The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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It's HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As in, TDKR is sitting here in the theater I work at. It IS locked unfortunately, but will be unlocked tomorrow at 5, so then we build it and are watching it at midnight!!!!!! Sweet merciful crap am I excited!!!!! Exclamation points prove it :)
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Lmao! Beat me to it, was just about to post this...

Hmmm, 86% on RT so far. My prediction that it will be Batman Begins in terms of reception is almost spot on.
Well it has a good 200 odd reviews still to go on RT.

Curious how it fares on IMDB too i.e. will it join Nolan's last 2 films in the top 15 :lol

Box office wise it's looking to be a monster. Here in the UK opening night tickets are going on ebay for £75 ($110+).. it's madness
Don't know if this has made it into this thread yet, but I thought of void and jye when I saw it....



Jye cat buy it now!!!!!!!!!:rotfl

Oh hell yeah! :lol

I am not going to try and compare this to Avengers. Two very different movies from two very different directors. I am happy to have them sit side by side as two great blockbuster films. It's not a competition, and I don't care which one ends up with a higher rating at Rotten Tomatoes or a larger box office total. I just want to enjoy them both as the best apple and orange I'll eat this year.

Great post. :rock
AHH! So awesome!

Yes, the did get Conroy to voice the dub. :D

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