The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Disclaimer: Yes I will see this movie and am a fan of the series thus far.

Terrorism and financial collapse?

It's Batman - I want to see him beat up evil clowns and short guys who look like flightless birds and even that lizard guy from Spider-man, but the DC version.

Holding out hope but the self importantness of this film is killing the very "childish" aspects that make these filme enjoyable to me.

My Meh-Meter is up and down with each review I have read.

I was hoping for more "SWEAR TO MEEEERRRERER!" Batman but the more I read about it it looks like General Batman-vs-Wallstreet-hijacked-by-al-Qaeda.
Joker can be explained. Two-face, Penguin, Catwoman, Mad Hatter, Riddler... all can be explained. Even Poison Ivy, Bane and Mr. Freeze can be given the benefit of the doubt.

However, Clay Face, Killer Croc, Man-Bat and various other villains of that nature are pretty far-fetched. To be believable in this trend of comic book films grounded in reality, one has to root the supernatural in the heart of science.

So, unfortunately, I'm afraid Killer Croc would be almost the same entity from The Amazing Spider-man, just... well, more permanent, unlike Dr. Conner's Lizard.

Although, I remember reading way back when that Nolan wanted his films to have a more realistic approach, and we saw that with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. And there's nothing wrong with those films. They're great Batman movies. They're great comic book movies. They're great movies period. I enjoy them just as much as Spidey movies (with the exception of Spidey 3), Iron Man, Superman, the Burton Batfilms, Avengers, Punisher, Blade, etc etc.


:lecture:rotfl:lecture:lecture :exactly:

Joker can be explained. Two-face, Penguin, Catwoman, Mad Hatter, Riddler... all can be explained. Even Poison Ivy, Bane and Mr. Freeze can be given the benefit of the doubt.

However, Clay Face, Killer Croc, Man-Bat and various other villains of that nature are pretty far-fetched. To be believable in this trend of comic book films grounded in reality, one has to root the supernatural in the heart of science.

So, unfortunately, I'm afraid Killer Croc would be almost the same entity from The Amazing Spider-man, just... well, more permanent, unlike Dr. Conner's Lizard.

Although, I remember reading way back when that Nolan wanted his films to have a more realistic approach, and we saw that with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. And there's nothing wrong with those films. They're great Batman movies. They're great comic book movies. They're great movies period. I enjoy them just as much as Spidey movies (with the exception of Spidey 3), Iron Man, Superman, the Burton Batfilms, Avengers, Punisher, Blade, etc etc.

Genetic engineering and gene splicing could easily explain them, with Clayface (not actually being clay but a morphing goop) being the result of a huge misstep.
:lecture:rotfl:lecture:lecture :exactly:

Genetic engineering and gene splicing could easily explain them, with Clayface (not actually being clay but a morphing goop) being the result of a huge misstep.
Misstep? What... did he step in poo? Lmao. :lol

Seriously though, how would he be explained scientifically? I've never really been a big fan of his, so I don't know much about him, other than what I've seen in the animated series and the Hush comic book arc.
Misstep? What... did he step in poo? Lmao. :lol

Seriously though, how would he be explained scientifically? I've never really been a big fan of his, so I don't know much about him, other than what I've seen in the animated series and the Hush comic book arc.

Some kind of genetic anamorph? Or take it a step further and infuse some SciFi and say that as a result of improperly splicing his own DNA, since his genetic strands are incomplete, he somehow has complete control over them and can change and rearrange them how he sees fit? If you buy a genetically smaller man like Bane pummeling the hell out of a physically bigger, highly trained ninja with technologically advanced weaponry, it's not that far of a stretch. :lol
I'm calling Make a Wish foundation and telling them I have 2 weeks left to live, make my dream come true of seeing TDKR with Void, Nam and DiFabio. :lol

Don't think someone didn't think of that, I bet those people got at least 100 fake calls last week alone.......

To be honest, The tumbler is the most flexible and agile Batmobile ever existed! Multi terrain, manouverable. It can actually make jet-powered unassisted jumps of about 30 meters, and its suspension means it can do multi-terrain and 4 wheel drive. But in all honesty, the Tumbler is a military grade vehicle which can withstand a huge
beating and has an escape vehicle as the Batpod.

I think if the design was abit more 'bat' like the rear spoilers being pointy like wings for aerodynamic benefits, but from the back it looks just like the 89 batmobile with the jet at the back, but thats aboot it.

The 1989/BTAS batmobiles had to have the hook-claw on the lamp post to get it round a corner remember :p

I kinda Agree, and I know Burton's Batmobile is Iconic and the most known by people in general, but I never really liked it as much, yes it looks cool but in some scenes it looks stupid, like to turn around it needs a chain to link to a wall.... not very practical, or it needs something coming from the bottom to turn it around, like a turn table,

or the "convenient" machineguns to cut holes through gates, I don't know that always bothered me, seem to be a lot more impractical for what batman needed,
On the subject of Nolan's choice of villains, I think he's let the story guide those choices. It's all about which characters could help explore some aspect about Bruce/Batman that he wants to explore.

In BB is was Ra's. Throughout the first Act we're shown this fatherly figure in Ducard, who appears to have so much in common with the young, angry Bruce. However, when we see Bruce choose not to kill during his initiation into the LoS, that marks the divergence in their characters; it's all about the choices people make. Bruce chooses not to kill, while Ducard (Ra's) views it as a necessary evil. This is the overriding idea in BB for me, and of course it comes back in the third act.

In TDK first we have the Joker - again, many parallels are drawn between him and Batman. The initial idea was seeded in the final scene of BB, the idea of escalation. Batman shows up in a cowl and cape, so a crazed bank robbing clown shows up with scars and makeup. Both of them are 'freaks'. The Joker's upside down speech at the end is all about this as well.

Then there's Two Face... seemingly an idealist as Harvey Dent, but when tragedy strikes, he loses faith and his mind. Unlike Wayne who saw the tragic death of his parents and channelled his anger to try and make a difference.

Not seen TDKR obviously but I'd bet anything Bane is going to be shown in a similar light - he'll have similarities to Wayne/Batman. I can see parallels already to John Blake's character as well.
Some kind of genetic anamorph? Or take it a step further and infuse some SciFi and say that as a result of improperly splicing his own DNA, since his genetic strands are incomplete, he somehow has complete control over them and can change and rearrange them how he sees fit? If you buy a genetically smaller man like Bane pummeling the hell out of a physically bigger, highly trained ninja with technologically advanced weaponry, it's not that far of a stretch. :lol

Id like clayface to be a criminal has no genetic stuff. My envision of a Nolan clayface would be sort of like a Hush merging; Criminal with alot of money who either has the ability to create masks like Mission impossible or some sort of surgery. Would fit in with the Nolan idea. Got his begginings as an actor stealing big parts from other actors. Something like that untill he learned he could immitate anyone and become a master chameleon.

But like said above me, some characters just dont fit. Deadshot would be an awsome cameo; Black mask would be a very good fit too.
Id like clayface to be a criminal has no genetic stuff. My envision of a Nolan clayface would be sort of like a Hush merging; Criminal with alot of money who either has the ability to create masks like Mission impossible or some sort of surgery. Would fit in with the Nolan idea. Got his begginings as an actor stealing big parts from other actors. Something like that untill he learned he could immitate anyone and become a master chameleon.

That's not Clayface. :nono
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