The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

even though this is a bootleg prologue im seeing,
that short clip of catwoman makes her look hot, cant wait to see her...
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think it matters if Bane trust the guy or not I think it's intended to show Bane believes his men are expendable.

Oh I know (kind of like Joker with his thugs) it's meant to showcase how his his men will blindly follow him. It just begs to question though how Bane would know that the agent was telling the truth about the flight plan when in reality, the plan most likely included everyone. It was obviously a scare tactic on the agent's part.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

you know after hearing the agent say
if I take that off will you die?

that makes me want to see batman Rip that mask off Bane's face and see Bane bleeding and screaming,
that would be.. brutal
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Thanks, DiFabio, that video was awesome. I really am excited for this. I tried to distance myself with all of the leaks, but now that everything is officially gearing up with the footage and viral campaign, July can't come soon enough. I'm curious whether or not HT will make a DX Bane right off the bat or a standard MMS first. If Sparrow and the 89 stuff are any indication of where PERS is going, a character like Bane, who relies solely on his eyes and body language, could benefit greatly from a feature like that.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Oh I know (kind of like Joker with his thugs) it's meant to showcase how his his men will blindly follow him. It just begs to question though how Bane would know that the agent was telling the truth about the flight plan when in reality, the plan most likely included everyone. It was obviously a scare tactic on the agent's part.

I don't think he knows necessarily but why not cover your ass just in case?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think he knows necessarily but why not cover your ass just in case?

Yeah but he's leaving his ass wide open if the CIA agent called the flight plan in for everyone. When they find the wreckage and bodies, Bane and the other prisoner/follower will be missing.


There's an even better quality bootleg of the prologue up but unfortunately it's flipped horizontally so it's backwards.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah but he's leaving his ass wide open if the CIA agent called the flight plan in for everyone. When they find the wreckage and bodies, Bane and the other prisoner/follower will be missing.


There's an even better quality bootleg of the prologue up but unfortunately it's flipped horizontally so it's backwards.

Well then he's screwed regardless, so by leaving one he at least covers one of the two possibilities. Maybe it's also meant to show Bane is Wile Coyote super genius as well.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Are you guys talking about the prologue or the leaked new trailer? The new trailer is pretty awesomeness. Ha Ha
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Where, why not post a link to it?

I know Sideshow doesn't have a bootleg policy like some sites but I've been PMing the links to people so they don't get tracked to here by Warner Bros.

They've been cracking down hard on some sites that share the links to the videos they find and have pulled (I guess they can trace it to all the sites that share them, especially those that include embedded videos). I figure it would just be safer for everyone to keep it to PMs.

It won't matter this weekend with the trailer though as that should be up in high quality on the TDKR official site.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'll take a PM of the better prologue copies then please, the first is so hard to see and hear.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'll take a PM of the better prologue copies then please, the first is so hard to see and hear.

The links Wofford posted are the exact links I've sent people. That's the best quality available so far for both of them.

I'll be on the look out for more.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Thanks for that better quality trailer... holy ____ing ____. :panic::panic::panic:

Now I need the HD one!!!

Yes thanks wofford.

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yes thanks wofford.

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Those are the ones Difabio sent out. I was able to find the same prolouge by googling in case these go down as well.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm really hoping that when the cowl is busted off Wayne's face we get to see a bit of fight left. I've always thought it be a pretty cool scene to see Wayne fighting in the suit.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

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