Super Freak
Just saw the film and find myself wanting an force awakens version of Han Solo. I was tempted to get Captain Phasma. Absolutely no point to that character and had awhole 3 minuts of screen time maybe.
That's kind of an unfair call. Just as easy to say some fans are so blinded that they think something mediocre is great. Just using that as an example. Not trying to ruffle feathers.
For all those thinking that Rey "picked up" on the Force powers too quickly, remember... There was no safety buffer or step by step given to Luke when Ben begins to train him. He famously tossed him the sabre and said hey, this thing was your father's see what you think of it. Just a short while later he got him BLINDFOLDED and asked to defend against the Attacks of the remote. It's not about leaning a corse of study, it's about TRUSTING your feelings, FEELING the Force, ALLOWING it to GIUDE your actions and obey your commands.
Luke's issues, which were actually brilliantly brought out in ANH, were that he was too tied to the mundanities of his life, bogged down by his Uncle's philosophies and pragmatism to allow himself to "let go". Later, with the death of Owen and removal of all to which he was previously tethered, he swings in the opposite direction. His thirst for adventure, excitement (a Jedi craves not these things) similarly impede his deliverance to the nature of the Force to the point that Yoda fears he is untrainable. These personal elements within Luke are some of what makes him such a compelling character.
Now, flash forward to Rey. She is an absolute NATURAL. she is PATIENT in her meager situation on Jakku , putting up with a demeaning job and boss waiting for her family, she is CALM in the face of great danger, she is DESCIPLINED in all that she does and in the way that she's taught herself so many technical skills. With all of these qualities (and extreme hotness on top of it all), and the Force lineage that we'll soon see, the real wonder is that she's not already at MASTER level.
Keep in mind, there wasn't always a Jedi "Academy" at the top of a Jedi temple on Courasant. There had to have been Force sensitive individuals who came before who built all of that. I think Rey could be the new Chosen One with Luke as the new Yoda...
You're contradicting yourself. Luke was introduced to The Force and guided. Rey didn't know what The Force was and only put 1 and 1 together when Ren mentions she needs a teacher to "guide" her when they are fighting.
There was no natural progression in this film - on so many fronts. Things just happened to propel the audience forward.
My guess, is it'll all make sense after 8, but that should never be the case. JJ kept wanking on that this was a stand-alone film... far from it; it leaves more questions than answers.
The people complaining about TFA do not understand its concepts and how/why events played out.
As far as A New Hope having problems.... there were lots of them.
How could Luke guide a missle into a hole no bigger than a womp rat without no force training?
Why weren't the droids left at the smoldering home of Luke's instead of being paraded around Mos Eisley?
Why did Obi-Wan give up and die. He didn't even become more powerful than one could imagine. He basically let Luke almost die twice. If he was alive, maybe he and Luke could have defeated the empire together?
The force awakened in Rey and she received newfound knowledge and abilities by the will of the force. Plus her skill with a staff contributed to her success with a saber. These are facts that can't be questioned. That was the natural progression as the title says.
I felt sorry for those who kept defending this mediocre film, which is just riding on the name of the franchise.
Sure the film didn't go as what the OT fans would like it to be. But give this film another title and no one would bat an eye.
The will of the force is canon in the SW universe. It is the philosophy to which QuiGon famously subscribed. You need to go back and review the history if you think what you just highlighted proves your point at all. WWE has it right. Sorry, you lose... Priceless.
And I see you're a Democrat, because when people don't agree with your position, you simply "declare" the discussion over. As if you have that power. Go grab your pacifier.
Missile - you just explained it. Womp Rat. "Use The Force Luke."
Droids - they went to Mos Eisley to escape ASAP. Leaving them at the homestead...WTF??? They we "up the creek" however they handled it and needed to GTFO asap.
Ben - he became a Martyr and knew he could commune with The Force.
Your last point - I have no idea what you're eluding to. Please explain...
I'm going to start calling you MasterCard - because that right there... that is PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End of discussion.
The will of the force is canon in the SW universe. It is the philosophy to which QuiGon famously subscribed. You need to go back and review the history if you think what you just highlighted proves your point at all. WWE has it right. Sorry, you lose... Priceless.
And I see you're a Democrat, because when people don't agree with your position, you simply "declare" the discussion over. As if you have that power. Go grab your pacifier.
In my short time here, I've enjoyed your posts/input. This is pretty disappointing.
The will of the force is canon in the SW universe. It is the philosophy to which QuiGon famously subscribed. You need to go back and review the history if you think what you just highlighted proves your point at all. WWE has it right. Sorry, you lose... Priceless.
And I see you're a Democrat, because when people don't agree with your position, you simply "declare" the discussion over. As if you have that power. Go grab your pacifier.
Sorry to disappoint. That was really uncalled for by me, I know. I just have a knee jerk reaction to "technique" masquerading as argument. Declaring the contest over because you take the position (in your arrogance) that the only argument left is too feeble to be worthy of your time. Its an elitist, ridiculous ploy, and it's right out of the playbook chiefly employed by the political Left. I have great respect for many Democrats, mostly from a bygone age, but not all. So I apologize for the generalization. Chalk it up to a bit of pent up frustration with current events. I'm sorry...
Sorry to disappoint. That was really uncalled for by me, I know. I just have a knee jerk reaction to "technique" masquerading as argument. Declaring the contest over because you take the position (in your arrogance) that the only argument left is too feeble to be worthy of your time. Its an elitist, ridiculous ploy, and it's right out of the playbook chiefly employed by the political Left. I have great respect for many Democrats, mostly from a bygone age, but not all. So I apologize for the generalization. Chalk it up to a bit of pent up frustration with current events. I'm sorry...
Proven wrong and run away. Okay. I accept that I was right and you were wrong. Merry Christmas![]()