The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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We're just messing around . . . or atleast I am. Maybe Snoop hates my guts because I think TDKR is crap, who knows.
Well, lets not confuse being open-minded with liking everything. Just because it's Batman doesn't mean I'll be into it automatically.

I like most interpretations of Batman, especially on film. I love the Nolan/Bale Batman, up till TDKR. Like Celtic said, it's been said again and again and again. We know how everyone in here feels about it at this point, there are no surprises. There shouldn't be any confusion where we all stand when it comes to this thing. No more "I don't get why so and so doesn't LOVE this" or, "this movie sucks, I don't get why people like it". They just do or don't at this point. The explanations for both have been said repeatedly.

It's done, put a fork in it.

Maybe one day, I'll come back to it and see it in a different light, or maybe hate it more. I used to think Batman Returns sucked, too much of Burton in there (like TDKR is too much Nolan), too dark, too depressing, too gross. I just didn't like it. A few years later though, I revisited it and thought it was great. Now I've seen TDKR enough times to know I don't like it, but in the future? Who knows. Maybe one day, you'll watch it and be like "man, what did I see in this", especially if a newer, better interpretation comes around. Maybe I'll see it and be like, "maybe I was a little too harsh".

It shouldn't confuse or sadden you batfan, it's not like this movie is your kid brother or something that people are picking on. It's just a movie.

I gotcha'. Everybody's entitled to their opinion (especially one as sound as yours; you actually explained and debated your reasoning, rather than saying,"Dis movie suxxx, Bain is teh gay"), and, suddenly, I want to watch Batman Returns again.:lol
It was absolutely true, I count you and Difab amongst the names I look for at the bottom of the main forum page.
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