The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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He's said that countless times, yes.

No, it just kind of strikes me that he wouldn't like it for that reason. He's one of the members on here who I've always found to be very open-minded regarding different interpretations of Batman. He even stood by me when snoop said that the West Batman didn't deserve to be getting the kind of attention it's getting because it was "silly."

I don't know, but, at the end of the day, I like the film for what it is, not what it could've been.
Not everyone thinks like that. I personally don't like that way of looking at things, but what can you do.
He's one of the members on here who I've always found to be very open-minded regarding different interpretations of Batman. He even stood by me when snoop said that the West Batman didn't deserve to be getting the kind of attention it's getting because it was "silly."

I don't know, but, at the end of the day, I like the film for what it is, not what it could've been.

Well, lets not confuse being open-minded with liking everything. Just because it's Batman doesn't mean I'll be into it automatically.

I like most interpretations of Batman, especially on film. I love the Nolan/Bale Batman, up till TDKR. Like Celtic said, it's been said again and again and again. We know how everyone in here feels about it at this point, there are no surprises. There shouldn't be any confusion where we all stand when it comes to this thing. No more "I don't get why so and so doesn't LOVE this" or, "this movie sucks, I don't get why people like it". They just do or don't at this point. The explanations for both have been said repeatedly.

It's done, put a fork in it.

Maybe one day, I'll come back to it and see it in a different light, or maybe hate it more. I used to think Batman Returns sucked, too much of Burton in there (like TDKR is too much Nolan), too dark, too depressing, too gross. I just didn't like it. A few years later though, I revisited it and thought it was great. Now I've seen TDKR enough times to know I don't like it, but in the future? Who knows. Maybe one day, you'll watch it and be like "man, what did I see in this", especially if a newer, better interpretation comes around. Maybe I'll see it and be like, "maybe I was a little too harsh".

It shouldn't confuse or sadden you batfan, it's not like this movie is your kid brother or something that people are picking on. It's just a movie.
Well, lets not confuse being open-minded with liking everything. Just because it's Batman doesn't mean I'll be into it automatically.

I like most interpretations of Batman, especially on film. I love the Nolan/Bale Batman, up till TDKR. Like Celtic said, it's been said again and again and again. We know how everyone in here feels about it at this point, there are no surprises. There shouldn't be any confusion where we all stand when it comes to this thing. No more "I don't get why so and so doesn't LOVE this" or, "this movie sucks, I don't get why people like it". They just do or don't at this point. The explanations for both have been said repeatedly.

It's done, put a fork in it.

Maybe one day, I'll come back to it and see it in a different light, or maybe hate it more. I used to think Batman Returns sucked, too much of Burton in there (like TDKR is too much Nolan), too dark, too depressing, too gross. I just didn't like it. A few years later though, I revisited it and thought it was great. Now I've seen TDKR enough times to know I don't like it, but in the future? Who knows. Maybe one day, you'll watch it and be like "man, what did I see in this", especially if a newer, better interpretation comes around. Maybe I'll see it and be like, "maybe I was a little too harsh".

It shouldn't confuse or sadden you batfan, it's not like this movie is your kid brother or something that people are picking on. It's just a movie.

"Butt-Hurt Nerds Are Butt-Hurt" needs to be the title of a psychological dissertation one day. And it could apply to diehard fans of just about anything.
"Butt-Hurt Nerds Are Butt-Hurt" needs to be the title of a psychological dissertation one day. And it could apply to diehard fans of just about anything.

I prefer the "Nitpick Nation" editiorial in last week's Entertainment Weekly. Described a handful of posters in this and the Prometheus threads to a T.
If only I could tell you guys about the new Batman film in the works.
Well, lets not confuse being open-minded with liking everything. Just because it's Batman doesn't mean I'll be into it automatically.

I like most interpretations of Batman, especially on film. I love the Nolan/Bale Batman, up till TDKR. Like Celtic said, it's been said again and again and again. We know how everyone in here feels about it at this point, there are no surprises. There shouldn't be any confusion where we all stand when it comes to this thing. No more "I don't get why so and so doesn't LOVE this" or, "this movie sucks, I don't get why people like it". They just do or don't at this point. The explanations for both have been said repeatedly.

It's done, put a fork in it.

Maybe one day, I'll come back to it and see it in a different light, or maybe hate it more. I used to think Batman Returns sucked, too much of Burton in there (like TDKR is too much Nolan), too dark, too depressing, too gross. I just didn't like it. A few years later though, I revisited it and thought it was great. Now I've seen TDKR enough times to know I don't like it, but in the future? Who knows. Maybe one day, you'll watch it and be like "man, what did I see in this", especially if a newer, better interpretation comes around. Maybe I'll see it and be like, "maybe I was a little too harsh".

It shouldn't confuse or sadden you batfan, it's not like this movie is your kid brother or something that people are picking on. It's just a movie.

I believe in Harvey De....ehhh DiFabio.
:exactly: You forgot retarded.

At least 60s Batman didn't mope around and got stuff done as a crime fighter and philanthropist.

At least Adam West Batman's sidekick was actually Robin, not just in name only.

At least 60s Bruce Wayne was happy being Bruce Wayne and Batman.

At least Adam West Batman got rid of a bomb without faking his death so he could quit being Batman and move to Italy.

At least West Batman was Batman for more than a year and a half and actually fought tons of villains, both big time and small time, instead of just two or three SUPER TERRORISTS WHO BLOW THINGS UP AND THREATEN THE CITY.

At least West Batman never fought "Bane".

At least 60s Batman got a ton of puss without being a puss.

In fact, even Alfred was better than TDKR Alfred. He caught the ****ing Joker.


His costume does look like dog **** though. No doubt about that.
I prefer the "Nitpick Nation" editiorial in last week's Entertainment Weekly. Described a handful of posters in this and the Prometheus threads to a T.

I call for a dual dissertation, then. Nitpickers vs Those who defend their favorite things like a mama bear and her cubs under threat. These two phenomena cover at least 95% of all fandom.
At least 60s Batman didn't mope around and got stuff done as a crime fighter and philanthropist.

At least Adam West Batman's sidekick was actually Robin, not just in name only.

At least 60s Bruce Wayne was happy being Bruce Wayne and Batman.

At least Adam West Batman got rid of a bomb without faking his death so he could quit being Batman and move to Italy.

At least West Batman was Batman for more than a year and a half and actually fought tons of villains, both big time and small time, instead of just two or three SUPER TERRORISTS WHO BLOW THINGS UP AND THREATEN THE CITY.

At least West Batman never fought "Bane".

At least 60s Batman got a ton of puss without being a puss.

In fact, even Alfred was better than TDKR Alfred. He caught the ****ing Joker.

His costume does look like dog **** though. No doubt about that.

Wait, so you don't like TDKR?
"I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. You suck."
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