The Great FARAMIR Image Thread!!!

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MaulFan said:
Exactly, but the reason for the semi uproar is that the aspect that truly defines the character and takes it a step away from just being some action figure, is the part that didn't come out quite right. The outfit is spectacular, I can't wait to finish painting so I can actually soak it all in, I was just so flabbergasted by the head that I put everything down to start painting it.

Yeah, it's all about the paint honestly. I could live with the shoulders being a bit loose just because that falls under the it happens section of life. The paint though messed up what I know is a great sculpt underneath.
my exclusive comes today so i guess we'll see. i already sold off my other lotr figures except boromir because i wanted the two brothers together but some of these pictures look completely absurd. then some look ok so i don't know what to expect.
Just received my Faramir. The box arrived in fantastic shape and the velcro clasps were actually lined up on the proper spots for once so they might hold the box flaps shut for the first time. The paint on my Faramir is not fantastic but not nearly as shiny as in some pictures. It's about on par with Aragorn, perhaps a tad better but not nearly as good as the Legolas and Boromir paintjobs. The paint on the boots is an odd orangy, rust color which is just slopped on and looks bad. Overall the quality of the costume is great and the headsculpt looks pretty good but he's my least favorite of the 4 figures released. The heavy paint is about like Aragorn's but he comes with a lot fewer accessories. Like Aragorn, this figure will really shine with attention from repainting the head, weathering the costume and dying the cloak green. I had only planned on displaying the Fellowship, but I guess I've now got to get a second Faramir that I can customize.
jlcmsu said:
Yeah, it's all about the paint honestly. I could live with the shoulders being a bit loose just because that falls under the it happens section of life. The paint though messed up what I know is a great sculpt underneath.

Well Josh you could always pick up another Buck to dress and put the head on with toghter/functioning joints...

(Ducking my head to avoid the incoming flying obects from the buck-haters... :) )
Okay, the UPS guy just showed up and delivered Faramir. I'm trying to be optimistic here, but I've read too much of this thread and seen too many pictures. :p :lol
jedibear said:
Well Josh you could always pick up another Buck to dress and put the head on with toghter/functioning joints...

(Ducking my head to avoid the incoming flying obects from the buck-haters... :) )

Funnily enough, I was forced to do something like that and lucked out. I broke the neck joint on Faramir taking his head off so i went out and bought a Sideshow figure from a local comic shop today and it has very tight joints which will be perfect. Little warning, Faramir's wardrobe may seem difficult to get off with the strings, with a little time, patience and care, you can remove them without pulling the strings outs, though I did that with his head off.
While a great figure it really didn't meet my expectations. He is definitely more intricate than its precessors but it arrived in a weird shape, the legs were turned around and the shoulders as well....Either way here he is on display:



The shiny finish is definitely distracting and the flash doesn't help it at all. I like it but after all the build up I definitely expected more. Whats most upsetting is the fact I now have no LOTR items in PreOrder....
Hi All! I wanted to take a sec to follow up on some of the paint jobs that have been posted in this monster thread. As some of you know, the extremely poorly painted examples are not consistent with the rest of the edition.

But for those of you who did receive a figure with a sub-par paint job, I would highly suggest taking advantage of our 30-Day Guarantee:

"We guarantee that every item we sell will give you complete satisfaction or you may return it for a replacement or for a refund of the product price (US$)." Complete Details

Afterall, we want you to be completely happy with your purchase! And on a side note, as a LOTR geek myself...I want the LOTR geeks to be extra happy! (which they will be in the coming weeks...but I won't go there now..)
ChrisfromSideshow said:
Hi All! I wanted to take a sec to follow up on some of the paint jobs that have been posted in this monster thread. As some of you know, the extremely poorly painted examples are not consistent with the rest of the edition.

But for those of you who did receive a figure with a sub-par paint job, I would highly suggest taking advantage of our 30-Day Guarantee:

"We guarantee that every item we sell will give you complete satisfaction or you may return it for a replacement or for a refund of the product price (US$)." Complete Details

Afterall, we want you to be completely happy with your purchase! And on a side note, as a LOTR geek myself...I want the LOTR geeks to be extra happy! (which they will be in the coming weeks...but I won't go there now..)

Awesome! Replacements with better painted heads...and eluding to some upcoming announcements. BRING IT!!!

:gandalf :gandalf_w :saruman ???
ChrisfromSideshow said:
Afterall, we want you to be completely happy with your purchase! And on a side note, as a LOTR geek myself...I want the LOTR geeks to be extra happy! (which they will be in the coming weeks...but I won't go there now..)

Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh....I'm guessing a little bit of

and Pre-Order for SDCC and them actually showing it at SDCC and me drooling and spending 5 days on planning a way to steal him and take him home with me.
ChrisfromSideshow said:
....Afterall, we want you to be completely happy with your purchase! And on a side note, as a LOTR geek myself...I want the LOTR geeks to be extra happy! (which they will be in the coming weeks...but I won't go there now..)

After reading all the naysaying that the 1:6 LOTR line is dead, I sure hope you are alluding to some 1:6 goodness... :monkey2
I would deffinately like to see a picture that clearly defines what a consistent Faramir looks like for comparison to what the so so ones look like cuz all of the pics I've seen share a common look.

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