"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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I´m customizing the saddle bag too. I need help with it. I didn´t finish my second test yet because I need pictures for reference. I think the bag is made with a very dark brown leather but...would it be black?? ( I know I must use a black thread to sew it, but I havent black Thread when I started this saddle bag test) Please I need good pictures for customizing one. Tomorrow I will post pictures of the saddle bag. I need help, suggestions and advice.

Now it´s too late here in Spain.
Have a nice day all.
And in this last shot, you will see TWO Rainman sculpts. The one on the left is the DF Studio paint job (the painted head version that was sold by itself), and the one on the right is the full figure edition painted by Rainman. This is probably the ONLY time you'll hear me say this, but I think the DF Studio paint is better than Rainman's in this case. The eyes make all the difference in the world to me, and the DF version captures the steely-green color of Clint's eyes much better. The paint also looks "cleaner" if that makes any sense. I don't know - something about the paint on this loose head makes Rainman's sculpt look that much better.


It's funny because I had my suspicious about the DF Studio Clint (the same one I own) having a better likeness somehow than the RM Clint and seeing them side by side i really feel that's true althoug obviously the RM head's paint job is twice the skill level as DF
It's funny because I had my suspicious about the DF Studio Clint (the same one I own) having a better likeness somehow than the RM Clint and seeing them side by side i really feel that's true althoug obviously the RM head's paint job is twice the skill level as DF

Agreed. Rainman's skill level is freakin' amazing, but I will take the DF job over Rainman's in this case - even though the Studio DF painters aren't as refined overall. The eyes just work better for me on that one.
Same here! Litial, your ponchos are getting better and better all the time! I'd definitely like to have one too, when you're ready to start taking orders.
Thank you very much.
It´s taking me so much time but I´ll show you all the accesories I´m customizing. It´s soon to reveal them but I´m making test with items related to The dollar trilogy that we´ve never sawn before...Or I think so.

The poncho looks great! I can't wait to see the rest of your work.
Thank you I celebrate it likes you. I will post pictures of all items I´m doing as soon as they will be finished. I mean prototypes.



That poncho is just perfect!!!! I badly want one!!!!! :D
Hello Mudshark. Thank you very much. I really don´t know when I would be ready to star taking orders, I mean, I m doing everything, poncho, shirt , pants, every detail...and more.

I will tell you all something as soon as I can.
I´m going to post pictures of the saddle bag and I will need as much help as everybody could give me.

I need pictures from the film of the saddle bag.
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks in advance

Same here! Litial, your ponchos are getting better and better all the time! I'd definitely like to have one too, when you're ready to start taking orders.
As I was telling you all in the last posts I need help for customizing the saddle bag. I did two saddle bags with different babric and different measurement. The first one I did was too big for the figure (sideshow body) The second one is smaller and it´s done with imitation-leather (looks old).

I need advices, and suggestions.
- Do you think the second one I did (the one that looks older, the shorter one) has the correct measuremts?

-What colour is the one that uses Clint? Black or brown? Because when we see it looks really dusty but I think it would be black, but I´m not sure of it. I need pictures. (my two tests are made with dark brown)

Do you think the saddle bag is larger, thinner, shorter?
Please help me to custom the most acurate saddle bag providing me pictures.
Thanks in advance.
Here you have several pictures of the saddle bag. Is not a finished product, just a test I´m doing. The final one will have real buckles. I did the ones you can see by hand just for this test.
Please share with me your oppinions and sugestions. With the help of your feedback I will try to custom a new saddle bag more acurate than this one.

Thanks in advance
I think the cutting of the pattern is a bit messy and sloppy, litial. It lacks that clean cut, solid feel that the rainman version seem to have.

To improve, I think you need to learn more about cutting leather and patterns, and then study which type of material suits best to replicate this bag. a 1/6 scale material of course. Because a 1:1 scale would be too thick and looks off.

I think blondie's bag is dark brown.

hope that helps.
litial: This is about the best I could do on short notice. Unfortunately I don't have FFoD on Blu-ray yet, so the images aren't the best they could be. These were grabbed off my computer's DVD player. I'll try to take some pics off my HDTV later and see if I can get something better for you.

I would say the bags are a very dark brown, like dark chocolate color, almost black, but not quite. They're extremely scuffed and worn on the outer surfaces, so the natural brown color of the leather underneath is showing through.

This may be more work than it's worth, but if you could find some brown leather of the proper thickness for a 1:6 scaled down version, stain it dark brown with leather dye or shoe polish, then sand the surface until the lighter brown shows through, I think you could probably get almost the exact look of the bags in the film. I would also suggest using a leather with a smoother surface texture. Anyway, I hope these pics are some help to you. :D





Thank you!!
Beleave me when I´m tell you that your coments really help me.

Yes, I need to make a clean cut, even in a test is better to do it as much perfect as I can. The finished product will have the best cut.

Thank you again!

I think the cutting of the pattern is a bit messy and sloppy, litial. It lacks that clean cut, solid feel that the rainman version seem to have.

To improve, I think you need to learn more about cutting leather and patterns, and then study which type of material suits best to replicate this bag. a 1/6 scale material of course. Because a 1:1 scale would be too thick and looks off.

I think blondie's bag is dark brown.

hope that helps.