The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Some kind of genetic anamorph? Or take it a step further and infuse some SciFi and say that as a result of improperly splicing his own DNA, since his genetic strands are incomplete, he somehow has complete control over them and can change and rearrange them how he sees fit? If you buy a genetically smaller man like Bane pummeling the hell out of a physically bigger, highly trained ninja with technologically advanced weaponry, it's not that far of a stretch. :lol
Yeah, but being slightly smaller doesn't really mean anything. Bane fights very dirty and rough. Besides, there are smaller guys out there that can easily throw greater punches than big body builders.

So, I believe, while Batman might be the "bigger" guy, by whatever standards, Bane is still a beast and I'm expecting him to put the hurt on Bats, both mentally and physically.

I'm gonna take it that you haven't seen this thread here.

People do this quite often.
Not going to read that thread, but it appears it's a "what's your favorite" thread, not a "vs" thread. Unless people turned it into one, lol.
What's the difference?


It's subtle, but I take it the difference being referred to is that 'what's your favourite' is a positively phrased question, so it subconsciously implies that 'you probably like all of them, but choose the best one'.

Vs on the other than is negatively phrased, so it tends to devolve into a one is good the other is bad: 'I like A better, B has plot holes galore, crappy acting, and a terrible story'.
I don't know but she gave Battleship more stars than TDKR. :lol

Negative review results in death threats

I always knew there was a lunatic element to fans of this franchise. Anything negative said is jumped on. Just look at these idiots.
That's anything though. It could be Star Wars or LOTR or the Bourne franchise. It's just people. And the more there are, the more ____ you see.

By the way, that girl your in sig, holy hell. o_O Quick, someone make a Spider-girl movie! :lol
The 1989/BTAS batmobiles had to have the hook-claw on the lamp post to get it round a corner remember :p

I kinda Agree, and I know Burton's Batmobile is Iconic and the most known by people in general, but I never really liked it as much, yes it looks cool but in some scenes it looks stupid, like to turn around it needs a chain to link to a wall.... not very practical.

You guys are exaggerating about the grappling hook. Batman uses it one time in the first and second film. He's doing 70 down a street in a chase from Joker goons and the GCPD. There's a sharp turn that he has to make at this speed, hence the grapple hook.

I've seen this on other discussions too. People make it sound like the Batmibile relies on the hook swing for every turn. What about Returns when he evades the cops or even most of the chase in '89? He doesn't use the grapple for turning there.

And if you want to get on the '89 Batmobile for it's coincidental gadgets, get on the 60s show and Begins/TDK Batmobile too. The 60s one had a gadget for every situation. Begins is a bridging vehicle that just happens to have a friggin motorcycle vehicle with these giant canons. What a coincidence right?

That's the character from his 70 plus years of history. He always has a tool for any situation and the Batmibile is his greatest gadget. Impractical or not.
Negative review results in death threats

I always knew there was a lunatic element to fans of this franchise. Anything negative said is jumped on. Just look at these idiots.

I don't understand how those work? so does someone just call and say "Ima Keel You MotherFooter" that counts as death threat? or are they more serious? more detailed telling him what his car or house look like and stuff?
does any person saying "Ima keel this Sonabirch" counts as a threat?
I think the guy was trolling for reaction -- he starts his review off with a shot at fans of Nolan's movies (there are spoilers in the review, FYI). The drooling fanboys just gave him what he wanted ... a couple of half-assed "death threats" (mostly not-cleverly regurgitated Bane quotes) to make him headlines and get him hits.

Stupid but symbiotic. Let 'em have each other.

I don't understand how those work? so does someone just call and say "Ima Keel You MotherFooter" that counts as death threat? or are they more serious? more detailed telling him what his car or house look like and stuff?
does any person saying "Ima keel this Sonabirch" counts as a threat?

Most of the "threats" are "your punishment must be more severe", or "you have my permission to die" ... blah, blah, blah. Mindless drivel from twelve-year-old nerds, not actual threats.

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I think the guy was trolling for reaction -- he starts his review off with a shot at fans of Nolan's movies (there are spoilers in the review, FYI). The drooling fanboys just gave him what he wanted ... a couple of half-assed "death threats" (mostly not-cleverly regurgitated Bane quotes) to make him headlines and get him hits.

Stupid but symbiotic. Let 'em have each other.

Most of the "threats" are "your punishment must be more severe", or "you have my permission to die" ... blah, blah, blah. Mindless drivel from twelve-year-old nerds, not actual threats.


That's not Clayface. :nono

Ofcourse its not Karlo, hagen, or payne . Thats the whole point, a realistic take on a character with full claylike body manipulation and shape shifting wouldnt work, i was saying a realistic alternative combined with hush. Joker and Bane are reminiscent but nothing like the comic book origin, tis what im going for
Yeah, the whole thing is stupid.

Personally I think they should just cut out the ability to leave comments on review from Rotten Tomatoes. I don't need to see someone's reaction of someone's reaction to a film, positive or negative. It just unnecessary.

Just ditch the comments feature.
Yeah, the whole thing is stupid.

Personally I think they should just cut out the ability to leave comments on review from Rotten Tomatoes. I don't need to see someone's reaction of someone's reaction to a film, positive or negative. It just unnecessary.

Just ditch the comments feature.

If you ditched the comments, no-name movie critics would protest louder than the fanboys. If this dude hadn't been threatened, nobody would know who he was, or give a damn what he thought about a Batman movie.

He's in the nerd-rage business, and business is good.

Omg...I was gone for a little while and now I have about 15 pages to catch up on!! :slap

BTW, The Gotham Rogues jersey, tshirt and cap are kick@ss!! :rock
I think the guy was trolling for reaction -- he starts his review off with a shot at fans of Nolan's movies (there are spoilers in the review, FYI). The drooling fanboys just gave him what he wanted ... a couple of half-assed "death threats" (mostly not-cleverly regurgitated Bane quotes) to make him headlines and get him hits.

Stupid but symbiotic. Let 'em have each other.

Most of the "threats" are "your punishment must be more severe", or "you have my permission to die" ... blah, blah, blah. Mindless drivel from twelve-year-old nerds, not actual threats.


yeah I figured as much,
I always hear on the news how "Rebecca Black Got so many death Threats and how her life was in danger and, she got a bodyguard or something"
and I'm thinking, are those real threats? call to their house? or just stupid aholes writing death youtube comments, Is funny how any online stupid comment is taken so seriously
You guys are exaggerating about the grappling hook. Batman uses it one time in the first and second film. He's doing 70 down a street in a chase from Joker goons and the GCPD. There's a sharp turn that he has to make at this speed, hence the grapple hook.

I've seen this on other discussions too. People make it sound like the Batmibile relies on the hook swing for every turn. What about Returns when he evades the cops or even most of the chase in '89? He doesn't use the grapple for turning there.

And if you want to get on the '89 Batmobile for it's coincidental gadgets, get on the 60s show and Begins/TDK Batmobile too. The 60s one had a gadget for every situation. Begins is a bridging vehicle that just happens to have a friggin motorcycle vehicle with these giant canons. What a coincidence right?

That's the character from his 70 plus years of history. He always has a tool for any situation and the Batmibile is his greatest gadget. Impractical or not.

I know what you mean but it looked stupid in the movie, He didn't need the Hook at all why added in that scene, Burton added some stupid gadgets for no reason,
Im not just hating on the car or anything, I know get what you are saying is true,
but that hook is so freaking stupid... serves no purpose because he really didn't need it, can't the car just turn.. that whole scene is so, dumb...
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