I was supposed to be laid-off several months ago, but they extended my employment until next year. Actually, I had volunteer to quit to take the severance package in this economy. I'm tired of working for corporate, getting calls at 2AM, working 12 hours a day and including every weekend, being on-call 24 hours, working with bozos on the same team and fixing their mistakes...enough is enough.
I'm waiting to take my vacation soon before I look elsewhere. From what I'm hearing, jobs are out there for contractors but not permanent. It doesn't matter if you're contractor or permanent; companies will laid either one.
My advice for others is to start getting in contact with your old friends or peers. Another option is to get on linkedin and find your old friends/peers. People that I have worked with 8 years ago are finding me on linkedin and vice versa. They can help out at their current company. I have already been asked if i'm interested in doing other things outside of my current expertise. So, networking is the way to go now to find another job.
Just remember, EVERY YEAR during Christmas, companies are not hiring. However, they spend their free time in interviewing open position for early next year. Stay positive. Don't think about the negative in your life.
Also to keep in mind that every year, companies tend to laid off all the lazy ass people. It's normal for them to do so in order to bring in new energetic people to do the work. Also, by doing so, they are getting rid of the high paying salary people to bring in the lower salary. Expect a paid cut if you're getting 6 digits.
Good luck to everyone.
We need consumers to spend..spend..spend..in order to improve the economy. So please, spend as much as you can this year so that it can develop a chain reaction of jobs![]()
lol I dont think so....over spending is what is destroying the economy! going into more DEBT!! buying useless crap! spending more and more only hurts the individual even much greater and becomes even a greater SLAVE to the Lender.
Horrible advice to give people my friend!!
People need to educate themselves and learn what money really is...because its certainly not the Federal reserve toilet paper (backed by nothing).
to be in Debt, means your a slave to the lender....You will see in your lifetime
an economic crash as the dollar is going bankrupt..paper will be worthless junk!! its coming!!