"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Funny. I feel exactly the opposite way and that VM's sculpt, while nice, misses the mark and has a roughness in execution and proportions that I do not care for. Since neither is exact in likeness, I much prefer the polish of Rainman's work. It's odd that it shows up so shiny in your photos. And I understand about being packed up but it's unfortunate to see such a cool figure presented in such a state. Also, I don't think the DF paintwork is nearly as good as Rainman's, but it's always interesting in art and such to hear differing opinions. Only thing I like more that VM did was the damage to the hat. I still don't see whatever you guys are seeing, and vice-versa, but more power to ya.

Regardless, thanks for the comparison pics. :duff

I carefully stretched mine slightly and it has stayed fastened no problem. No body mods at all. Maybe I'll take some more pics of mine.

I think the roughness of VM's really adds to the charm. Clint's face in GBU looks rough to me - his skin is weathered and he has quite a bit of facial hair/stubble. I just think the grittiness of VM's really works for the subject matter. However, if the same grittiness is present on the Bill The Butcher that he's doing, then it won't work as well. For VM's first outing, I am more than pleased with his work on Blondie. I completely understand your feelings though, and that's why they make Fords and Chevys. Everyone has their own tastes.

I would love to see the pics of your RM Blondie, EC. I'm really worried about the clasp on my vest. I do plan on taking my RM figures out and displaying them soon, even though I'll have two Blondies out at the same time. :)
but from the pics, Indy didnt include the gun belt etc on the rainman version :confused:

But like I said, if I were to choose one, it'll be the VM version:monkey3

Yeah, sorry about that, Hydeous. All the Rainman accessories are still in their little sealed baggies. The Rainman Blondie was only taken out of his box for comparison photos - mainly to show the differences between the heads, and then went back into his box for safe keeping (for now). I figured that RM's Blondie had been shown so much that everyone already knew what the clothing and accessories looked like. I wasn't trying to be lazy about it - I had a lot on my plate and not much time for photos and set-up. This is also the reason for this tardy reply. Oops...
Yeah, sorry about that, Hydeous. All the Rainman accessories are still in their little sealed baggies. The Rainman Blondie was only taken out of his box for comparison photos - mainly to show the differences between the heads, and then went back into his box for safe keeping (for now). I figured that RM's Blondie had been shown so much that everyone already knew what the clothing and accessories looked like. I wasn't trying to be lazy about it - I had a lot on my plate and not much time for photos and set-up. This is also the reason for this tardy reply. Oops...

no prob, Indy! Photos were beautiful, and I appreciate you even taking the time to take those photos in the first place :duff
In case anybody is interested in my MwNN sculpt and missed the thread thought I should post the link here: :gunhttps://www.sideshowcollectors.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72906

Very kind of you to offer these outstanding head sculpts, Scott! This is a great opportunity for anyone who's in the process of, or thinking about building their own MwNN figure. The hatless sculpt would work for a number of Western movie characters Clint has played. I will definitely be picking one of these up before April rolls around. :cool:
Just wondering if anyone's currently painting the Blondie sculpts they got from velvet morning. I guess some people will be using them for their own MwNN kit bashes... it would be cool to see some pics of those here at some point.

I've been wanting to shoot some pics of vm's Blondie and Rainman's Tuco together, but the weather's been uncooperative lately. As soon as it improves I'll try to post some pics here for anyone who's interested.
I've been wanting to shoot some pics of vm's Blondie and Rainman's Tuco together, but the weather's been uncooperative lately. As soon as it improves I'll try to post some pics here for anyone who's interested.

Is this is a joke? Ofcourse we are interested! You can never have enough Blondie and Tuco!! :lol
Is this is a joke? Ofcourse we are interested! You can never have enough Blondie and Tuco!! :lol

"It's no joke Tuco, it's a rope..." :lol

Just waiting for some sunny days here!!! I've gotten back to working on my Preds lately, but I still haven't forgotten all the GBU goodness in house now, thanks to velvet morning & Rainman! :D
Just wondering if anyone's currently painting the Blondie sculpts they got from velvet morning. I guess some people will be using them for their own MwNN kit bashes... it would be cool to see some pics of those here at some point.

I haven't started painted them as I want to gather the equipment first. So far I've got the shirt, boots, gunbelt and gun.

I plan on doing the rest pretty soon. The trickiest part will be the poncho, but I think it can be done.

The sculpts will come after that but the sculpt is so great it should be a pleasure painting them.

Still, I too would like some other people's progress :D
I haven't started painted them as I want to gather the equipment first. So far I've got the shirt, boots, gunbelt and gun.

I plan on doing the rest pretty soon. The trickiest part will be the poncho, but I think it can be done.

The sculpts will come after that but the sculpt is so great it should be a pleasure painting them.

Still, I too would like some other people's progress :D

Excellent! Sounds like you're off to a good start. You might want to PM Litial about the poncho... he posted pics in this thread of his latest effort around a month ago. If you skim back a way you can probably find them. He hasn't been around here lately, so I have no idea if he's still refining his poncho design or if it's finished already.

I just ordered an unpainted MwNN w/hat sculpt from VM, and since it's in two pieces I thought I'd sculpt the hat he wore as the bounty hunter onto the new head. That way I'll at least have started my kit bash of Clint the Bounty Hunter. I could temporarily borrow the boots and gun belt from Blondie, but that still leaves the pants, printed shirt, and duster I'd need to track down. And of course the faux "Yellowboy" rifle.
Hello guys, Here I share some Pictures of my second test. The first one I did it hadn´t the central hole too much big, this one has the central hole shorter but is not ok. Now I think I finally found the perfect measurement for that detail. I´m finishing my third test and I think this time all measurements will be ok.

The poncho has four pieces of fabric and in the inside has a wire. The first wire I used didn´t work very well, but in my second test I used a harder one and I think now it works well. The poncho is very wearable and you can put it on the figure just as you decide.

Now I´m going to post some details.

By the way...I´m Sorry, my english is terrible I know it 
In the firs picture you can see my second test, in the second one you can see a comparison between my firs test (right) and my sencond test (left). In the second test the fringes are atached with the same technique used in Clint´s real poncho.
Thank you Scott!!

If you watch carefully to Clint´s real poncho, the fringes are not sewed to the poncho in the real one. At the end of Clint´s poncho you can see a large white wool line. The fringes get caught between the fabric of the poncho and that large white wool line, something as you can see in this picture.