I thought the trailer was pretty meh to be honest. Too much lazy, cheap looking CGI for my tastes. "The Defining Moment" is FAR too specific. "The Defining Chapter" from the last trailer was understandable, but "moment"? What could it possibly be? Also, what is with the bats? The way they were introduced in the trailer was almost identical to how the Uruk'hai were described by Aragon in Two Towers. Uruk'bats? Bat'hai? Sounds bizarre.
Why would it be boring? Why not a fast paced, streamlined adventure story in the spirit of Star Wars? Just because it doesn't have such a great amount of detail as LOTR doesn't mean that it has to have so many subplots and so much story bloat like AUJ and DOS did. Once again, Star Wars is a great example of how a world can be made detailed and believable without bogging down the plot in extraneous material, and indeed the original LOTR was pretty straightforward in regards to this. World building is the key.
Most of the subplots would have made ideal EE material, though - the Necromancer story, the Laketown politics from DOS. And the film would have made a billion any way, even without all the LOTR tie ins. Just setting it in the same universe, with Gandalf in a prominent role should have been enough.
Or they could make three movies that make $1 billion each. Which is what they did.
I'm glad they made 3 movies, so, I'm happy. Sorry you aren't.