Commentary regarding the trailer from bad ass digest:
This trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies debuted at Comic-Con this weekend; it was the only new footage Peter Jackson and company shared from this film, but they showed a really great blooper reel that included stuff from the original trilogy. And watching all of this stuff, and this new trailer that includes Pippen's heartbreaking song from Return of the King, made me realize something:
I ****ing love The Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit... not so much. It's weird; this stuff is just reinforcing why Lord of the Rings was so special even as it demotivates me for the final Hobbit movie. Which is kind of nice, as it's the opposite of The Prequels, which made me less interested in the original Star Wars trilogy.
The most notable thing here, for me, is the lack of hobbits. There's some Bilbo up front and time-traveling Pip singing, but otherwise this movie looks to be a story of orcs and men and dwarves and elves. I know that Bilbo is out cold for this section of the book, but that's certainly something Jackson should have changed in adaptation. It makes more sense than having Legolas all over the place, hogging up screen time.
By the way, Evan Saathoff wants me to tell you that the trailer has his worried Gandalf might die in this film.
And behold: also a new teaser poster! Check out that tagline, "The Defining Chapter." I guess that means this is the glossary.
People get upset enough that PJ waivers from the book and this guy wants more Hobbits in it?