The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Once tickets are available for midnight showing in IMAX, they are bought! :rock

[ame=""]All About The Henry Ford IMAX Theatre - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

orly? I heard it will be Wednesday...
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

They're filming just outside LA right now. Last night was a night shoot, and I guess security has been tightened up some.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Interview with Ann Hathaway
How do you learn your lines if you can’t even take the script home with you?
I read it through once really fast and I went back and read over all of my scenes and tried to memorize them as much as I could. It’s cool, you can call Chris and ask “what is this scene about again?” and eventually you get a copy of the script. But everything is done with the upmost secrecy. When I screen tested, I took the sides (audition material) home with me. And it was really awkward because the producer had to hunt me down to get the sides back so that they could be destroyed. So it’s implied that this should be treated with a certain amount of secrecy which is great because I think it is so much more fun to discover it in the movie theatre when there is so much anticipation about the movie. I’m excited for people to discover it when it’s all pieced together the way Chris wants it.

What has been the physical challenge of this role for you so far?
I’d always thought I was pretty healthy (she’s a vegetarian) and I always thought I had worked hard in the gym and it turns out that what I thought was hard is actually light to moderate in Catwoman’s world. I’ve had to ratch it up a notch. I have the most incredible stunt woman in the world and she’s got me and the character to another level.

Have you been filming with IMAX cameras doing dialogue scenes?
We have been yes.

What are the styles of Martial arts you do in the film? Don’t you have a dance background? Yes, I do. I don’t actually know the name of it – sorry this makes me sound like an airhead. The stunt department are all phenomenal fighters and so I’ve just been mimicking them and doing whatever they tell me to do. I do all sorts of kicks. I do a roundhouse kick, I think its all mixed martial arts. I don’t know what the martial arts technique is called but I’ve been doing it in heels!
Interview with Christian Bale
You are making a trilogy with Chris Nolan –as there is an end movie, does it leave you the freedom to create a good character arc in this movie?
I have no clue what the audience is going to think about the movie. Thankfully I have Chris who is really great at gauging that. He represents the audience for us on the set. Me, I love the character so much that if it was left to me you’d get a very bizarre Batman movie. He is a fascinating character and then Chris just has to tell me the points when it gets tedious and boring. Chris is remarkably confident at going with his gut and not desiring any safety net. There are a number of times when I say to him: “Are you sure you don’t want me to do a few other variables?” I can do this one, and what if later down track you choose to change this part of the story, in that case we need to change the domino effect. He’s like: “No, no I know what I want.” He’s very firm with it. In honesty, there are probably a lot of stories that can be told with Batman. I like the idea of him growing older and he can’t quite do it as much anymore. But I kind of feel, you have to leave when the going is good and this is when Chris wants to wrap it up. And it’s the right time.

By the third movie is Batman’s drive still fed by the death of his parents?
It’s all in there. […] He doesn’t want to forget it, he wants to maintain that anger that he felt at that injustice but equally he wants to present this very vacuous soulless persona to Gotham so hopefully no-one will suspect him but will just think he’s a spoiled bastard. But consequently in his most intimate moments he has Alfred, he has Rachel and there is not a whole lot there. And at some point, he’s got to start living. He is seriously behind in terms of life and enjoyment of life. That’s all been sacrificed and at some point, hopefully it’s Alfred’s wish that he will start to live again. Of course this tragedy has defined him but to a degree he’s sacrificed everything that most people would consider worth living for in life and he’s going to have relearn that, embarrassingly late in life.
From an Interview with Tom Hardy:
Surprisingly, Christopher Nolan had never seen Hardy’s breakout film Bronson before casting him in Inception.
“Funny enough, Christopher Nolan never watched it,” Hardy told the press. “He liked me in Rocknrolla. I played the gay getaway driver.”

Tom Hardy might have a nervous breakdown if he actually thinks about the fact that he is in The Dark Knight Rises.
“It’s such an honor to be asked to be in Batman, full stop,” he said. “If I think about it, what I’m doing it, it would be so overwhelming that I probably wouldn’t be able to do the job so I’d rather not talk about it. It’s quite a big deal. Chris and the crew are making it a very intimate environment, so you’re never aware of the size.”
From another Interview with Tom Hardy:
In recent weeks, dozens of photographs from the Pittsburgh set of “The Dark Knight Rises” have cropped up on the internet, but Tom Hardy, who plays Batman villain Bane in the project, isn’t worried the early un-authorized looks at the project will hurt director Christopher Nolan’s vision.

“No, I don’t think so,” Tom told Access Hollywood on Saturday as he promoted his newest box office feature, the Mixed Marital Arts-themed “Warrior,” in Beverly Hills.

“I think there’s a certain inevitability if you’re going to shoot in the middle of the street — that it’s very hard to block off the entire street from people taking photographs,” Tom continued. “But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be anything like the film. You have people taking photographs from a distance of what’s going on on the ground. It bears very little resemblance to what’s going on.”
MTV Interview with Tom Hardy , includes Video
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Thanks for posting those - Bale's answers are quite intriguing to me, I love how much he's into the character
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Thanks for posting those - Bale's answers are quite intriguing to me, I love how much he's into the character

He was quoted right after BB in saying that he would love to continue playing Batman and that if Chris Nolan did 9 Batmans he'd be in all of them. He said that if he is typecast as Batman what a fantastic character to have been typecast as.

WB is really pushing for a Batman that can interact with Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash and I have a feeling if they weren't pushing for a reboot so hard to get that and allowed Nolan to step away for a few years, he'd come back with Bale and continue for at least one more film. I am really glad though that it sounds like they are giving it all they've got with this.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah agreed though I still think reboot or not, we may see Bale/Nolan team up on a bat flick again 10+ yrs down the road, maybe for The Dark Knight Returns or something along those lines - as long as Batman survives Rises of course
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah agreed though I still think reboot or not, we may see Bale/Nolan team up on a bat flick again 10+ yrs down the road, maybe for The Dark Knight Returns or something along those lines - as long as Batman survives Rises of course

I don't want nolan anywhere near the dark knight returns
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think the film could be called that (would be an apt title) but wouldn't necessarily follow the graphic novels storyline other than very loosely
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'd like to see Nolan and Co. comeback after WB has had it's fill with their reboots to do a Batman Beyond. Co-starring bale as an older Wayne.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think you'll ever see Bale and Nolan together in a Batfilm again. A reboot isn't planned to hit until 2014 if I understood them correctly. Two years from TDKR. I guarantee you that it'll be signed for a trilogy. Which means if it is successful then you've got 2014, 2016 and then 2018 and that's if they use two years. If they use three total then you've got 2014, 2017, 2019. Bale will be in his mid to late 40s by that point and that is if he doesn't look like Val Kilmer. If it isn't successful then they'll start again in about three years later and unless Nolan has a change of heart, Bale said no Nolan, no me. So you're talking 2017, 2019, 2021. A lot is riding on Snyder's Superman as well since Nolan is producing there as well AND signed for a trilogy.

IF and it's a big IF Batman Beyond is still popular by that point look for them to incorporate the new trilogy actor in there. WB has never paralleled a bunch of films, I don't see them starting now so they'll focus with Nolan producing the new Bat trilogy and focusing more on other Superheroes to compete with Marvel instead of throwing a future Batman story in the mix.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think you'll ever see Bale and Nolan together in a Batfilm again. A reboot isn't planned to hit until 2014 if I understood them correctly. Two years from TDKR. I guarantee you that it'll be signed for a trilogy. Which means if it is successful then you've got 2014, 2016 and then 2018 and that's if they use two years. If they use three total then you've got 2014, 2017, 2019. Bale will be in his mid to late 40s by that point and that is if he doesn't look like Val Kilmer. If it isn't successful then they'll start again in about three years later and unless Nolan has a change of heart, Bale said no Nolan, no me. So you're talking 2017, 2019, 2021. A lot is riding on Snyder's Superman as well since Nolan is producing there as well AND signed for a trilogy.

IF and it's a big IF Batman Beyond is still popular by that point look for them to incorporate the new trilogy actor in there. WB has never paralleled a bunch of films, I don't see them starting now so they'll focus with Nolan producing the new Bat trilogy and focusing more on other Superheroes to compete with Marvel instead of throwing a future Batman story in the mix.

By then Burton will be directing his 3rd Batman movie. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

And Robin Williams will finally be in a bat-flick! :banana
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