The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm curious if this movie will address the rift that came between Fox and Wayne in TDKR, while he did make that little smirk when the sonar computer blew up, I still feel like Fox's character should look at Wayne with concern about how far he goes as Batman, I dont' want everything to just be all fine and dandy again, a little drama'll make for a better film.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm curious if this movie will address the rift that came between Fox and Wayne in TDKR, while he did make that little smirk when the sonar computer blew up, I still feel like Fox's character should look at Wayne with concern about how far he goes as Batman, I dont' want everything to just be all fine and dandy again, a little drama'll make for a better film.

My guess is (because of his stringent personality) he still resigns but comes back at a later date durings Batmans 8 year hiatus. There is a personal relationship between the two, he saved him with a hallucinogen and supported Wayne on continuous occasions.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Well the movie is suppose to be set 8 years later, so to hold a grudge for that long is kind of childish

Damn, Vorhees beat me to it.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

A grudge is one thing, but questioning someone's ethics has no expiration. Fox questioned Bruce's ethics spying on the entire city and questioned if he could draw the line. The two have a personal relationship, you can tell it's not just business, if someone I were close to like that did something I questioned, even if we stayed friends, part of me would feel uneasy situations that bring up that questionable trait.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Well the movie is suppose to be set 8 years later, so to hold a grudge for that long is kind of childish

Damn, Vorhees beat me to it.

:rock :rock :rock

A grudge is one thing, but questioning someone's ethics has no expiration. Fox questioned Bruce's ethics spying on the entire city and questioned if he could draw the line. The two have a personal relationship, you can tell it's not just business, if someone I were close to like that did something I questioned, even if we stayed friends, part of me would feel uneasy situations that bring up that questionable trait.

But given the desperate situation he was in the intent should (at the end of the day) be condoned at the very least. I personally don't think Fox's impression would be altered after he came to reason.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

We shall see, I have no doubt we'll have some classic Freeman smiles in there though, some "that's more like it Mr. Wayne moments. I kind of hope the reveal of the new air vehicle is similar to the Tumbler where it's like 2 little kids with a new toy. The Batpod just burst right into action, literally, with no real addressing it.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I said it before, I want Batman at the end when he beats up Bane to Rip that Mask out of his face, and see Bane screaming in pain, that would be brutal

With regards to the end, I do hope the same music from Begins and TDK is used for the big climactic moment, the part where Batman leaps from the train and throws Joker off the building, that's some of my favorite music in this series, even though it's just seconds.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

With regards to the end, I do hope the same music from Begins and TDK is used for the big climactic moment, the part where Batman leaps from the train and throws Joker off the building, that's some of my favorite music in this series, even though it's just seconds.

Molossus is still my favorite track of the two films.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Fox didn't resign. Yes, he has a stringent code of ethics as evidenced by his mini-lecture to Batman about how wrong the machine was, but he's not so rigid that he refused to use it to help him.

Besides, remember he said "As long as this machine is at Wayne Enterprises, I won't be." And the machine is destroyed after it is used to find the Joker. To decide, after all that, to say "You know what, I'm going to do the exact opposite of what I said before and resign anyway" is so out of character, and against his word.

Now, maybe in the eight years there is some other reason that he leaves Wayne Enterprises, (like retirement or something), but it's not because he was still pissed at Batman for the sonar machine. Remember the voiceover...his "faith [in Batman to do the right thing] was rewarded."
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


:slap :monkey4 :thud: :rotfl
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Fox didn't resign. Yes, he has a stringent code of ethics as evidenced by his mini-lecture to Batman about how wrong the machine was, but he's not so rigid that he refused to use it to help him.

Besides, remember he said "As long as this machine is at Wayne Enterprises, I won't be." And the machine is destroyed after it is used to find the Joker. To decide, after all that, to say "You know what, I'm going to do the exact opposite of what I said before and resign anyway" is so out of character, and against his word.

Now, maybe in the eight years there is some other reason that he leaves Wayne Enterprises, (like retirement or something), but it's not because he was still pissed at Batman for the sonar machine. Remember the voiceover...his "faith [in Batman to do the right thing] was rewarded."

Yeah, that particular tension between Wayne & Fox had its full arc played out and resolved in TDK. I very much doubt they'll be at odds in the new film, unless it's over something completely different.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'll be seeing the prologue later on today but I'm already half asleep.
Not getting my hopes up reading some of the reviews here , more excited for mission impossible really.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

A grudge is one thing, but questioning someone's ethics has no expiration. Fox questioned Bruce's ethics spying on the entire city and questioned if he could draw the line. The two have a personal relationship, you can tell it's not just business, if someone I were close to like that did something I questioned, even if we stayed friends, part of me would feel uneasy situations that bring up that questionable trait.

Well, Alfred didn't quit over the cop chase in BB begins, did he? He was mad as hell and gave Bruce an earful of it, as well as a stern lecture on the value of the 'Wayne' family name, but he got over it. Both Alfred and Lucius are wise men and they know that Bruce/Batman walks the razor's edge of ethics; he's constantly in danger of going too far. They also know it is their duty to give this guy some reality checks to pull him back. That's what Fox did in TDK, and his faith was rewarded. Had it not been, he most certainly would have walked away forever. As it was, I'd say conflict resolved.

Sheer speculation time. I believe Fox is in great danger of not surviving the events of this movie. In Bane's pursuit of turning Gotham to ashes, Batman is a definite obstacle. We've been given several hints that Bane learn's Batman's true identity: the broken cowl, scenes that look like they may be in the Batcave, stolen tumblers (unlikely they were ever sold to the military, would be pretty obvious then that Wayne has a suspicious connection to Batman - more likely stolen from the R & D department of Wayne Enterprises). Lucius is sitting on top of some big secrets; seems very likely those secrets may get him broken... :horror
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