The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm starting to worry that there won't be a new batsuit in TDKR. At around this stage 3 years ago, the TDK Batsuit was revealed in EW and was on the cover of Empire or some similar film magazine. No shots of a new suit yet. Still rockin' the TDK suit on this Empire cover and whatever other promo materials we've seen.

I know I'm just feeding into Hollywood's tradition of arbitrarily updating superhero suits in live-action sequels, but Nolan Batman had good reasons to go from BB suit to TDK suit. It goes to reason that Wayne might want a new suit if/after Bane kicks his ass.

Plus, I want a new HT Batman.

I'm thinking they will keep the new suit under wraps. Kind of an amorored final battle thing. The one shot of Bane and Batman in the teaser looks like Bane kicks the living crap out of him. So it wouldn't surprise me if he got a more armored suit for the final fight. Something along the lines of the Armored suit in Arkham Asylum (Ie still very similar to the main suit, but clearly an armorized version of it).

I'm not saying Batman has to be like Iron Man and get a new suit in every movie, but it would make sense this time around so he could take on Bane. The new suit in TDK made sense as well since they improved upon the BB suit not only for the movie's storyline, but from an actor's standpoint as well. It only makes sense to allow Batman/Bale to movie his head. So I still think that suit was a brilliant idea as it made sense for both on camera and off camera reasons.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I hope so too, Buttmunch. An 11th hour suit change would make sense, similar to the suit switch in Iron Man 2 or Batman and Robin (but hopefully done better than those films). I get the sense that most people, with the exclusion of kids and nerds like us, wouldn't care for a suit change though.

If the TDK suit could be seen as a revolution in live-action rubber batsuits, then I hoped to see an evolution of the Nolan-verse batsuit in TDKR. An amalgamation of the BB suit and the TDK suit.

I think a lot of people consider the TDK suit to be the most logical and functional incarnation of the film suits, as it offers Batman great mobility and flexibility with the equal protection as that of the BB suit, but man...I still dislike the design. I wasn't convinced of any of the suit's benefits aside from increased mobility.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Though I would like to see what they can do with a new suit, it won't bother me if there isn't one. I like the TDK suit. This Batman has a unique style.

I did read earlier this year (from a supposedly trustworthy individual) that new concepts were being looked at, but I think we would have seen/heard something by now. :dunno
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Pretty funny how people are losing their ____ voting for Batman and Bane magazine images. These people are truly nuts, arguing about acne, steroids and other trivial things.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Looks like he's doing radar on speeders :lol

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Though I would like to see what they can do with a new suit, it won't bother me if there isn't one. I like the TDK suit. This Batman has a unique style.

I did read earlier this year (from a supposedly trustworthy individual) that new concepts were being looked at, but I think we would have seen/heard something by now. :dunno

Nolan will give us a Bane Buster suit, looks to me like the story will support one :lecture
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

A special suit for a special occasion?

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Look at his knuckle, it's like a round white something where there once was a round hard brass knuckle.

Or is that the lighting and all is the same. :slap

Ahh screw it, who the ____ cares anyways :lol
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