wanted you to believe it was about Batman and moreso the Joker if you look at all the trailers and merchandising. Hell, the Joker even outshines the film's real antagonist on the screen. I think TDK needed about 30 more minutes (if not more) to tell what Nolan tried to cram into it.

I disagree partially...yes it was about Dent...As well as the Joker/Batman ...moreso the Joker I admit but the entire film was for me really about the Joker's leading the Batman to failure( part of that scheme by using Dent)...and causing Bruce and Bats retirement from the world leading into TDKR...Even so...TDK was the best comic hero film and one of the best films in the last decade...As far as an extra 30 minutes I dont think anyone would argue with you there...hell even 3extra hours I could live with simply because it was to me a great film
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