I miss the amazing natural NZ landscapes of ringsThese films could have been made in a computer anywhere.
Nice use of Pippin's song.
Dwarfs on goats? Pippin's song?? WHAT THE ****???
Like if bringing Legolas, Azog and some red-headed chick wasn't enough to kill the franchise...
I liked the first two, just didn't LOVE THEM.
I liked the first two, just didn't LOVE THEM.
the first lord of the rings trilogy is for me perfect in every way and the first movie is in my top 5.
the new movies.... they are nice popcorn entertainment (specially the second one) they are good to watch if you have friends over, like a casual view.
it has none of the magic the first three has. none of it.
for me the way i see it
lord of the rings= lion king..... hobbit= princess and the frog.... yeah it is nice but there is no sense of wonder
Wow, you must REALLY love the Lion King.
Personally, LOTR is such an achievement I find it hard to compare to any other movies. If pushed I might say Star Wars and Empire, or Godfather 1 and 2. But honestly, I never thought I would see it realized on film in a way that didn't make me angry. Not only did it not make me angry, the first trailer actually brought tears to my eyes, as the book was so beloved to me.
Peter Jackson did what I don't believe any other filmmaker could have done.
The Hobbit, while very good (to me, at least) had little chance of recapturing that magic, I am honestly surprised they are as good as they are, as I think Jackson was a bit burned out on Middle Earth.
LOTR and Hobbit are very different books, but PJ (so far) has done an amazing job of tying their moods together.
it has none of the magic the first three has. none of it.
the second hobbit drags way too much. I love long movies and i have no problem with extended scenes when they are interesting and serve a purpose.
lake'town was dreadful to watch. I wish it was cut down in half. my biggest gripe is specially the lake town scenes