The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Cool beans man! So is that scene going to be epic or what? Is Bane huge in real life with all his gear on?

Just noticed this post. Yeah that scene is gonna be sweet. They told us the charge and fight between the cops and mercs that we were filming was the beginning of a scene that they already shot the end of in Pittsburgh in August. And on the last day we filmed what I can only assume was the very end of that scene, and very close to the end of the movie.

Honestly, Tom Hardy didn't look any bigger in real life than he does in the set photos. He's definitely in shape as you can see, just not a very tall guy. It remains to be seen whether Nolan will use camera tricks or other editing techniques to give him the illusion of size, or if his height even matters that much to the version of Bane he is going for. Just from the prologue, I think he is plenty scary enough, even if he isn't 7 feet tall. ;)
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Just noticed this post. Yeah that scene is gonna be sweet. They told us the charge and fight between the cops and mercs that we were filming was the beginning of a scene that they already shot the end of in Pittsburgh in August. And on the last day we filmed what I can only assume was the very end of that scene, and very close to the end of the movie.

Honestly, Tom Hardy didn't look any bigger in real life than he does in the set photos. He's definitely in shape as you can see, just not a very tall guy. It remains to be seen whether Nolan will use camera tricks or other editing techniques to give him the illusion of size, or if his height even matters that much to the version of Bane he is going for. Just from the prologue, I think he is plenty scary enough, even if he isn't 7 feet tall. ;)

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Nolan gave Joker scars and fans went with it. Bane isn't super tall in Nolan's world. He'll sell it to fans.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

A lot of conjecture from a brief trailer there. Just wait and see how the actual plot plays out.

Maglor, that post makes my blood boil for some reason, but I'm just going to let it go....
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The new trailer is more like a second teaser. It's not all that theatrical. It just introduces new characters and nods to Bane. Not really any story details. There will be another trailer, I'd say around april or so that will give us the Theatrical feeling, epic music and clean editing and maybe more focused on Batman.

That being said I still get goosebumps over Bane's lines in this and the prologue. Hardy seems to know how he want's Bane to be portrayed as. Hathaway, at least in the trailer is doing extremely well, I was a bit worried that a star like her wouldn't fit, but she seems to fit right in with the rest of the cast. I doubt Nolan would use the Laz pit, but with the whole "Rise" line in the trailer It might be a possibility.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Nolan - "No."

Yeah. Reminds me of reports that WB wanted Inception and Batman 3 to be in 3D. And both times, Nolan shot back with essentially that quote, "No."...and the both times, I imagine the WB responded the only way they could.

"But...but...well, ok." :rotfl
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah of course, totally agree with that.

Bane is a different animal though, and i'm glad they are going all out brutal with him

:exactly: :rock

There were mattress cushions underneath the field . . .


This may be nothing or even someone looking too far into it but it'd be interesting if some sort of connection was made.


That's pretty interesting. They both have the graduating size pearls...

That's nice, if Bruce has done that. I'd give Hathaway a pearl necklace, too!


It was broken in that sequence, but the necklace Selina is wearing could just be a nod to it or maybe it reminds Bruce of his parents' murder.

Unlikely I think that it is the SAME necklace and Selina steals it

Prolly right.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The new trailer is more like a second teaser. It's not all that theatrical. It just introduces new characters and nods to Bane. Not really any story details. There will be another trailer, I'd say around april or so that will give us the Theatrical feeling, epic music and clean editing and maybe more focused on Batman.

That being said I still get goosebumps over Bane's lines in this and the prologue. Hardy seems to know how he want's Bane to be portrayed as. Hathaway, at least in the trailer is doing extremely well, I was a bit worried that a star like her wouldn't fit, but she seems to fit right in with the rest of the cast. I doubt Nolan would use the Laz pit, but with the whole "Rise" line in the trailer It might be a possibility.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

This is probably the top of the pit/well that we see a group of guys repelling down in the trailer, not the Lazarus Pit.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

This is probably the top of the pit/well that we see a group of guys repelling down in the trailer, not the Lazarus Pit.


It's gotta be a LOS hide out or something. I wonder if Bane is part of the LOS or is just a lone mercenary with followers. You also see those guys repelling down from that into the space where it looks like Wayne is at in the trailer.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm sure this was posted before, but with the new trailer, figured folks might like a clear shot of how messed up Bruce is in the trailer scene.


And regarding the necklace, I'd be surprised if it was meant to be the same one since Wayne manor burns down along with all his stuff and try make a point of showing him losing his dad's stethoscope, surely the pearls would be burnt too.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I didn't have any problems understanding what he said in the cleaner prologue vid. :dunno

It's actually clearer in the bootleg than it is when you're actually at the IMAX :lol

Probably has to do with the loudness and extra low end in IMAX theaters

(Gentlemen, mark this moment - Nam is defending a Nolan Batman film point and I criticizing it :horror:panic::lol )
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's a test shot production from rescue dawn :)
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm sure this was posted before, but with the new trailer, figured folks might like a clear shot of how messed up Bruce is in the trailer scene.


And regarding the necklace, I'd be surprised if it was meant to be the same one since Wayne manor burns down along with all his stuff and try make a point of showing him losing his dad's stethoscope, surely the pearls would be burnt too.

Actually that is a makeup test shot from Rescue Dawn, not from TDKR, but Bruce is pretty much like that in TDKR too from what I can tell
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