The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I was referring to Ledger. :wave

Look at it like rugby and you'll be fine.


Re: The Dark Knight Rises

One thing that I did notice more clearly in the trailer was when Bane's soldiers and inmates in orange jumpsuits were walking through the hole in the wall...some of those extras look WAY too happy and excited to be on camera.

They are just flailing their AK-47s in the air with smiles ear to ear like they just saw Scarlett Johansson strip in front of them or something :dunno

I'd at least expect his army to be deranged and have some war faces on as they are about to fight all of GCPD..

I would guess that for that shot, the focus was more on numbers than reactions. I just watched the trailer again and until I paused to disect the frames, I really didn't catch what their expressions were.

While modern tech has made it easy for the uber nerds of the film world to dissect every little nit of a film, filmmakers have so much to worry about that there will be moments where their hope or intent is for you to just get swept up in the totality of the moment and not analyze every minutia within it, and while folks like us will see that stuff, the average film goer is just going to see a crowd of people storming out with guns.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

One thing that I did notice more clearly in the trailer was when Bane's soldiers and inmates in orange jumpsuits were walking through the hole in the wall...some of those extras look WAY too happy and excited to be on camera.

They are just flailing their AK-47s in the air with smiles ear to ear like they just saw Scarlett Johansson strip in front of them or something :dunno

I'd at least expect his army to be deranged and have some war faces on as they are about to fight all of GCPD..

What about the inmates holding their AKs upside down? :lol

As I said earlier, it looks like a bad rap video.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I would guess that for that shot, the focus was more on numbers than reactions. I just watched the trailer again and until I paused to disect the frames, I really didn't catch what their expressions were.

While modern tech has made it easy for the uber nerds of the film world to dissect every little nit of a film, filmmakers have so much to worry about that there will be moments where their hope or intent is for you to just get swept up in the totality of the moment and not analyze every minutia within it, and while folks like us will see that stuff, the average film goer is just going to see a crowd of people storming out with guns.


We do tend to forget just how few we are in comparison to the world population that could give 2 ____s about this stuff :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Missed the point there Nam, i can relate to almost everything in the film except the sport as it's only played/popular in the US, the basis for everything else is pretty universal things for people to relate to, well in the west anyway :lol

Ok, the scene calls for a huge stadium filled with people at a sporting event in an American city. What would you have preferred they used in that scene instead?

Gotham is hosting the World Cup?

The Olympics?

Like you said, the audience may not care what nationality the actor is, as long as the character is true to the origin. What about the character of the city? To swap a more international sport in that scene instead of American football would seem too forced, since it's not *typically* what Americans chose to watch. It may make it more relatable to international audiences, but at the cost that it would be untrue to the "character" of the typical American city.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

One thing that I did notice more clearly in the trailer was when Bane's soldiers and inmates in orange jumpsuits were walking through the hole in the wall...some of those extras look WAY too happy and excited to be on camera.

They are just flailing their AK-47s in the air with smiles ear to ear like they just saw Scarlett Johansson strip in front of them or something :dunno

I'd at least expect his army to be deranged and have some war faces on as they are about to fight all of GCPD..

Haha...I noticed that too. I was one of the cop extras at the Wall Street NYC shoot (the scene in the prologue where the cops are charging at the camo tumblers and mercs) and one of the complaints from the ADs in take after take was "I know this is fun, but some of you guys are smiling too damn much."
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

What about the inmates holding their AKs upside down? :lol

As I said earlier, it looks like a bad rap video.

That scene definitely does, it just looks like a rapper and his hype men are about to emerge in front of the camera with some bottles of Hypnotiq and start spitting rhymes :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Haha...I noticed that too. I was one of the cop extras at the Wall Street NYC shoot (the scene in the prologue where the cops are charging at the camo tumblers and mercs) and one of the complaints from the ADs in take after take was "I know this is fun, but some of you guys are smiling too damn much."

Cool beans man! So is that scene going to be epic or what? Is Bane huge in real life with all his gear on?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Overall I liked it...
There's only 2 things that bug me about the trailer...
the kid singing the anthem... it's as terrible as POTC AWE :yuck!

And then the Bane chant...

Love both of those things. Especially the Bane chant.

Really? :huh

Reminds me of this:

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I still think the legend is a reference to the Nolan series, not any character.

I'm leaning towards this as well.

Nolan =/= "Legend" :lol Not by a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong shot. :monkey1

Been trying to keep quiet about this for a while... but how can this be construed as anything but trolling?

I'm not personally offended or anything, but you're going out of your way over and over again to diminish these movies any way you can. And you are carefully crafting your wording it in ways that are sure to rile the "Nolan pole-squatters". Why?

I love his Bat films, but I agree he's not, however, I do think WB sees his success and the fandom for his Bat films as something big and I think in this case, they're hyping up the magnitude of the trilogy to spark interest to get people to the theater.

Whether it refers to anything or is just use of pure hype words for marketing, I do feel it doesn't refer to any specific character.

Well said.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Ironically the parts I liked are the parts we've all already seen before when they were filming during the summer (fight on the steps, Pittsburgh scenes, the Batwing in pursuit of the Tumblers etc). The only new parts that I like are the scenes that involve Alfred tearing up about how he "failed" and the fact that Selina appears to be an antagonist.

The rest is mediocre to me. I still don't feel comfortable with the whole Heinz field/Steelers crap, even after I gave it a chance with this trailer. It's not about the special effects it's just the fact that it's included.

I also dislike the "theme" of the film. It feels very liberal too me. The whole "robin hood" message that the trailer is trying to get across about how the rich are bad and the poor will rise isn't my cup of tea. When I think BATMAN I don't think anti-capitalism. I fully expect this film to be preachy and frankly, that's not something I want to see.

I was hoping this film would delve deeper into the psyche of Bruce Wayne and Batman, not focus on his need to be involved with philanthropy and "giving back to the people". Just with the end of TDK and the start of this teaser it's like they're trying to move away from Batman and make the character look like a literal bad guy. I'm all for character development for Bruce Wayne but they really are trying to shun away from Batman. This isn't what I expected after I saw Begins in 2005 and we were introduced to a fully established Batman. TDK focused on Wayne wanting to give up the cape and cowl and it seems TDKR he has given it up, only to don it again one last time before

Why can't Batman, you know, like being Batman? The character has always been obsessed with this war on crime why does Bruce Wayne constantly view it as being a burden and something that should be temporary? I thought Begins established that "Bruce Wayne" was his mask?

A lot of conjecture from a brief trailer there. Just wait and see how the actual plot plays out.

Huh? That's what you got out of that trailer? That's not the "theme" of the film, that's the motivation for Selina Kyle's character. She wouldn't make a very good cat burglar if she felt bad for the rich, now would she? Saying that her take on things indicates that this will be a preachy, anti-capitalist film is a little like saying that "Inglorious Basterds" is anti-Semitic because it has Nazis in it. Of course, there's the League of Shadows angle as well, but they seem to get their panties in a bunch over any one (corrupt?) group having too much power over another, not specifically capitalism, per se. It'll actually be interesting to see how the dynamics of Wayne/Batman and Kyle plays out.

Good point. It's not like Bane is the hero.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Been trying to keep quiet about this for a while... but how can this be construed as anything but trolling?

I'm not personally offended or anything, but you're going out of your way over and over again to diminish these movies any way you can. And you are carefully crafting your wording it in ways that are sure to rile the "Nolan pole-squatters". Why?


Despite not going, I wouldn't have spent a frustrating half hour online downloading passes to catch the prologue at the IMAX 3 hrs away. One could even argue I'm one of only a few that're walking a straight line in a thread full of fanboys and haters. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I agree. I watched it with a friend (neither of us like football) and he said "excellent, the destruction of football!" :lol

From what everyone has been saying about the CGI I was worried I wouldn't like it once I saw it in HD. But I think it looks great, and I'm usually pretty sensitive to dodgy special effects.

BTW, look up "Multi-Quote." :pfft:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Despite not going, I wouldn't have spent a frustrating half hour online downloading passes to catch the prologue at the IMAX 3 hrs away. One could even argue I'm one of only a few that're walking a straight line in a thread full of fanboys and haters. :lol
I don't get it. I was using your phrase.

I'm not saying the "Nolan pole-squatters" (your phrase, not mine) are totally rational, but why chose wording that's just gonna piss them off. Let 'em have their fun. :dunno

Football scene doesn't bother me one bit :dunno

Actually, I think it looks cool with those dudes falling into the hole.

I agree. I watched it with a friend (neither of us like football) and he said "excellent, the destruction of football!" :lol

From what everyone has been saying about the CGI I was worried I wouldn't like it once I saw it in HD. But I think it looks great, and I'm usually pretty sensitive to dodgy special effects.

BTW, look up "Multi-Quote." :pfft:

I "Multi-Quoted" all over this page. :moon
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I agree. I watched it with a friend (neither of us like football) and he said "excellent, the destruction of football!" :lol

From what everyone has been saying about the CGI I was worried I wouldn't like it once I saw it in HD. But I think it looks great, and I'm usually pretty sensitive to dodgy special effects.

Someone had mentioned that the last player to fall in the hole started falling before the hole even opened up under his feet, meaning bad CGI.

Simply not the case, the last player is actually in the process of a tackle, hence why he's already in a falling motion.

Not crappy CGI to me.

Where's Nolan's pole, I need to sit :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't get it. I was using your phrase.

I'm not saying the "Nolan pole-squatters" (your phrase, not mine) are totally rational, but why chose wording that's just gonna piss them off. Let 'em have their fun. :dunno

That's the wording I choose. Is it to instigate anything? No. The reply you quoted was referencing MaulFan's post, and is how I feel about Nolan. I don't give two ____s or a ____ what anybody else thinks. It's my opinion. If you took offense to it, then maybe you're taking it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously, or trying to stir up ____. My money's on the former, because we both know what happens if it's the latter. :wink1: :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm just trying to figure out what was oxymoronic in my post. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You're more than welcome to join void and I when we go see TDKR :lol


Your sack is as big as Void's head. :lol

Fear the void:


LMAO!!! :rotfl

Someone had mentioned that the last player to fall in the hole started falling before the hole even opened up under his feet, meaning bad CGI.

Simply not the case, the last player is actually in the process of a tackle, hence why he's already in a falling motion.

Not crappy CGI to me.

Where's Nolan's pole, I need to sit :lol

Jye, you are always good for bringing some levity to the table! :yess: :lol
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