Just got back from the film... Had it not been for the EE of DoS I would be doing a big, "I told you so" to Josh

.... In the sense that DoS felt forced and sort of worthless and unfinished... I felt Beorn was a bore of a character in DOS that was unneeded... Josh told me I had to wait for the New film... This is where I would have said told you so because Beorn proved to be really a waste of screen time in the TC of DOS because of how little he is in BOTFA... But that was before I watched the EE version of DoS which I enjoyed much more then the TC and I actually got to like Beorn.
Having watched all three... I have to say I go back to my original thoughts... These films should have been limited to two films or just one 3 and 1/2 hour movie..
Take out all the Fan fiction Legolas and Tauriel parts, take out Beorn, take out Master of Lake Town and Alfrid (or limit their screen time), shorten some of the battles (Goblin town, Smaug under the mountain, and getting rid of the fan fiction elves would have helped the five army battle) and for me... Just get rid of the whole Sauron subplot and you would have had a pretty tight and very well done prequel.
Instead we get lots of bad CGI Legolas and Tauriel, a worthless Beorn, a boring Master of Lake Town and a disgusting (why is he getting all this screen time) Alfrid, and a (I am going to say it agin) dumb Gandalf who should have been a little more concerned about a Magic ring that the normally honest Bilbo lies to him about. Sure it might all be in Tolkein's Appendices... but that might be where they belong.
What we could have had was more time spent with the Dwarves and Bilbo and a more finely tuned story....
Now that is not to say I did not enjoy the film and or films... I just found them lacking and even a bit SW prequelish... Not in quality but in Bad and overdone CGI
What I did like however was that the battle of the five armies did not feel bigger then Helms deep or pelennor fields... I was worried that PJ would make that such an epic large scale battle it would make the other two big battles in LOTR feel small.
Because it was made into three films... BOTFA felt a bit empty and plotless.... I know we are suppose to watch them as a whole but I never felt that way with LOTR.. There just seemed to be a lack of heart in these three films... Something tht could have been solved by making it one long 3 1/2 hour film or two movies..
Of course my opinion could all change with the EE version and I am sure it will... But so far as far as TC go I think AUJ was the better of the two... Mostly because it felt like a complete film.. BOTFA was second and DOS was a distant third... Can't rate the EE until I see BOTFA... At the same time.... Should I have to wait until EE versions of films so that I can properly enjoy them?? I guess it really does not matter.
PS - I HATED Legolas jusmping on the falling bridge... That was awful.