The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That's from Red Dawn (I think that's what it's called)

Whoops, void beat me too it :)
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's actually clearer in the bootleg than it is when you're actually at the IMAX :lol

Probably has to do with the loudness and extra low end in IMAX theaters

(Gentlemen, mark this moment - Nam is defending a Nolan Batman film point and I criticizing it :horror:panic::lol )

Leave Nam alone, why haz you pick on the Nolan pole squatter such as that poor poor fella Nam. :lol

keepz your Nolan hate in England :lol
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

This is probably the top of the pit/well that we see a group of guys repelling down in the trailer, not the Lazarus Pit.

Yes, good spot!


It's gotta be a LOS hide out or something. I wonder if Bane is part of the LOS or is just a lone mercenary with followers. You also see those guys repelling down from that into the space where it looks like Wayne is at in the trailer.

It looks like that is the opening to the underground prison where Bane has kept Wayne and presumably other rich and wealthy folk.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's actually clearer in the bootleg than it is when you're actually at the IMAX :lol

Probably has to do with the loudness and extra low end in IMAX theaters

(Gentlemen, mark this moment - Nam is defending a Nolan Batman film point and I criticizing it :horror:panic::lol )

I couldn't understand ____ @ the IMAX...

If a lot of people don't understand it... maybe it should be fixed?
Just sayin'...
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It also seems in the trailer Bane is looking at Bruce's unmasked face.

Of that there is not much doubt. Especially after seeing the sizzle reel at the end of the prologue where they show Bane holding the broken cowl and tossing it
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Actually that is a makeup test shot from Rescue Dawn, not from TDKR, but Bruce is pretty much like that in TDKR too from what I can tell

Yeah, crazy how the injuries are so similar an his facial hair.

As for the debate of Bane being tied to the LOS, I think he is, they seem determined to take Gotham down, Begins was the 2nd attempt and failed again, I feel like they'd keep at it and the rise of Batman only added fuel to the fire.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm sure this was posted before, but with the new trailer, figured folks might like a clear shot of how messed up Bruce is in the trailer scene.


And regarding the necklace, I'd be surprised if it was meant to be the same one since Wayne manor burns down along with all his stuff and try make a point of showing him losing his dad's stethoscope, surely the pearls would be burnt too.

Is that from the trailer? Or his little escapade in China? :lol

It's actually clearer in the bootleg than it is when you're actually at the IMAX :lol

Probably has to do with the loudness and extra low end in IMAX theaters

(Gentlemen, mark this moment - Nam is defending a Nolan Batman film point and I criticizing it :horror:panic::lol )

I don't get the whole "IMAX experience." You sit in a theatre, in itty bitty seats, being bombarded with sound to the point of a migraine with your neck cranked and shooting from side to side in hopes of making out at least some of the blurry ____ plastered all over the screen, all for near double the normal ticket price. The only thing enhanced by the experience, in my experience, is the chiropractic bill. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It also seems in the trailer Bane is looking at Bruce's unmasked face.

Yeah, purely speculating here (and as I said before, I'm often misled by trailers), but I don't think for a second that Batman will die in this one. I assume during one of the early encounters between Bane and Batman, he gets beat pretty badly before he is captured (hence the broken cowl that Bane tosses aside at the end of the prologue clips and Bane looming over his unmasked and bloody face in the trailer), but that isn't the last time Batman and Bane fight.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Is that from the trailer? Or his little escapade in China? :lol

I don't get the whole "IMAX experience." You sit in a theatre, in itty bitty seats, being bombarded with sound to the point of a migraine with your neck cranked and shooting from side to side in hopes of making out at least some of the blurry ____ plastered all over the screen, all for near double the normal ticket price. The only thing enhanced by the experience, in my experience, is the chiropractic bill. :lol

Well regarding the blurry image, that's only for film prints that are blown up for the IMAX screen (and, admittedly, the portions of the films like TDK and TDKR that were not shot in IMAX, which is the majority of the runtime since it's mostly used for action scenes). But for the IMAX-camera filmed the prologues of both films, the image is crystal clear and sharp.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Is that from the trailer? Or his little escapade in China? :lol

I don't get the whole "IMAX experience." You sit in a theatre, in itty bitty seats, being bombarded with sound to the point of a migraine with your neck cranked and shooting from side to side in hopes of making out at least some of the blurry ____ plastered all over the screen, all for near double the normal ticket price. The only thing enhanced by the experience, in my experience, is the chiropractic bill. :lol

I saw HP in Imax this summer, It was my first time seeing a feature film and not a documentary in Imax and it blew my mind. We had the very top of the stadium so it was perfect. It might be the seats you have chosen.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Is that from the trailer? Or his little escapade in China? :lol

I don't get the whole "IMAX experience." You sit in a theatre, in itty bitty seats, being bombarded with sound to the point of a migraine with your neck cranked and shooting from side to side in hopes of making out at least some of the blurry ____ plastered all over the screen, all for near double the normal ticket price. The only thing enhanced by the experience, in my experience, is the chiropractic bill. :lol

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Was Bane speaking with Wayne or Batman.

Think he knew or does he find out later after that scene.

That's probably post beating.

Geez, how many times does Wayne/Batman get beat up in this movie. :lol
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Was Bane speaking with Wayne or Batman.

Well the cut of the trailer makes it seem he is talking to Wayne, but even if that cut is misleading, I think it's clear that at least Bane sees unmasked Batman at some point in the film...hence the broken cowl he tosses aside.

BTW, just realized that this means we'll probably get a battle-damaged HT Batman, with a broken cowl. (Unless that is one of Bane's accessories) :)
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

is the cowl tossing from after the prologue? I don't remember seeing it in the new trailer
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Another possibility of Bane having a broken cowl is it does look like his men are rampaging through Wayne Manor. Bane might find his way into the cave.

Either way, Bane knows.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Well regarding the blurry image, that's only for film prints that are blown up for the IMAX screen (and, admittedly, the portions of the films like TDK and TDKR that were not shot in IMAX, which is the majority of the runtime since it's mostly used for action scenes). But for the IMAX-camera filmed the prologues of both films, the image is crystal clear and sharp.

That was something I'd noticed.

I saw HP in Imax this summer, It was my first time seeing a feature film and not a documentary in Imax and it blew my mind. We had the very top of the stadium so it was perfect. It might be the seats you have chosen.

I've been to quite a few IMAX theatres and sat in different locations. For IMAX movies, they're great. For standard movies, not so much. Movies shot in both... even less so.
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