The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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WHAAAAATTT!!! When is this on Blu Ray!!!!

Well when i see it for the 3rd time next week, i'm going to listen for Obi-Wan saying "Rey". Honestly i think that would be an amazing twist to it all, and the funny thing is when Obi-Wan says " if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you possibly could imagine" that line will finally get its due :)

crazy stuff!!! and I love it!!! :) :)
For such a beloved franchise Lucas is more loathed by his 'fans' than any creator in pop culture. Where have you been the last 16 years???
He got trashed for the prequels sucking and rightly so. Just like Peter Jackson and The Hobbit. *shrugs* That doesn't mean people were trashing them because the movies were made by Lucas/Jackson. They got trashed b/c the movies sucked.
He got trashed for the prequels sucking and rightly so. Just like Peter Jackson and The Hobbit. *shrugs* That doesn't mean people were trashing them because the movies were made by Lucas/Jackson. They got trashed b/c the movies sucked.

Ah, a Lucas hater. The prequels didn't suck, and if you by chance are holding The Force Awakens as superior to them, then you are being intellectually dishonest. At least the clunky dialog in Phantom Menace was delivered by an eight year old.
Interesting. I didn't catch that. Heard Yoda, but not Obi-Wan.

I do like that theory that Obi-Wan has something to do with it (and frankly, I would be surprised if we didn't see Force ghosts in the next one anyway). Its possible Obi-Wan could have trigged a father-less pregnancy like Anakin's through the force like (I've always assumed) Plagueis and/or Palpatine did to Anakin's mother.

But then again, its entirely possible Han slept around and Rey could be his daughter too, making her a half-brother to Kylo Ben.
Ah, a Lucas hater. The prequels didn't suck, and if you by chance are holding The Force Awakens as superior to them, then you are being intellectually dishonest. At least the clunky dialog in Phantom Menace was delivered by an eight year old.
I'm no Lucas hater (kinda sad to read/respond to that...). I'll see TFA on Wednesday and make up my own mind, but I don't owe a movie a good review because I like Eps III - VI. Anyway, can see there's no point discussing this.
Well when i see it for the 3rd time next week, i'm going to listen for Obi-Wan saying "Rey". Honestly i think that would be an amazing twist to it all, and the funny thing is when Obi-Wan says " if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you possibly could imagine" that line will finally get its due :)

crazy stuff!!! and I love it!!! :) :)

Yes, the MUCH BETTER story is for Rey to be a Kenobi!!!!! Maybe old Ben did the whole "away in a manger" after he was struck down! :)
I have IMAX tix for the 30th and will likely try to see it at the Hollywood Dome too since they are my client (take that Hateful 8! )
I'm no Lucas hater (kinda sad to read/respond to that...). I'll see TFA on Wednesday and make up my own mind, but I don't owe a movie a good review because I like Eps III - VI. Anyway, can see there's no point discussing this.

Well, I liked the prequels AND The Force Awakens, but I will say, TFA suffers from ALL of the characteristics that I've heard people grip about with the prequels for over a decade now. I got pretty damn fed-up listening to people throw George and his movies under the bus, and embrace the hype that TFA would be light-years a head of the prequels simply due to the fact that Lucas wasn't involved. It is absolutely hilarious to see Abrams put out a product that suffers from the same issues.
I just saw the movie and wow, I didn't think anything could be worse than the prequels but my main man jar jar abrams delivered! Worst movie I've seen in a long time, easily the worst for 2015.
The only figures i want after seeing the movie are kylo ,rey and probably finn, I dont know.
LoL. no worries. I saw it again tonight, and im 100% convinced now she is Luke's daughter. There is no way she would be that powerful with little training and not be a Skywalker plus the connection with the lightsaber. The question is who is her mother...

I havent read enough of the treads so not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but i noticed tonight during her vision scene when Luke's hand touches R2 you hear Yoda's voice talking about the Force which sounded like the ESB dialogue of Luke's training. Just another hint she can see Luke through the saber.

The other thing i saw tonight i didnt see the first time was C-3PO has his gold arm back at the very end when Rey and Chewie take off in the Falcon to go find Luke :)

Great pick-ups! And agreed 100%.

Also, I noticed on second viewing that the last word spoken in her "dream sequence" (appears to be) old Ben yelling "Rey!" For a moment I thought I was hearing things but punched it into the net when I got back and everyone is saying it sounds exactly like Alec Guiness?!

I'm leaning toward her being Luke's as well.
...After seeing the movie and knowing Disney is going to crank out Star Wars like Twinkies for the next several years I can safely say none of these characters will achieve iconic status to me. I had thought about getting a HT Kylo until I saw what a inept sad villain he was. I think I will stick with OT for Hot Toys and maybe pick up the Black Series for TFA just to have some representation in my collection.
The source is the movie. Its very clear that's what happens once you figure out what Ben is asking Han for help with. He's not asking him for help coming back to the light. He's asking him to help him kill him. That's why Ben isn't shocked by it. He was asking for Han to do it for him. Its a very Snape and Dumbledore type of situation. What's on the surface isn't really what's going down. It wasn't obvious during my first viewing, but it was very clear my second time around once I knew what was going to happen. As it turns out, Han stabs first too!

As far as Leia and Chewie not exchanging anything, I think Chewie was still really effected by the whole situation and once his duties of getting them home were accomplished, he just needed some alone time to grieve and take everything in. Plus Leia already knew thanks to her limited Force powers.

Still not convinced Rey is Luke's daughter however. She was definitely old enough to remember her father, no matter what name he was going by. So she should have said "Dad?" or something when Luke turned around. Unless, of courses, she too never knew her father and that was her mother's grave Luke was standing over.

As per the novel, which was extracted from the script:

“Ren ignited the lightsaber—and the fiery red beam lanced outward to pierce Han’s chest from front to back.”

“Stunned by his own action, Kylo Ren fell to his knees. Following through on the act ought to have made him stronger, a part of him believed. Instead, he found himself weakened. ”

Excerpt(s) From: Alan Dean Foster. “The Force Awakens (Star Wars).” iBooks.
Well, I liked the prequels AND The Force Awakens, but I will say, TFA suffers from ALL of the characteristics that I've heard people grip about with the prequels for over a decade now. I got pretty damn fed-up listening to people throw George and his movies under the bus, and embrace the hype that TFA would be light-years a head of the prequels simply due to the fact that Lucas wasn't involved. It is absolutely hilarious to see Abrams put out a product that suffers from the same issues.

The same issues? You mean the worse then cheap pseudo-Shakespearian love story? Or maybe the overwhelming amount of political blabbering and the staggering amount of people sitting in circles and wondering? Or maybe the inability to really believe that the environment the characters are evolving is real? or the complete absence of emotion with the exception of Sidious (who was actually both cheesy and damn enjoyable!) and Anakin (I'm not even going to touch that. Although I did not dislike Lloyd too much for a child actor). Or the "ballet" style lightsaber that shows no emotion (even after Obi Wan witnessed the death of his master!)? Or maybe the racist undertones of half the new alien species introduced in episode 1?

When I saw the prequels, there was no clear cut with the OT in my mind because I practically saw 4-5-6-1 in a row (I discovered SW in 99 when I was 11 and instantly became fan for life). And I liked Phantom Menace, not as much as the rest but I liked it. Even today I don't hate the prequels (except maybe for episode 2. Even as a 14 years old this movie was as bad as it gets and unforgivably boring). Even if it's thematically dissonant and sometime fails at visual storytelling, I still like the pod-race, the Maul fight or Yoda confronting Sidious. But even without hate that doesn't make these movies good ones.

Now you don't seem to want to hear any argument about why we prefer TFA to the prequels (accusing people of intellectual dishonesty because they don't share your opinion...) so I'm not going to bother more than that: TFA >>> prequels.

@Buttmunch: "As far as Leia and Chewie not exchanging anything" No matter how I justify that after the fact, it was super weird in the movie and I did not like it at all. Even my girlfriend who's not the greatest SW's fan picked up on it and was stunned, that's not a good sign.
Hoping we either see Ren get much stronger or see a truly iconic evil force-user emerge next movie. If this new trilogy has to do one thing, it's that.

I also found the lack of an exchange between Leia and Chewie very odd. The whole aftermath of Han's death was very saddening tbh.
Buttmunch, you're saying Han committed suicide to help save his son? YOU'RE WRONG!
I'll watch it a few more times with Buttmunch's theory in mind, but on first seeing it this evening I thought Ren was giving up his saber, and Han was trying to take it—only to find his son suddenly gripping it when the sun went down.
Great pick-ups! And agreed 100%.

Also, I noticed on second viewing that the last word spoken in her "dream sequence" (appears to be) old Ben yelling "Rey!" For a moment I thought I was hearing things but punched it into the net when I got back and everyone is saying it sounds exactly like Alec Guiness?!

I'm leaning toward her being Luke's as well.
Apparently it was Ewan McGregor.
The same issues? You mean the worse then cheap pseudo-Shakespearian love story? Or maybe the overwhelming amount of political blabbering and the staggering amount of people sitting in circles and wondering? Or maybe the inability to really believe that the environment the characters are evolving is real? or the complete absence of emotion with the exception of Sidious (who was actually both cheesy and damn enjoyable!) and Anakin (I'm not even going to touch that. Although I did not dislike Lloyd too much for a child actor). Or the "ballet" style lightsaber that shows no emotion (even after Obi Wan witnessed the death of his master!)? Or maybe the racist undertones of half the new alien species introduced in episode 1?

I love this. I wish I could do a BB-8 lighter on your comment.

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