Re: The Dark Knight Rises
Never understood people who said it was on-par or even better than the original. That's crazy talk.
Well then, I suppose I'm full of crazy talk....
I'll say this, I saw Batman Returns when I was young, before I "knew" what Batman was... or more appropriately, WHO Batman was. Now let me be clear, I was already a full fledged Bat-Fan at this point. I grew up from as early as I can remember with the 60's series playing on tv all the time and watched Batman on VHS til the tape wore out. Had all the toys, yadda, yadda. And when Batman Returns came out, I was in love. It was the first movie poster I owned. I remember the day my dad took me to the local toy store and I picked up Catwoman and the two Penguin Soldier action figures. I remember taking every article of clothing out of my closet and putting them all on under a suit so that I would look like Penguin and queuing up the movie, pausing it then playing it right when Penguin's theme was firing on all cylinder's announcing myself as Penguin to my Parents and brother.... none of whom I think even stopped to turn around or acknowledge me.... The cable guy who was unfortunate enough to be there however did.....
All of this to say, I LOVE Batman Returns. And as I grew older and actually got into the Batman comics, as the Animated Series would come into my life, etc, etc I definitely began to realize that Batman had very strict parameters as to who he was and what he could / would do as a character. In hindsight, would I respond to Batman Returns the same way today were I seeing it for the first time? No, probably not. Penguin is a monster and Catwoman is a zombie. But back when I was 8, they WERE Penguin and Catwoman. Batman DID magically make that bomb appear on that Penguin thug's stomach and blew him up.... AND IT WAS AWESOME! I get why people hate on it, and cry foul... but before the age of syneocism dawned, it just wasn't in me.
And, it is important to note: I am a HUGE Tim Burton fan (which is not always easy). And I basically view Batman Returns as a GREAT Tim Burton film. As a Batman Film? Not so much. But it will always be aces to me. If for nothing more than snowy Gothic Gotham, Danny Elfman's score, and Michelle F'in Pfieffer's brilliant portrayal of Catwoman.