The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

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The thing about all the CGI is that In films like this I think its fine... I made a comparison to the Ray Harryhausen films... CGI is todays Stop Motion animation... Personally I don't have that big an issue with it... It's not like the Battle Of Pelennor fields and Helms Deep were not one big Video Game sequence..

The difference is that stop motion wasn't replacing something else back then that was just as good, If not better, they used stop motion because they couldn't create those monsters any other way. It was the only way they could

Imagine if they were replacing real actors with stop motion puppets, imagine if instead of hiring actors they would use puppets instead..

Imagine the cast of wizard of oz being replaced that way just because the director could, no good reason besides " well, we just want to"
I guess the music from the first trilogy is more iconic, like the stars wars music or Indiana Jones. Some of the songs are as iconic as the Jurassic park or terminator or jaws songs
You can hun or whistle the lord of the rings song and it is recognizable immediately

I can't really remember any of the hobbit music besides the awful song from the end of the second movie,

The Misty Mountains song was pretty good.
As the barrel escape is ending in DOS Legolas is tangled with an orc and Thorin throws his blade into another orc that is sneaking up on the elf. It was cool to see Legolas return the favor with Orcrist on the frozen waterfall.
The difference is that stop motion wasn't replacing something else back then that was just as good, If not better, they used stop motion because they couldn't create those monsters any other way. It was the only way they could

Imagine if they were replacing real actors with stop motion puppets, imagine if instead of hiring actors they would use puppets instead..

Imagine the cast of wizard of oz being replaced that way just because the director could, no good reason besides " well, we just want to"

Yeah..But Azog was done very well and emoted in ways that a man in makeup could not...

I get what you are saying about Stop Motion and CGI... You have a point... I guess I just see it as a fantasy film and thus big effects that are not "real" get a pass from me... All of the middle earth films have moments of bad Visual F/X.

I thought that most of the CGI in the Hobbit films was anywhere from good to great with a few moments of WTF... Hell one of my least fav moments was Bard riding up to the lonely mountain on his horse... There were a few shots that just looked awful..
Whenever someone brings this up, the answer people always have is that the real prosthetics and practical effects will look cheap, fake and like crap thanks to the 48frames that no one ever asked for, and that only a handful of people got to see

Peter Lucas is a true visionary, thank you Mr. Lucas Jackson we love you

Only a handful? I got to see it in a very small town near me. If they chose to see it, I'm betting they did.

Also, just want to add that Hellboy 2 was on TV this weekend. Now, granted Hellboy and Abe look great, but there are also many really bad characters in that movie. Some of the puppets are terrible and so is the CGI in places. Actually, there are quite a few places that would've benefited with CGI instead of practical effects.

I still like the movie though because I enjoy it. That's all that matters to me, is that I enjoy it.
The other thing to consider is that no one in the world is complaining about Smaug being cgi

No one in the world is complaining about the eagles being cgi
If you want to think of other movies, no one ever complained about the prawns from district 9, the dementors from Harry potter, rocket and groot

Fantasy having cgi creature wonders is pretty well accepted. The problem is how it id used or when it replaces things it didn't need to the way I am legend replaced the vampires with CGI for no good reason

Then it becomes too obvious and it becomes awful
One thing that PJ is a true master of is "oh ****" moments on a massive scale.

Theoden's reaction to the exploding wall at Helm's Deep.

Denethor coming to the wall and seeing the 200,000 orcs sprawled across Pelenor Fields.

And now in BOTFA when Dain, Thranduil, and Thorin abruptly stop bickering to share a collective "WTF" as they all turn and see the giant worms bursting from the hills.
Only a handful? I got to see it in a very small town near me. If they chose to see it, I'm betting they did.

Also, just want to add that Hellboy 2 was on TV this weekend. Now, granted Hellboy and Abe look great, but there are also many really bad characters in that movie. Some of the puppets are terrible and so is the CGI in places. Actually, there are quite a few places that would've benefited with CGI instead of practical effects.

I still like the movie though because I enjoy it. That's all that matters to me, is that I enjoy it.

How many theaters were showing the 48frames vs how many were showing the regular version?

And how many people were happy with the changes? I'm honestly asking, how well received wad the frame change? Weren't people saying it looked like a soap opera?
Yeah..But Azog was done very well and emoted in ways that a man in makeup could not...

I get what you are saying about Stop Motion and CGI... You have a point... I guess I just see it as a fantasy film and thus big effects that are not "real" get a pass from me... All of the middle earth films have moments of bad Visual F/X.

I thought that most of the CGI in the Hobbit films was anywhere from good to great with a few moments of WTF... Hell one of my least fav moments was Bard riding up to the lonely mountain on his horse... There were a few shots that just looked awful..

Most fake horses look terrible. There were a few instances of that in LotR too.

I feel the same way with CGI. I give it a pass in Sci Fi and Fantasy movies, but I hate all the fake explosions and fake blood splatter that they're using now. Right off the top of my head what The Expendables. Those explosions were terrible in that.

All that really terrible CGI in the movies on SyFy. I can't stand it, but my mother watches a lot of those movies and enjoys them. She's not spoiled like some of us are.

How many theaters were showing the 48frames vs how many were showing the regular version?

And how many people were happy with the changes? I'm honestly asking, how well received wad the frame change? Weren't people saying it looked like a soap opera?

I have no idea about the theaters. Don't think I've ever seen a breakdown of it or if there even is one. Celtic was the one saying it looked like a soap opera in that it was too clean. I liked it just fine. You weren't talking about how many liked it, but how many got to even see it, like it was limited or something. I saw it both ways, HFR 3D and regular 2D. I like it for different reason either way. 3D is always darker, but has more depth where as 2D is brighter and tones down the sharpness.
Thranduil's elk looked better than the dumb fake horses that Bard rode to Erebor and that Legolas rode out of Lake-town.

I wonder if the complaints that were made about the handlers not treating the horses right had any affect on using real horses later.

Gandalf riding with the Rohirrim at Helm's Deep was pretty bad as well.
They released unfinished movies with these where as LOTR the TE were near perfect, the EE were great supplemental gifts.

The EE of the Hobbit are absolutely necessary.

Yes, PJ is apparently quite open about how differently he's treating the EE's for The Hobbit vs. LOTR. He publicly stated that the LOTR TE's were what he considered to be the best and definitive versions of the films. But on the DOS commentary he said that he recommends to see The Hobbit films on the big screen but then "save your money for the EE" on blu-ray. He clearly considers the Hobbit EE's to be superior if he, as the actual director, is advising AGAINST double dipping and is recommending that people just pass altogether on owning the TE at home. I can't imagine WB or MGM can be too happy with him making those comments. :lol

I wonder if he did actually get some pressure from one or both studios to hit a certain run time for the TE's against his better artistic judgment.
Most fake horses look terrible. There were a few instances of that in LotR too.

I feel the same way with CGI. I give it a pass in Sci Fi and Fantasy movies, but I hate all the fake explosions and fake blood splatter that they're using now. Right off the top of my head what The Expendables. Those explosions were terrible in that.

All that really terrible CGI in the movies on SyFy. I can't stand it, but my mother watches a lot of those movies and enjoys them. She's not spoiled like some of us are.

I wasn't thinking of anyone in here in particular but just the reviews and the general consensus. Even when the first one came out I never really heard that much hype about it.

I know Peter thought it was a good way to move forward but I wonder just how unnecessary the change was