The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Bane's voice is awesome and does not need to be changed.

Besides, someone talking through a respirator or gasmask of some sort is going to have a distortion of their voice. It's normal, add an accent to it all and it just makes it worse.

I personally love the mystique and uniqueness of Bane's voice. I hope Nolan holds strong and doesn't alter his voice.

Mike Patton using a respirator. Sounds like Bane if he was singing:

The point is it's normal. People for some reason expect someone speaking through a gasmask to sound normal and perfectly clear?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Looks like WB won the battle against Nolan:

New Bane Photo :horror

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

One thing that bothered me in TDK was during the Pruitt Building scene when all those SWAT guys were telling Batman to "freeze". Besides them all sounding the same, their voices were perfectly clear. They sounded disembodied. There was no distortion from the masks they were wearing. :lol

Nolan doesn't need to change the voice. It's great. Just make sure he's more audible. I had no trouble understanding him during the trailer and most of the prologue. The only problems I had were when the background audio was too loud. But I do think it's a voice you need to get used to since it's so different (especially because of the mask).
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

How fantastic is this? :D Two great trailers and it feels like 2001/2004. The Hobbit and Batman. :panic:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

How fantastic is this? :D Two great trailers and it feels like 2001/2004. The Hobbit and Batman. :panic:

Plus Avengers......

While my number one movie i'm looking forward to is TDKR, I still can't believe a high budget Avengers movie is upon us in a mere 5 months.

IM, Cap, Thor and Hulk together on the big screen! :thud:

My wife is actually looking forward more to Avengers because she said Batman and Hobbit is the same ____ over and over again :lol

But then she loved the TDKR and Hobbit trailer :rock

I am so lucky having my other half to share this with, plus our little Bane child.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Plus Avengers......

While my number one movie i'm looking forward to is TDKR, I still can't believe a high budget Avengers movie is upon us in a mere 5 months.

IM, Cap, Thor and Hulk together on the big screen! :thud:

I've been jonesing for an Avengers movie since the first 'X-Men' flick hit the big screen - that movie helped get me pumped for the fun of seeing a team of superheroes working together. Then with 'Spiderman', I got thinking about the idea of a storyline that would bring the various Marvel franchises together for a flick, something like Onslaught. Then Marvel movies got all bogged down with the likes of 'Daredevil', 'Elektra', the first 'Hulk' movie abortion, 'Ghost Rider', 'X-Men: The Last Stand', 'Spiderman 3'...what a buzzkill. Seems like Marvel is getting their mojo back again, hope they knock it outta the park with avengers.

And after Nolan wraps up his take on Batman, there will be a reboot I'm sure. With a new Supes in town, maybe we'll get a JLA down the road? :pray:

My wife is actually looking forward more to Avengers because she said Batman and Hobbit is the same ____ over and over again :lol

:lol While I can understand your poor wife's plight, she can take comfort in knowing TDKR wraps up a trilogy and The Hobbit is a stand-alone adventure - she only has to make it through one movie's worth of each! :wink1:

But then she loved the TDKR and Hobbit trailer :rock

Oh good, she does have a pulse, then! :rotfl Seriously, this is a great time to be a geek who likes flix!

I am so lucky having my other half to share this with, plus our little Bane child.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'll watch Avengers when it hits HBO for free. Iron Man was good but the sequel was so bad it made the first a little worse. Thor was just at average. Captain America was scraping by to be average and the Incredible Hulk was ____ing awful. Mix all that together and throw in even more characters and it ought to make for an abortion of a film with the pew pews and pow pows.
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