Well, I wasn't going to get involved with this thread - had to cancel my Faramir after buying a new 1080P TV. After reading the review by M. Crawford, I am rather happy I skipped him. However, reading this crap by Dave over the past few pages made me respond. 3 life lessons for you Dave -
1.) Being right doesn't give you the "right" to be an a$$hole. I mean, come on, I know you get off on the whole "oh, I am anti-Sideshow ... feel my contempt" - its obvious by your avatar and "name". And, although it pains me to admit it, you are right about a number of your points. However, using that to both insult other members and create some silly conspiracy in your head ... sigh, I hope you don't get a rash from that tinfoil helmet. Much like everything else in life, be an $$hole in moderation. Moderation = humor, getting your point across. Excess = caricature, no one gives a damn.
2.) The louder you yell, the less people listen. Notice how so few people respond to you lately? While most of it is related to number 1, most people are tired of your shtick. You love to come here and bash Josh. Well, the irony of that is you truly have become the "anti" Josh. No one respect or listens to you anymore - no one trusts your opinion because you are obviously biased. I may not agree with Josh, but I can respect his opinion. At least I believe he "believes" his opinion. Wish I could say the same thing for you.
3.) Violence accomplishes nothing ... and it makes you look like a coward. Threatening someone over a toy?!?! That's what set me off while reading this post. Are you really that sad and pitiful? I also find it sad that you would threaten Josh anonymously under the protection of your silly little avatar. What, don't have the nerve to talk crap when the other party knows who to look for at Comiccon? I have said this numerous times, but it bears repeating - people who resort to threats of violence on the internet rarely have the strength or skill to back those threats up - all it amounts to is verbal masturbation. I almost wish you were stupid enough to attack him at Comiccon so you could prove my point.