I watched ROTK EE again a few days ago a man, that movie is just a beast, even watching it over two nights which I did. Peter Jackson might as well have split that one into two with the way that most people are probably going to watch it.
If you take the minutes of the two theatrical editions of DOS and BOTFA and add them together it's only just 40 minutes or so longer than ROTK EE, which is funny because I felt drained after ROTK in a way that I don't when watching DOS and BOTFA. Crazy that a third film in a trilogy opens with a full hour of build-up (you don't see the Witch King suit up until 55 minutes in.) It's almost like there are really THREE "trilogies." The Hobbit trilogy, FOTR + TTT, and ROTK as it's own trilogy at the end.
It was still a great film of course, but not without a good number of flaws and even outright poor scenes (that riverside scene where Aragorn taunts the Black Ships is just terrible) but once it enters the second hour and then on to the end it really is spectacular. James Cameron likes to tout the ALIENS SE as "forty miles of hard road," but his film has NOTHING on ROTK. *I* felt like crawling on my belly by the time Frodo reached Mount Doom.
I love seeing Saruman's demise at the beginning but have to admit that his "oh okay, I'll tell you where Sauron will attack if you let me down--urk!" as he conveniently gets stabbed by Wormtongue at that exact moment was more than a little contrived. And Arwen's "fate being tied to the Ring" was borderline bizarre. But man, that Rohirim charge, about as epic as anything put on film.
I *love* that after all the advancements in technology and free reign PJ had over the Hobbit trilogy that nothing in those films is as "grand" as ROTK. PJ did a great job of making sure the the Hobbit trilogy is its own thing without stealing any thunder from ROTK. And I really do think that a lot of the character moments in ROTK are made better by The Hobbit. Before BOTFA it was never really made apparent on film just how big a deal Galadriel was. She was basically another "Elrond" who just meets the Fellowship on their way to Mordor, gives them some gifts, and then appears in sort of a dream to lift Frodo to his feet after his encounter with Shelob. But BOTFA showed us that if she's on your side you've got BIG TIME help, and that moment that she gives comfort to Frodo is much more powerful now.
Also the Witch King's glee at meeting Gandalf in battle always seemed to exist in a bit of a vacuum since at no point in the LOTR do they ever encounter one another. Now after BOTFA their meeting is a bit of a Dol Guldur rematch of sorts (I think the Witch King even calls him "grey beard" or something which now plays as a derogatory reference to Gandalf's previously pitiful state when he was imprisoned before them.) VERY cool.
The Grey Havens departure is even more emotional. Bilbo stating "I think I'm quite ready for another adventure." Damn, get the tissues.
I also like how Frodo is standing in the empty halls of Bag End prior to departing with Bilbo. It is very reminiscent of Bilbo walking around after his night with the dwarves where he thought, "how can this be my life? It's so dull here." Before the Hobbit you just think that Frodo is depressed about his Weathertop injury. Now his wound is only one facet of his overall discontentment with the mundane world of the Shire, and like his uncle before him, he just can't ever "go back" to just hanging out in a fancy hole in the ground. I know that for whatever reasons a lot of people just wanted "The Hobbit" to be its own thing but I am so glad that PJ made extra care to treat them as an organic build-up and ultimate segue into the LOTR.
Spoiler free summation. Except for the spoilers! Which are in spoiler tags.
I finally got to see this today & all my, ridiculously high, expectations were very much realised in this wonderful conclusion to Peter Jackson's epic second trilogy.
I love Richard Armitage's Thorin Oakenshield for every flaw in his character, which really sets him apart from the mighty Aragorn as he really was without flaw throughout the whole of his trilogy. That's not, in any way, a criticism of Mortensen's Aragorn, as I absolutely adore his character. But Thorin has completely won me over with his frailty that is on display in each of these 3 films.
I love the fact that each & every one of the main Dwarves in the trilogy have their own individual characteristics. I also loved Billy Connolly's Dain & thought that his humour hit the right mark every time he was on screen.
I loved the inclusion of Tauriel & completely understand & agree with why Jackson created the character & I feel that the love story between her & Kili felt very authentic & played out quite beautifully by both parties involved. I also loved the inclusion of Legolas as I thought that both his & Tauriel's action scenes added some much appreciated variety to the action sequences in the 2nd & 3rd films.
I love Azog for the mighty & terrifying main villain that he was. I thought that his rivalry with Thorin was enthralling right from the moment he was introduced in An Unexpected Journey until right to the end of The Battle of the Five Armies.
I loved Martin Freeman's portrayal of Bilbo. He played the role magnificently & displayed all the humour, emotion & turmoil of the character better than any of us fans could ever have hoped for.
I loved Ian McKellen as Gandalf. No explanation is necessary, of course.
I loved the rescue of Gandalf which was completely unexpected, in the way it played out, & a joy to behold. It blew me away to see Sauron best Gandalf so easily in TDoS and to then see the holy trio of Galadriel, Elrond & Saruman coming to his rescue & facing of against the Wraiths was like a fan of those characters wet dream come true. I now want that Saruman PF Ex. more than ever.
I loved Lee Pace's portrayal as Thranduil for much the same reason as I loved Armitage's Thorin. He was also a flawed character the likes of which we've never really seen before with an Elven character. He was awesome in TBotFA.
I loved the final battle & agree with some of the other posters about how PJ managed to give us a big & epic battle but without outdoing The Battle of the Pelennor Fields & greatly lessening the impact of that 'end of the world' battle in the process. I think that he got the final battle in TBotFA just right.
& most of all I just, simply, love the cinematic vision that Peter Jackson has given us of J. R. R. Tolkien's incredible literary works. I love the way it looks, I love the way it sounds & I love the way it makes me feel.
Spoiler free summation. Except for the spoilers! Which are in spoiler tags.
I finally got to see this today & all my, ridiculously high, expectations were very much realised in this wonderful conclusion to Peter Jackson's epic second trilogy.
I love Richard Armitage's Thorin Oakenshield for every flaw in his character, which really sets him apart from the mighty Aragorn as he really was without flaw throughout the whole of his trilogy. That's not, in any way, a criticism of Mortensen's Aragorn, as I absolutely adore his character. But Thorin has completely won me over with his frailty that is on display in each of these 3 films.
I love the fact that each & every one of the main Dwarves in the trilogy have their own individual characteristics. I also loved Billy Connolly's Dain & thought that his humour hit the right mark every time he was on screen.
I loved the inclusion of Tauriel & completely understand & agree with why Jackson created the character & I feel that the love story between her & Kili felt very authentic & played out quite beautifully by both parties involved. I also loved the inclusion of Legolas as I thought that both his & Tauriel's action scenes added some much appreciated variety to the action sequences in the 2nd & 3rd films.
I love Azog for the mighty & terrifying main villain that he was. I thought that his rivalry with Thorin was enthralling right from the moment he was introduced in An Unexpected Journey until right to the end of The Battle of the Five Armies.
I loved Martin Freeman's portrayal of Bilbo. He played the role magnificently & displayed all the humour, emotion & turmoil of the character better than any of us fans could ever have hoped for.
I loved Ian McKellen as Gandalf. No explanation is necessary, of course.
I loved the rescue of Gandalf which was completely unexpected, in the way it played out, & a joy to behold. It blew me away to see Sauron best Gandalf so easily in TDoS and to then see the holy trio of Galadriel, Elrond & Saruman coming to his rescue & facing of against the Wraiths was like a fan of those characters wet dream come true. I now want that Saruman PF Ex. more than ever.
I loved Lee Pace's portrayal as Thranduil for much the same reason as I loved Armitage's Thorin. He was also a flawed character the likes of which we've never really seen before with an Elven character. He was awesome in TBotFA.
I loved the final battle & agree with some of the other posters about how PJ managed to give us a big & epic battle but without outdoing The Battle of the Pelennor Fields & greatly lessening the impact of that 'end of the world' battle in the process. I think that he got the final battle in TBotFA just right.
& most of all I just, simply, love the cinematic vision that Peter Jackson has given us of J. R. R. Tolkien's incredible literary works. I love the way it looks, I love the way it sounds & I love the way it makes me feel.
Yes, he really is a tragic hero. I watched the beginning of AUJ again and noticed how his first few scenes in Bag End connect quite poignantly with his last moment with Bilbo. You really get that when Thorin says "If more people valued home over gold then this world would be a merry place indeed" that he wasn't just referring to when he had succumbed to dragon sickness but rather all the way back to Bag End when Balin told Thorin that they don't need to go on the quest; that Thorin had created a good life for the dwarves in the Blue Mountains, one of "peace and plenty."
I did it at the theater. Had 20 minutes between films. I was so bloated from eating popcorn. I did manage to run to Taco Bell and swallow a burrito whole in between TTT and RotK. Our theater doesn't serve food. Just popcorn and candy.
The Visual Effects Society knows a snub when they see one.
BOTFA, Interstellar, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes all tied for four category nominations, though Dawn had two characters in the "best CG character" category for a total of five nominations overall.
DOFP was next in line with three nominations.
GOTG, Maleficent, and TWS each received two nominations.