Saw this Friday night. Was OK...not great.
Saw it as an objective viewer. No expectations.
Three things stood out. Nicole Kidman is a good actress and was in a story far more intricate than the rest of this movie...
The movie didn't really start til the Bear shows up.
And, it was rushed.
It LOOKS great! Kudos there. Great effects. I want that big red airship, but with Sam Elliot running it, rather than that other blah one.
Story was just weird. Not a strange enough locale somehow. Too much like some story at Oxford or somewhere. Not fantasy enough in some places, then too much in others. The animal thing started grating somehow, because the world they were in was not conducive to them to me.
Odd feeling when I left. I didn't hate it, and love all the mythology involved in the story (LOTS of iconography from World History used to interesting effect, both cultural and idealogical), and, I can see where someone who doesn't get the subtleties would be offended. I was not. It is a fairy tale. Those don't usually offend me.
I say to those that have chips on their religious shoulders (and I am quite a passionate spiritual person), get over it. It is only a movie. And, a lot of what is said in it, happened in history anyway. Sorry. It did, and still does happen. So that didn't bother me.
Somebody somewhere is always trying to tell me/us/whoever how to think. Old news. I am a free will soul myself. Hence the Founding Fathers of my country. BLAH BLAH. I won't bore.
Hope there is a sequel, but my first thought out the door was, there won't be. If not, too bad. Another movie might make it all work better as an entertainment.