Broke and happy
Wife said the trailer looks like a big pile of cgi crap, that the armies marching looked fake with how fast they were moving.
She's very picky.
She's very picky.

In the books he and the White Council knew
PJ changed so much stuff poor J.R.R would have been quite upset
Yea Gandalf had been knowing it for 1000 years. Furthermore when going into Dol Guldur for a second time he found Thrain as Sauron's prisoner ~100 years before The Hobbit. Thrain gave him key+map which were the long awaited tools for Gandalf's task of removing Smaug from Erebor in order to not allow Sauron to use Smaug as ally.Really? Damn, I have to read them again...
Some changes are reasonable, some are not. Some just serve the purpose of widening the audience..Radagast, Tauriel, Legolas. AKA The funny guy, strong female character, "ah he is that dude from king of the rings, rite?"Doubtful. He understood the that the demands of film are different than those of the page. I think he would have been far more reasonable about changes to his story than many of his fans think.
But why so brutally changing Gandalf&Dol Guldur story line?
Imo PJ should have used flashbacks. The DG story could have been the key to showing the scale of Tolkien's legendarium without requiring background knodledge. Just make Thorin ask Gandalf how he had obtained Thrain's items.Because it requires less backstory, I reckon.
If there is anything good in this world we get to see Children of Hurin.I also think the PJ added a lot to this knowing that he may very well never get to do anything else with Middle Earth and wanted to get as much as he was allowed to into it.
I've said this before, if The Hobbit would've been a straight adaption of the book it would've made a boring movie. It's a children's book without a lot of detail.
Doubtful. He understood the that the demands of film are different than those of the page. I think he would have been far more reasonable about changes to his story than many of his fans think.
doesn't the Tolkien family hate everything about the movies?
As I've said before adding stuff like Legolas makes sense and IMO is a welcomed addition. In regards to the Dol Guldur I'm very happy that's in it as it is material that is tied to the story and I believe Tolkien even considered putting it in at some point. The White a council stuff is pretty damn good as well. I'll concede there are moments that could be trimmed but as a whole these movies work pretty damn well. It will have a great flow right into LOTR and for me as someone who reads the books that way it makes for a fun movie going experience. There are Tolkien fans that will disagree but for me as a fan I would easily give these films my stamp of approval on a subject I've spent a fair amount of time in.
I still don't know why Gandalf did not at least suspect that Bilbo's ring might be more then it appears... I mean to find a ring of power so close to Sauron's return seems very suspicious.... But I from what I understand that Tolkien had written the Hobbit first and was not aware of the plans he had for the Ring.