THE DEAD: Subject 245: Punk - Image Thread

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Repainted the eyes teeth and entire mouth area.





eff u king.....:mad:

(barryo runs off & throws fit in jealous rage at king's painting & picture taking abilities)........:banghead

:lol..................awesome stuff chase..........did you gloss the eyes at all?

edit:.........just noticed the red line at the eye
:lol.....Thnx barryo. Yeah, the eyes are glossed.

And the last set of pix.





And heres a couple just for fun with Nigel Tufnels guitar and zombie groupie......


damn king............your pics are wallpaper worthy...........:bow

love the babysitter groupie shot............:banana

love this shot tons................:rock2
Well done King... the repaint touches really make a difference :lecture

Got mine today as well... really happy with him. The weathing and clothing are very well done. The fact that he has so many layers on his top... yet doesn't look bulky is very impressive. Sideshow could have cheaped out on this one, but didn't

The body on mine seems very good... maybe a little weak in the thighs, but stands (even with the odd foot) w/o issue. And the eyes don't bug me as much in person.



And with his friend that also arrived toda :rock
Great pix J :rock :rock :rock

Thats one thing the pro body does well, handle layers :rock

Mine stands without issue also btw.

Also I like the metal ear rings! Nice touch.
damn good pics GB...............i wasnt digging the eyes at all.. but in this shot they look ???? ing awesome.........

....might be the yellowish background but something clicks and pulls it all together
They really don't seem so bad in person... I do prefer the proto (and King's repaint) but I can live with them as is.
Looks awesome all except those eyes...not really digging that yellowish red. I prefer the white/grey with the full black pupils like the prototype.
Okay, couple more pix than I'll stop, I promise :lol

First, I painted the forearm to match the hand so I could push up the sleeve and show the wrist band thing........


And second, wanted to show a couple more pix of the repainted mouth area in natural light.......




Okay, now I'm done. I promise:)

awesome king..................great work

where does this guy fit in the nativity scheme though??........:dunno

You know... it may just be the newness of him. But I gotta say Subject 245 just bumped to the top off my favorites list. He really just looks awesome.
You know... it may just be the newness of him. But I gotta say Subject 245 just bumped to the top off my favorites list. He really just looks awesome.

they do seem to be stepping up each win for us dead peeps
Yeah, I really love the butcher figure as well... doesn't seem to be the most popular in the series, but I think he's awesome :rock
Yeah, I really love the butcher figure as well... doesn't seem to be the most popular in the series, but I think he's awesome :rock

me too.................the dead is a fun prop makin' line for me