The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

In other words, HT reissue is confirmed

Hopefully. It was stupid of me not to buy the Batpod for TDK (no regrets on the Tumbler though). If Hot Toys reissues a Batpod for TDKR with an attachment for the electronic insect zapper then I'll definitely get it. I'll just pretend it's a TDK Batpod.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Kills insects.
Hopefully. It was stupid of me not to buy the Batpod for TDK (no regrets on the Tumbler though). If Hot Toys reissues a Batpod for TDKR with an attachment for the electronic insect zapper then I'll definitely get it. I'll just pretend it's a TDK Batpod.

Buy two, one for CW and one for BM.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Hopefully. It was stupid of me not to buy the Batpod for TDK (no regrets on the Tumbler though). If Hot Toys reissues a Batpod for TDKR with an attachment for the electronic insect zapper then I'll definitely get it. I'll just pretend it's a TDK Batpod.

:horror :horror :horror

I want both plus 89.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

:horror :horror :horror

I want both plus 89.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm guessing that gun sees about as much use as the sticky bomb gun. Depending on how Hot Toys does it, if they do it, I think it'd be a better gun to have than the sticky bomb gun, that one isn't as cool looking, take away what it does and it gets a little meh, we haven't seen what this one does but it looks cool.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Buy two, one for CW and one for BM.

I don't think I'm going to buy TDKR figures/vehicles unless they REALLY give Batman a complete TDK suit overhaul/update (actual "chain mail" mesh anyone?) and, of course rerelease the Batpod.

No interest in a 1/6 Bane or 1/6 Catwoman. My tune might change once the film comes out but I'm just not impressed with the character designs for Bane and Catwoman, especially after how well done the Joker was handled. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the characterization of Bane so far from the prologue but I don't think I really want a figure of him. I just can't picture him on the shelf with the likes of Scarecrow, The Joker and Two-Face without it looking odd. Too sci-fi looking. Catwoman, judging by what's been released as far as photos go does absolutely nothing for me. If I were to have one 1/6 Catwoman it would be a Returns Pfeiffer version for her costume and look alone.

I'd rather have a Neeson Ras Al Ghul from Begins and maybe Commissioner Gordon from Begins. I'd rather them "complete" the character line up from the first two films with the two characters I mentioned than diving into TDKR.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think I'm going to buy TDKR figures/vehicles unless they REALLY give Batman a complete TDK suit overhaul/update (actual "chain mail" mesh anyone?) and, of course rerelease the Batpod.

No interest in a 1/6 Bane or 1/6 Catwoman. My tune might change once the film comes out but I'm just not impressed with the character designs for Bane and Catwoman, especially after how well done the Joker was handled. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the characterization of Bane so far from the prologue but I don't think I really want a figure of him. I just can't picture him on the shelf with the likes of Scarecrow, The Joker and Two-Face without it looking odd. Too sci-fi looking. Catwoman, judging by what's been released as far as photos go does absolutely nothing for me. If I were to have one 1/6 Catwoman it would be a Returns Pfeiffer version for her costume and look alone.

I'd rather have a Neeson Ras Al Ghul from Begins and maybe Commissioner Gordon from Begins. I'd rather them "complete" the character line up from the first two films with the two characters I mentioned than diving into TDKR.

Makes perfect sense if your not too invested into TDKR's designs yet. I really want a Ra's and still need to pick up a Scarecrow. I will definitely be getting TDKR figures. Probably not the vehicles though. I can't wait to have 2 Banes sitting on my shelf, a prologue version and a gotham version.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm guessing that gun sees about as much use as the sticky bomb gun. Depending on how Hot Toys does it, if they do it, I think it'd be a better gun to have than the sticky bomb gun, that one isn't as cool looking, take away what it does and it gets a little meh, we haven't seen what this one does but it looks cool.

Yeah and if it lights up, even better. I wonder if it's an attachment for the sticky bomb gun or uses the same parts? I wonder what it fires. Based on the montage of clips from the prologue alone it looks like this "insect" gun will be cooler than the sticky bomb gun. Just the way he pulls it out from the side arm compartment from the Batpod looks iconic and cool.

Speaking of the gun, man, you know what, I wonder if Batman's new gun for TDKR was inspired from the Mattel "Nerf" gun they produced back in 2008 for TDK. It looks so similar, I mean just look at the 4 barrels.




Sure, they're not blue, they're yellow but the size and shape is nearly identical. Hmmm.

Maybe it was an abandoned concept from TDK and Mattel just made a toy from it?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think I'm going to buy TDKR figures/vehicles unless they REALLY give Batman a complete TDK suit overhaul/update (actual "chain mail" mesh anyone?) and, of course rerelease the Batpod.

No interest in a 1/6 Bane or 1/6 Catwoman. My tune might change once the film comes out but I'm just not impressed with the character designs for Bane and Catwoman, especially after how well done the Joker was handled. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the characterization of Bane so far from the prologue but I don't think I really want a figure of him. I just can't picture him on the shelf with the likes of Scarecrow, The Joker and Two-Face without it looking odd. Too sci-fi looking. Catwoman, judging by what's been released as far as photos go does absolutely nothing for me. If I were to have one 1/6 Catwoman it would be a Returns Pfeiffer version for her costume and look alone.

I'd rather have a Neeson Ras Al Ghul from Begins and maybe Commissioner Gordon from Begins. I'd rather them "complete" the character line up from the first two films with the two characters I mentioned than diving into TDKR.

It will. Mark my words. :)

Bane at least will be an amazing figure.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It will. Mark my words. :)

I don't know, maybe, maybe not. This doesn't really scream "COOL ACTION FIGURE" or "FIGURE OF THE YEAR",


like these do,


Nothing against Hardy, I'm liking the character as far as the film goes but I just can't see me spending $200 plus on a figure with a sci-fi mask, brown earth tone rags and a "ugg" boot coat.

As for Catwoman, I wouldn't buy a 60's Julie Newmar Catwoman so why would I buy a TDKR Catwoman with some super hi-tech goggles?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't know, I think Bane will be a pretty awesome looking figure, with the pose of him holding up dent's flyer.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know everything is rumors at this point - but if the Lazarus Pit is part of the plot, could they use it to bring back Two Face? I didn't get the see the prologue, but was told someone gets brought back to life. I saw a picture where Bane is holding up a photo of Harvey Dent. I'm curious to see if Bane knows Harvey's turn to Two Face and is trying to expose him or if he is just trying to tear the city to shreds. I thought Two Face was a great character and played to perfection with Nolan's more serious take on Batman. I am sad that this is the last new Batman movie from Nolan. He has done a fantastic job with the series so far. Not gonna lie....I am a little nervous since TDK was so good
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't know, I think Bane will be a pretty awesome looking figure, with the pose of him holding up dent's flyer.

If Hot Toys makes a Camo Bane Tumbler I bet most collectors display him on top of it, holding out a Dent picture.
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